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Allergol Immunopat hol (Madr).


Allergologia et

Allergologia et January-February 2009. Vol. 37 - N.º 1

The monitoring of bronchial inflammation by bioimpedance


Bioimpedance monitoring of airway inflammation in
asthmatic allergic children
Differential Th1/Th2 balance in peripheral blood
lymphocytes from patients suffering from flea bite-induced
papular urticaria
Prevalence of asthma and other allergic diseases in children
born after in vitro fertilisation
Immunophenotypic profile of T cells in common variable
immunodeficiency: is there an association with different
clinical findings?
Potential association between allergic diseases and
pertussis infection in schoolchildren: Results of two
cross-sectional studies seven years apart

Montelukast versus inhaled corticosteroids as monotherapy
for prevention of asthma: which one is best?

Indexed in:
EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, IME, Cancerlit, Bibliomed, Cab Health, Scisearch,
Healthstar, SCOPUS, Prous Science Integews,
S.E.I.C.A.P. Science Citation Index Expanded


Triggers in adult asthma: are patients aware of triggers

and doing right?

Özlem Göksela, *, Gülfem E. Çelika, Ferda Öner Erkekola,

Emine Güllüb, Dilșad Mungana and Zeynep Mısırlıgila

Depart ment of Chest Diseases, Division of Allergy, Ankara Universit y School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
Depart ment of Chest Diseases, Ankara Universit y School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey

Adult pat ient s; Background: As t riggers have a pot ent ial t o induce ast hma exacerbat ions, awareness of t he
Ast hma; pat ient s t o individual t riggers as well as prot ect ive measures might be helpful t o prevent ast hma
Ast hma t riggers; at t acks. Though allergens and allergen avoidance have been st udied ext ensively, t here are only
Aspirin; few st udies on non-allergic t riggers and t heir avoidance for adult pat ient s wit h ast hma. In t his
Behavior; st udy, we want ed t o invest igat e ast hma t riggers and compliance t o t he prevent ive measures in
Cigaret t e smoking; an adult populat ion.
Infl uenza; Met hods: One hundred and t hirt y one adult ast hma pat ient s were enrolled int o t he st udy. A face
NSAIDs; t o f ace int erview was done by using a quest ionnaire including individual ast hma t riggers,
Pollut ion; prevent ion measures against maj or modifi able t riggers and knowledge sources of t he cases.
Tert iary prevent ion Result s: Regardless of ast hma severit y, 59.5 %of t he subj ect s report ed t o be t riggered by more
t han 10 fact ors. The most common t riggers were air pollut ant s (89.3 %) and weat her changes
(81.7 %). Severe group was more frequent ly affect ed by medicat ions, emot ional st ress, weat her
changes and indoor pollut ant s t han ot her severit y groups (p = 0.017, 0.014, 0.049 and 0.018,
respect ively) whereas st ress was report ed more frequent ly by females t han males. Prevent ion
measures were insuffi cient regarding some maj or t riggers.
Conclusion: Adult pat ient s are vulnerable t o several t riggers regardless from underlying severit y
of t he illness. Insuf fi cient compliance t o t he maj or prevent ive measures indicat es t hat new
st rat egies are needed t o prevent ast hma at t acks caused by modifi able t riggers.

© 2008 SEICAP. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All right s reserved.

*Corresponding aut hor:

E-mail: (Ö. Göksel).

0301-0546/ $ - see front mat t er © 2008 SEICAP. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All right s reserved.
Ast hma t riggers 123

