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Infected bulbous iris seldom show

malformations of leaves, but spots or
blotches often are present at the place
the stem joins the bulb. Nematodes
enter iris bulbs near the base. They
produce a dark depression around the
iDasal plate and cause the dry scales
to fall away. In more advanced stages,
Nematodes dark streaks and blotches of lifeless
tissue may be found in the fleshy scales
in Bulbs from the base toward the bulb tip.
The nematodes on infected plant
tissue appear under the microscope as
tiny worms among the plant cells.
Wilbur D, Courtney Nematodes exist as males and females
and reproduction is by means of eggs,
A number of parasitic nematodes— from which hatch tiny larvae, which
eelworms—may infect ornamental bulb are shaped like the adults and grow
crops. rapidly. They shed their cuticles
Root knot nematodes {Meloidogyne ("skins") and become second-stage
species), lance nematode {Hoplolaimus larvae. The procedure is repeated to
corona tus), and meadow nematodes form third- and fourth-stage larvae
{Praiylenchus species) have occasionally and finally adult nematodes. The life
caused severe damage to bulb crops, cycle requires 25 to 30 days and is
especially in the warm^er sections of repeated as long as the plant grows.
the United States. When the narcissus plant dies, be-
In cooler sections where the hardier cause of infection or final ripening,
types of bulbous irises, Easter lilies, many nematodes leave the plant tissue
and narcissi are grown for sale to and, if the soil is moist, migrate into
florists for greenhouse forcing rather the surrounding earth. Those that do
than for immediate flower production not migrate become dried in plant
the bulb and stem nematodes {Dity- debris and enter an inactive stage
lenchus species) and the bud and leaf known as quiescence. In that condi-
nematode {Aphelenchoides olesistus) are tion they are able to withstand unfa-
the most serious pests. This chapter vorable conditions, such as extremely
concerns the latter two nematodes as high temperatures, and have been re-
pests in the bulb industry of the Pacific vived, upon moistening, after remain-
Northwest. ing more than 5 years in dry plant
tissue. The same thing happens if the
BULB AND STEM NEMATODES usually soil becomes dried after the nematodes
attack the bulbs, crowns, and above- migrate from the hosts, but they re-
ground parts of plants. More than 350 main active as long as there is enough
kinds of plants have been reported as moisture. Bulb and stem nematodes
infected at some time or place. The infecting narcissi have remained active
type species, Ditylenchus dipsaci, was in moist soil free of plant growth for 18
first discovered in 1857 causing a months. It took that much time for
disease in the flower heads of fullers them to starve to death, as they can
teasel, Dipsacus Jullonum. These nema- exist only on food stored in their
todes are less than one-sixteenth inch bodies.
long. Control measures for nematodes in
Infected narcissus plants show char- bulbous crops must be efficient enough
acteristic discoloration and swellings to eradicate them entirely—regulatory
in parts of leaves or stems and discol- measures allow no tolerance of nema-
oration in bulbs. tode-infected bulbs in salable stocks.
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Control measures must include sanita- up to 100 dollars an acre. A grower

tion, proper soil management, and the who is thinking of fumigating soil will
treatment of bulbs with hot-water- do well to consult local or regional
formalin. horticultural ofiBcials about the source,
The sanitary measures insure the cost, and choice of the various fumi-
destruction of infected plant materials gants and applicators.
and prevention of contamination by Proper hot-water-formalin treat-
mfested soil. Infected plants with ad- ment is the best method known at
hering soil should be carefully removed present for curing bulbs infected with
from the field, placed in a deep, isolated nematodes. The use of heat for curing
trench, covered with quicklime, and plants infected w4th nematodes was
buried with a layer of soil. Dry mate- tried in Germany in 1909. Definite
rials from fields and sheds may be experiments with bulb crops were per-
burned. To prevent the spread of ncm- formed some 10 years later. As a
atodes by scattering soil and debris result of those tests, Federal legislation
from an infested field, adhering soil in the 1920's, designed to protect our
should be removed from tractors, new bulb industry from pests and
trucks, diggers, shovels, and other tools. diseases carried by imports from other
The implements should be washed countries, required- that nematode-
thoroughly with water and then freely infected stock be treated with hot
sprayed with formalin (r part com- water. The imported bulbs usually
mercial formaldehyde solution U. S. arrived in late autumn after root
P. to 9 parts of water). That solution development was well started and
may also be used to dip bulb trays and were severely injured by the hot-water
other equipment and to drench soil treatment. The injury was overcome
along paths to free them of the pests. by a year's growth, but treated bulbs
Proper management of infested soil could not be forced in greenhouses
must destroy the nematodes by an without being field-grown for a year.
