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A An Some Any

Teacher: Maxim Achkasov School: Language School English4real

Name: Result: __/17 Date: __/__/20__

1. It's good to see _______ man again.

any wind.
2. Only there wasn't _______

3. After _______ hour she again heard him.

4. But we didn't ask _______ questions.

5. I think I am in _______ good way.

6. But I've written _______ letters.

7. My story took _______ time to tell.

8. It was _______ moments before he replied.

9. I can make _______ tea in five minutes.

10. This man hasn't done _______ real harm.

11. It just hasn't _______ strength.

12. I wasn't taking _______ chances.

13. He had been there _______ long time.

14. He had not given _______ such orders.

15. However, we found _______ place for every thing.

16. It will come to _______ end some day.

17. Again, I must not give _______ answer.

18. But this morning she had _______ idea.

19. But this is only _______ part of the work.

20. I have not seen _______ one for days.

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