Introduction Demographics (age, gender, education, occupation, smoking

st at us) and disease charact erist ics (durat ion and severit y of
Ast hma is a chronic inf lammat ory disease of t he airways ast hma, presence of at opy, family hist ory of allergy) were re-
whi ch af f ect s mi l l i ons of peopl e t hroughout t he word. corded. Ast hma severit y was det ermined by t he frequency of
Ast hma exacerbat ions may be caused by a variet y of fact ors ast hma sympt oms, pulmonary funct ion t est s, and medicat ion
def ined as “ t riggers” which incl ude bot h al l ergens, and requirement s according t o int ernat ional ast hma guidelines.
non-al l ergic f act ors such as viral inf ect ions, pol l ut ant s, Disease was classifi ed as mild int ermit t ent , mild persist ent ,
drugs and ot hers. 1-5 Theref ore, awareness of t he pat ient s moderat e persist ent and severe persist ent ast hma. 1
about individual t riggers as well as measures against t hese At opy was defi ned by posit ive skin prick t est s (SPT), which
t riggers might be helpful t o prevent some ast hma at t acks. were perf ormed using a st andardised panel including Der-
However, creat ing a low-allergen environment in pat ient s’ mat ophagoides pt eronyssinus, Dermat ophagoides f arinae,
homes and reduced exposure t o indoor allergens has been grass, t ree, weed pollens; cat , dog, cockroach, Al t ernaria
shown t o be inef f ect ive at reducing ast hma sympt oms. 1, 2, 6 and Cl adospor i um ant igens (Al l ergo Pharma/ Germany).
Theref ore, ot her non-allergic t riggers and act ions t aken A wheal diamet er of 3 mm great er t han negat ive cont rol was
against t hese fact ors, as well as assessing t he out comes in considered posit ive.
ast hma cont rol could be of int erest . Ast hma t riggers, act ions t aken against t hese t riggers, and
The main non-allergic ast hma t riggers are indoor air pol- informat ion sources of t he pat ient s were assessed by a ques-
lut ant s, including passive and act ive smoking, harmful fumes t ionnaire which was developed by t he aut hors t o serve t he
and gases f rom heat ing devices, out door air pollut ant s in- requirement s of t he t opic of “ prevent ion of ast hma sympt oms
cluding exhaust gases, cert ain weat her and at mospheric and exacerbat ion” in t he int ernat ional ast hma guidelines. 1
condit ions, infl uenza infect ions, psychological fact ors, phys- A face-t o-face int erview bet ween pat ient s and a chest physi-
ical act ivit ies and cert ain medicat ions such as aspirin and cian/ allergy specialist was conduct ed t o fi ll out t he quest ion-
ot her non-st eroidal ant i-infl ammat ory drugs (NSAIDs), and naire. Aft er a pilot t rial in a small group of pat ient s, t he st udy,
bet a blockers. 1,2 Act ually, all of t hese f act ors are a part of has t hen been set for t he t arget st udy group.
rout ine daily lif e of pat ient s wit h ast hma, and t heref ore The quest ionnaire consist ed of t hree main t opics wit h ei-
have pot ent ial t o induce ast hma episodes in vulnerable cas- t her yes/ no or mul t i pl e choi ce quest i ons. In part one,
es. Alt hough t he st udies which invest igat e t he effect of t er- non-allergic t riggering fact ors report ed as t he most common
t iary prevent ion act ions t aken against indoor allergens on t riggers in t he ast hma t ext books and t he int ernat ional guide-
ast hma out comes are from some t ime ago, t here is evidence l ines were l ist ed in random order (see Appendix 1). The
t hat prevent ive measures f or non-allergic ast hma t riggers st udy subj ect s were asked t o highlight t he name(s) of t he
might provide a benefi cial out come on ast hma sympt oms t riggers which worsen t heir ast hma sympt oms. In part t wo;
and, t herefore, on ast hma cont rol. However, t he number of t ert iary prevent ion measures relat ed t o prevent ing some
st udies on ast hma t riggers and prevent ive measures is lim- maj or ast hma t riggers and t he at t it ude changes t hat had
it ed and most ly analysed children based on t he report s of been made by pat ient s in t heir rout ine life following ast hma
parent s or caregivers. 7-10 There are only a few st udies which diagnosis were invest igat ed. Finally in t he last part of t he
invest igat e ast hma t riggers in adult ast hma. 3,11,12 These st ud- quest ionnaire, t he informat ion sources of t he pat ient s were
ies indicat ed t hat non-allergic t riggering f act ors were im- evaluat ed. All pat ient s gave verbal informed consent t o be
port ant predict ors of pat ient s’ general well-being; ast hma included in t he st udy.
cont rol; and management of ast hma, compared t o allergic
t riggers. Statistics
In t his st udy, our principal obj ect ive was t o document t he
prof ile of ast hma t riggers of our adult pat ient group and The st at ist ical analyses were performed by comput er soft -
t heir abilit y t o cope wit h t hese t riggers in t heir daily life. In ware (SPSS version 11.0, Chicago, Illinois). Descript ive st a-
det ail, our aims were: 1) t o quant it y ast hma t riggers; 2) t o t ist ics were expressed as mean ± SEM and n (%). Cat egorical
det ermine what behaviours t hese adult s have used t o re- dat a were t est ed by Chi-square t est . One way ANOVA was
duce t heir exposure t o maj or t riggers; and which fact ors af- used for t he comparison of cont inuous variables in different
fect t hese behaviours; and 3) t o assess ast hma informat ion ast hma severit ies. As t here were only a few number of sub-
sources in an adult clinical populat ion in Turkey. j ect s wit h mild int ermit t ent ast hma, dat a on t hese subj ect s
were combined wit h t hose wit h mild persist ent ast hma in
st at ist ical analysis. A p value less t han 0.05 was considered
Material and methods as st at ist ically signifi cant .

