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Neighborhood Stuff

2 Prositutes begin yelling at one another over turf

Gang of trolls pushes through the crowd- Lone Star has an eye on them, but will do nothing as long as
noone is hurt. If the PCs object the officers haul them out of the way. They’ll ask for ID (probably only
Fitz has some) and as soon as they see his they’ll go into a huddle. One will go a few meters to a Panic
Booth and call Lt Sasubo who will ask to speak to Fitz.

There is a car accident down the block and there are people inside a GMC Bulldog on its side. They are
shooting at some Lone Star cops who are shooting back. A Lone Star Citymaster with light and sirens is
passing the PCs on its way to the scene.

A neon sign crashes to the ground several meters behind the characters. Some people are hurt. Some
peices of masonry continue to fall sporadically.

Stanokopita- Stan a greek/ filipino man selling cheap soy-based spanokopita and dolmadakia from s small
window booth. He shoos the PCs away after they pay.

Sasubo to Fitz:
“I got a problem here and I suspect you and your pals are involved. Y’see I got a call a couple of days ago
about some bodies in a chiphead hotel. Some maniac broke in and chewed some chipheads into
hamburger. Didn’t make any sense. Thing is I checked some of the rooms and found one that was painted
red. Problem was that it wasn’t your standard issue paint, if you know what I mean. No bodies, but heres
the odd thing; there was dozens of pictures of your pal Joe from all sides. We found some other stuff too.
Stuff for hurting people and making them answer questions. We got some DNA on the blood- looks like
there was 2, maybe 3 Elves in that room. Not locals either. You’d better tell your little pal to watch his

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