adequate starvation program or by Many other methods of killing the
the use of soil fumigants. The success nematodes in the bulbs were then
of the starvation method is based upon tried, but none proved superior to hot
the removal of all volunteer host plants water. It was found, however, that
from the field in question. Infested treatment with hot water at 110° to
fields must be kept free of bulbs for at 111° F. for 3 to 4 hours, without.the
least 2 years following the eradication addition of formaldehyde solution
of host plants in orcler to starve the U. S. P., did not kill all the nematodes.
plant parasitic nematodes remaining When I was located at the Orna-
in the soil. Because rapidly decaying mentals Insect Research Laboratory
plant material tends to lower the num- at Sumner, Wash., in 1934, I added a
ber of bulb and stem nematodes in the presoak period of 2 hours in water at
soil, the frequent use of fast-growing 75° F. in order to activate quiescent
green-manure crops may be recom- nematodes before the killing treat-
mended during the starvation period. ment. Commercial formaldehyde solu-
Corn, or most grains, when used as fast- tion U. S. P. also was added to the
growing annuals, may be used during treating water at the rate of i pint to
the starvation period as cash crops. each 25 gallons of water (0.5 percent)
Soil fumigants may be used to free to kill the nematodes more rapidly
the soil of plant parasitic nematodes and prevent the spread of rot organ-
after all volunteer host plants have isms during. treatment.
been removed from an infested field. When the bulb industry was be-
Fumigation probably is most econom- coming established in the United
ical when it is used to treat infested States in the late 1920's and early
spots or parts of fields for eradication. 1930's, the small circular tanks used
The materials for fumigation may cost in England were found to be too
small to be practical on American bottom from the propeller end of the
farms and a substitute had to be tank, down and back again and ex-
found. Therefore, equipment for treat- hausted through a joint chamber. A
ing bulbs in hot-water formalin has fan in the chamber maintained a con-
been largely developed by the growers stant outward draft. Both burners are
themselves. Using materials at hand, activated from a pilot light, but one is
they constructed tanks of wood, metal, controlled by a thermostat and the
or concrete large enough to handle other is manually operated as a booster
many bulbs in less time. Steam from heater.
a nearby boiler, liberated near a Because high temperatures harm
motor-driven propeller at the bottom bulbs and low temperatures do not
and end of the tank, usually heated control nematodes, great care is needed
the water. A false bottom formed a in the operation of the equipment.
channel under the load of bulbs The growers who do custom treating
through which the heated water was for other growers have installed record-
forced to the opposite end and even- ing thermometers so that a permanent
tually back to -the propeller. Baffle record is made of each lot.
plates helped distribute the heat uni- The present methods for a complete
formly through the tank. A ther- control of nematodes in bulbs consist
mom.eter was kept immersed near the of the presoak bath and the treating
manually operated steam valve, which bath. The presoak bath is water main-
was opened occasionally to keep the tained at 75° F., with Vatsol O. S.
water between iio° and iii^. Bulbs added at the rate of 8 ounces to 100
in containers were lowered to the false gallons of water. Infected bulbs are
bottom by hand or with hoists. soaked in this bath for 2 hours imme-
After 20 years of experience, growers diately before treatment. Its purpose
have made several improvements. is to revive dried or inactive nema-
The false bottom is now a movable todes, which are more difficult to kill
platform that may be raised to the top than active ones. Vatsol O. S. is a
of the tank (which is at shed-floor wetting agent that assures the thorough
level), quickly loaded by trucking wetting of all bulbs immersed in the
stacks of trays filled with bulbs and treating bath by removing air pockets
covered with wire netting or empty from parts of individual bulbs or from
trays secured in place, and again between the bulbs. Newer wetting
lowered into the treating bath. As agents have not been tested in bulb
several tons of bulbs may be treated treatments and should be avoided
at one time, the platform must be until it is definitely known that they
strong and sufficiently weighted to w^ll cause no injury. Vatsol O. S. has
carry the bulbs into the bath. The been used with good results and no
hoist for raising and lowering the plat- apparent injury to the treated bulbs.