Patient selection and the study design

The st udy was conduct ed in t he out pat ient allergy clinic of
our t ert iary universit y hospit al. A t ot al of 131 adult pat ient s Demographics and disease characteristics
wit h ast hma were consecut ively enrolled int o t his cross-sec-
t ional st udy. Ast hma diagnosis was based on a hist ory of re- A t ot al of 131 adul t pat ient s wit h ast hma [ F/ M: 106/ 25
current sympt oms of wheezing, short ness of breat h, cough (80.9/ 19.1 %) and mean age 45.4 ± 0.9] were included in t he
and demonst rat ion of obj ect ive signs of reversible airway st udy. The mean durat ion of ast hma was 11. 7 ± 0. 9 years.
obst ruct ion by means of at least > 12 %increase in FEV1 aft er Sixt y fi ve pat ient s (49.6 %) had posit ive SPT. Most of t he pa-
15 minut es wit h an inhalat ion of 200 mg salbut amol. 1,2 t ient s had mild persist ent ast hma (n = 57; 43.5 %) (Table I).
124 Göksel Ö et al

Table I. Demographics and clinical feat ures of t he st udy subj ect s (n = 131)

Variables Mild int ermit t ent Mild persist ent Moderat e persist ent Severe persist ent F/ x2* P

n (%) 7 (5) 57 (44) 50 (38) 17 (13)

Sex (F) n(%) 6 (86) 46 (81) 42 (84) 12 (71) 1.4 0.475
Age (years, mean ± SEM) 40.8 ± 1.3 42.8 ± 1.3 48 ± 1.5 48.2 ± 3.1 4.4 0.014
Educat ional level n(%)
Primary school 1 (14) 29 (51) 27 (54) 7 (41)
High school 2 (29) 18 (32) 12 (24) 5 (29)
Universit y degree 4 (57) 10 (17) 11 (22) 5 (29) 10.2 0.248
Occupat ion n(%)
Housewife 2 (29) 27 (47) 23 (46) 6 (35)
Working at any 4 (57) 18 (32) 17 (34) 6 (35)
professional j ob
Ret ired 1 (14) 12 (21) 10 (20) 5 (29) 7.9 0.438
Cigaret t e smoking n(%)
Never smoked 7 (100) 48 (84) 30 (60) 10 (59)
Ex-smoker — 6 (10) 11 (22) 6 (35)
Current smoker — 3 (5) 9 (18) 1 (6) 14.1 0.007
Amount of cigaret t es — 12.8 ± 4.7 11.7 ± 2.1 13.7 ± 6.6 0.07 0.931
(pack-years, mean ± SEM)
Family hist ory of at opy n (%) 3 (43) 24 (42) 23 (46) 5 (29) 2.9 0.233
At opy rat e n (%) (posit ive 2 (29) 35 (61) 20 (40) 8 (47) 6.4 0.169
skin prick t est ing)
Durat ion of ast hma 13.5 ± 3.7 9.1 ± 1.8 11.9 ± 1.5 19.5 ± 2.8 6.4 0.002
(years, mean ± SEM)
*Denot es value “ F” for cont inuous variables, “ x2” for nominal variables.

70 report ed more t han 10 f act ors as t riggering t heir ast hma,

59 whereas 30. 5 % (n = 40) and 9. 9 % (n = 13) of t he subj ect s
report ed t o be t riggered by 6-10 t riggers and 2-5 t riggers,
50 respect ively (Fig. 1). All pat ient s report ed at least t wo t rig-
%of pat ient s

gers and each of t he t riggers in t he list was report ed by at

least one pat ient .
20 Exposure t o any pollut ant s such as cigaret t e smoking, out -
11 door and indoor pollut ion were t he most common t riggering
f act ors (n = 117; 89. 3 %); f ol l owed by exposure t o dust
0 (n = 99; 75.5 %); st rong odours (n = 95; 72.5); emot ional dis-
> 10 6-9 2,5 t ress (n = 94; 71. 7 %) and upper airway inf ect ions (n = 91;
Figure 1. Quant ifi cat ion of environment al t riggers. 69.4 %) (Table II).

Fact ors af f ect ing t he t riggers

Regarding t he severit y of ast hma; t here were no differences Regarding t he mean number of t riggers; t here was no differ-
bet ween gender, educat ion level, occupat ion, family hist ory ence among groups wit h various severit y degrees, age, gen-
of allergy and individual at opy rat e. The pat ient s wit h mod- der and individual at opy.
erat e t o severe ast hma were older and smoked more t han The pat i ent s wi t h severe persi st ent ast hma report ed
mild ast hma pat ient s (p < 0.05). Severe ast hma pat ient s had weat her changes, medicat ions, emot ional fact ors and indoor
longer ast hma durat ions. pollut ant s as t riggers more t han mild and moderat e severit y
groups did (p = 0.049, 0.017, 0.014, and 0.018, respect ive-
Part I: Quantification and classification of triggers ly). Female subj ect s and t he subj ect s wit h higher educat ion
r epor t ed emot i onal st r ess as t r i gger s mor e f r equent l y
Number of t riggering f act ors (p = 0.025 and 0.016, respect ively). There was no relat ion-
The mean number of t riggering f act ors in t he st udy group ship bet ween t he t ype of t riggers and individual at opy, age
was 11.8 ± 0.4. The maj orit y of t he subj ect s (n = 78; 59.5 %) or ast hma durat ion.
Ast hma t riggers 125

Table II. Type of t riggering fact ors according t o severit y of ast hma. Values are expressed as n(%)

Variables Whole Mild Mild Moderat e Severe F/ x2* P

Group Int ermit t ent Persist ent Persist ent Persist ent
n = 131 n=7 n = 57 n = 50 n = 17

Exposure t o any pollut ant

Passive smoking 92 (70.2) 5 (71.4) 40 (70.2) 33 (66) 14 (82.4) 1.2 0.546
Out door air pollut ion 105 (80.1) 5 (71.4) 45 (78.9) 40 (80) 15 (88.2) 1.9 0.369
Indoor air pollut ion 60 (45.8) 0 (0) 23 (40.4) 25 (50) 12 (70.6) 8.0 0.018
Weat her changes 107 (81.7) 5 (71.4) 45 (78.9) 42 (84) 15 (88.2) 6.0 0.049
St rong scent s 95 (72.5) 5 (71.4) 41 (71.9) 35 (70) 14 (82.4) 0.9 0.636
Emot ional fact ors 94 (71.7) 6 (85.7) 35 (61.4) 38 (76) 15 (88.2) 8.4 0.014
Upper airway infect ion 91 (69.5) 4 (57.1) 39 (68.4) 34 (68) 14 (82.4) 2.0 0.36
Exercise 72 (55) 4 (57.1) 30 (52.6) 25 (50) 13 (76.5) 4.9 0.08
Medicat ions 27 (20.6) 1 (14.3) 7 (12.3) 12 (24) 7 (41.2) 8.1 0.017
*Denot es value “ F” for cont inuous variables, “ x2” for nominal variables.

Part II: Behaviours and attitude changes COX-2 inhibit ors

by patients following asthma diagnosis Paracet amol No change
28 % 65 %
Cigaret t e smoking habit s
When t he general smoking habit s were asked, of all t he re-
spondent s 72. 5 % (n = 95) decl ared t hat t hey had never
smoked. The rest of t he pat ient s (n = 23, 17.6 %) had quit t ed
smoking, whereas 9. 9 % (n = 13) st ill cont inued smoking.
When asked specifi cally “ Did you quit cigaret t e smoking be-
cause of your ast hma diagnosis?” among 24 cases who were
smokers at t he t ime of ast hma diagnosis, 45.8 %(n = 11) re-
port ed quit t ing cigaret t e smoking because of ast hma diag-