form is geared to operate smoothly. The treating bath consists of water
Another improvement is a thermostat with I pint of commercial formalde-
connected with an electromagnetic hyde solution U. S. P. to each 25 gal-
steam valve through a relay. When lons of water. The bath is maintained
operated properly, it maintains the at iio°F. for difí'erent periods in the
temperature more closely than manu- treatment of narcissi, bulbous irises,
ally operated valves. Some installa- and Croft Easter lilies.
tions have alarm systems that give An efficient treating bath must meet
warning if the temperature drops be- several requirements. Agitation or cir-
low 110° or above 111° F. culation must be adequate to insure
One growler, unable to get a depend- a rapid and constant flow of the bath
able steam boiler, substituted two to all parts of the tank. That is accom-
propane-gas burners in two water- plished by electrically driven propel-
tight flues, which looped along the lers and by properly placed baflle

plates in the tank, which assure an tor, is a necessity. The cheap, spirit
even temperature throughout the bath. type of thermometer is not reliable
It is necessary to have the correct enough to risk with a tank of bulbs
amount of treating bath to maintain which may be worth several hundred
the ratio of 4 to 5 parts of Uquid by dollars. Growers doing custom treat-
weight to I part of bulbs. In order to ing should also use a recording ther-
maintain the correct amount of formal- mometer and keep the records.
dehyde solution, the tank is calibrated Duration of treatment is determined
to determine the number of gallons re- in hours after the bath has been stabi-
quired to fill it to its working level and lized at 110^ F.
the amount of water necessary to raise Bulbous irises are treated for 3 hours.
this level of the bath i inch. With that Bulbs must be harvested early (about
information at hand, the operator can the same time as King Alfred narcissi)
add the correct amount of commercial and treated within 3 to 4 weeks, or
formaldehyde when the bath is first before any evidence of root develop-
prepared and can also determine the ment or basal swellings start.
correct number of gallons of water and Narcissi arc treated for 4 hours.
amount of formaldehyde solution to Bulbs should be harvested early, when
add between runs. If steam is dis- about one-third of the foliage is yet
charged into the bath as a heat source, greenish. Planting stock should be
the bath is measured before the valves treated within 3 weeks after harvest.
are opened because it is necessary to Posttreatmcnt care of irises and
know how much water is added by narcissi should consist of immicdiate
condensation of steam. cooling followed by planting or drying.
The concentration of i pint of com- Bulbs must be placed in shallow, steri-
mercial formaldehyde solution U. S. P. lized containers and located where
to 25 gallons of water must be main- adequate air movement will dissipate
tained so as to complete the nematode the stored heat and excess moisture.
kill and prevent the dispersal of rot
organisms from one bulb to another THE BUD AND LEAF NEMATODE, Aphe-
during treatment. Exact amounts must lenchoides oiesislus, was reported by me
be added to compensate for any water in 1945 as a serious pest of Croft Easter
added to the bath, either by steam or lilies in the Pacific Northwest. I later
other methods. The commercial for- found that the infection can be con-
maldehyde solution should be clear trolled by a I-hour treatment in the
and free of any waxy sediment or thick- bath and temperature as. used for
ening. If it has been stored in a cool irises and narcissi. Best results were
place such a condition may exist and obtained when bulbs were harvested
is likely to result in an unreliable con- 8 to 10 weeks following full bloom and
centration. The bath solution should be their bulblets treated within 3 weeks.
replaced when it has an excess amount Only bulblets were treated, because
of discoloration, scdhnent, or both we found that older stock may produce
from the soil brought in with the bulbs, an excess of basal bulblets as a result
which usually occurs after 6 to 8 uses. of treatment, especially in late season.
The proper temperature is iro^F. Treated bulblets are cooled immedi-
for narcissi, bulbous irises, and Croft ately after treatment and planted in
Easter lilies. The bath temperature the field. If that is not feasible, they
must not fall below 110° nor rise above are kept moist and cool in well-
111*^ for the entire treatment period, if ventilated storage.
results are to be satisfactory. In or-
der to maintain this exact control, a WILBUR D. COURTNEY, a nematologist
reliable mercury-type thermometer, in the Bureau of Plant hidusiry^ Soils^ and
checked for variation with the one Agricultural Engineerings is stationed at
used by the State horticultural inspec- Puyallups Wash.

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