Infl uenza vaccinat ion and st rat egies f or prevent ion Figure 2. Analgesic preference of t he pat ient s aft er ast hma
f rom infl uenza diagnosis.
When asked “ What kind of behaviour changes have you done
against fl u infect ions aft er your ast hma diagnosis?” 31 %of
t he pat ient s (n = 46) report ed beign vaccinat ed regularly
against infl uenza. Regarding t he general recommended pro- Fact ors ef f ect ing behaviour and at t it ude changes
cedures for prevent ion of infl uenza (i.e.: vaccinat ion; wear- Regarding t he f act ors af f ect ing t he compliance of t he pa-
ing mask; keeping away from infect ed people); 45 %(n = 59) t ient s t o t he prevent ion measures; only higher educat ion
and 41.9 %(n = 55) of t he subj ect s had performed one or t wo level was found t o be relat ed wit h bet t er compliance wit h
of t hese act ions, respect ively, whereas only seven subj ect s vaccinat ing against infl uenza (p = 0.017). Age, ast hma dura-
(5.3 %) had performed all t hree. t ion and severit y, higher educat ion or having inf ormat ion
about ast hma were not relat ed wit h compliance t o ot her
Analgesic use prevent ion measures.
When pat ient s were asked “ Did you do any changes about
your analgesic pref erence af t er your ast hma diagnosis?” Part III
85 pat ient s (64.9 %) report ed not t o have any analgesic pref-
erence, whereas t he remaining 46 cases (35 %) rest rict ed Inf ormat ion sources about ast hma
t heir analgesic pref erence t o cert ain analgesics (Fig. 2). When asked, “ Where did you obt ain specifi c knowledge and
Among t hose, 37 pat ient s (80 %) report ed t hat t hey preferred avoidance measures about ast hma including ast hma t rig-
paracet amol following ast hma diagnosis, while 9 (20 %) used gers?” (Doct ors, nurses, special books or brochures f or pa-
COX-2 inhibit ors. Among 37 pat ient s who pref er paracet a- t i ent s wi t h ast hma, ast hma educat i on semi nar s web,
mol, 27 pat ient s (73 %) had analgesic int olerance (AI); t he writ t en and visual media), t he maj orit y report ed t o be in-
remaining 10 pat ient s (27 %) had no hist ory of aspirin and/ or formed about ast hma primarily by t heir physicians (n = 119;
NSAID relat ed adverse ef f ect . Eight of nine pat ient s who 90.8 %) (Fig. 3). Only four pat ient s declared t hat t hey were
used COX-2 inhibit ors (meloxicam/ nimesulide) had AI and not informed by any educat ional it ems relat ed t o t heir ast h-
used t hese drugs as t heir doct ors advised aft er negat ive oral ma. Thirt y-seven subj ect s (28.2 %) had part icipat ed in ast h-
provocat ion t est s wit h t hese drugs. ma educat ion seminars in our depart ment at least once.
126 Göksel Ö et al

100 t han previously report ed. 3 This discrepancy could part ly be

explained by female predominance of our st udy populat ion.
In our st udy, f emale subj ect s were inf luenced more f re-
80 quent ly by emot ional st ress t han males. Ot her t han emo-
t ional f act ors, exposure t o indoor pollut ant s and weat her
70 changes were also ot her signifi cant t riggers in our cases. We
may assume t hat as severe cases spend t oo much t ime in-
doors t hey are exposed more frequent ly t o indoor pollut ant s

50 and are more vulnerable t o at mospheric changes. Recogni-

t ion and management of t hese t riggering fact ors among pa-
40 t ient s wit h ast hma can be expect ed t o improve sympt oms
30 and qualit y of life. 15,16
In general, fewer t riggers were report ed in pat ient s who
20 were male, married, wit h cohabit ant s, and having a higher
educat ion. Moreover, higher severit y of ast hma was found t o
10 be associat ed wit h higher scores on a number of Ast hma
0 Trigger Invent ory subscales. 12 On t he cont rary, in our st udy,
we did not observe any difference in varying severit y degree







of ast hma in gender and educat ional level wit h regard t o t he








number of t riggers. This observat ion could be a predict or of

r es

Figure 3. Information sources about triggers of the study group. comparable pot ent ial f or t he development of ast hma epi-
sodes in all ast hma pat ient s wit h varying severit y. Toget her
wit h t he previous fi ndings which showed t hat t he severit y of
Discussion ast hma exacerbat ions was not rel at ed t o t he underl ying
severit y of chronic disease, 17 our fi ndings part icularly em-
Alt hough t he import ance of t he environment al t riggers on phasize t he vulnerable part of all ast hma severit ies t o envi-
ast hma management has been well described, t his issue for ronment al t riggers. However, our dat a does not provide
adult pat ient s wit h ast hma seems t o be neglect ed. Empha- inf ormat ion about t he ef f ect of t hese t riggers on ast hma
sizing t his dat a, t his st udy showed t hat our group of female out comes.
predominant ast hma pat ient s are faced wit h several t rigger- In t his st udy, t he secondary aim was t o evaluat e t he pre-
ing fact ors regardless of t he underlying severit y of t he dis- vent ive measures against maj or t riggers subj ect t o be modi-
ease. More import ant ly, prevent ive measures against some fi ed by t he pat ient s. As previously st at ed, t ert iary allergen
modifi able t riggers were insuffi cient . avoidance was not evaluat ed as it is beyond t he scope of
In t his st udy, t he degree of ast hma severit y of t he indi- t his st udy. First ly, regarding cigaret t e smoking habit s, t he
viduals seemed t o af f ect t riggering f act or pat t ern. In t his maj orit y of our cases never smoked. However, among t he
sense, pat ient s wit h severe ast hma report ed t o be affect ed cases who were smoking at t he t ime of ast hma diagnosis,
more f requent ly by medicat ions such as aspirin and ot her only 45 %had quit t ed smoking aft er ast hma had been diag-
NSAIDs, emot ional st imulat ions and weat her changes t han nosed. Int erest ingly, half of t he current smokers report ed
t he ot her severit y degrees. Aspirin and ot her NSAIDs hyper- envi ronment al t obacco smoke as an ast hma t ri gger f or
sensit ivit y have been report ed t o be more f requent in se- t hemselves. Act ually t his dat a emphasize t hat even t hough
vere persist ent ast hma pat ient s t han in mild t o moderat e t he smoking rat e is below t he developed count ries’ smoking
ast hma. 13,14 Our result s also confi rmed t his dat a. Emot ional rat ios, 18 smoking st ill seems t o be an import ant healt h prob-
st imulat ion was report ed by more t han 80 % of t he severe lem for pat ient s wit h ast hma in our count ry. Physicians who
ast hma pat ient s as ast hma t rigger in our st udy. Rit z et al. are dealing wit h ast hma should ask about act ive or passive
report ed t hat emot ional t riggering fact ors were signifi cant ly smoking as a part of rout ine checklist of nonspecifi c ast hma
associat ed wit h severit y of ast hma. 11 In t heir st udy, Rit z et t riggers especially, and be support ive t o quit smoking f or
al. used short f orm 36 healt h survey quest ionnaire (SF 36) t his part icular group of pat ient s. However, alt hough such in-
and showed t hat only psychological fact ors explained unique t ervent ions should defi nit ely include individual component s,
variance in t he SF-36 physical and ment al composit e scores, larger policy-level int ervent ions are oft en necessary as well.
and higher t rigger scores were associat ed wit h lower healt h We hope t hat t he new regulat ion in Turkey which bans smok-
st at us. They al so demonst rat ed t hat pat ient s wit h more ing in all f orms of public places (ef f ect ive af t er May 19,
f requent experience of psychological ast hma t riggers re- 2008) will be helpful in t his process. 19
present ed great er airway const rict ion t o emot ional f il m The ot her maj or prevent ive measure it em was infl uenza
present at ions in t he laborat ory condit ions. 11 In accordance vaccinat ion. As pat ient s wit h ast hma are part icularly sus-
wit h t his fi nding, in our st udy group, presence of emot ional cept ible t o serious complicat ions from infl uenza, we regu-
f act ors was signifi cant ly higher in severe ast hma pat ient s larly advise our pat ient s wit h moderat e t o severe ast hma
having more limit ed airway funct ions. However, we did not t o t ake an infl uenza vaccinat ion every year as suggest ed by
analyse t he effect of t hese t riggers on daily life of t he pa- int ernat ional guidelines. 1,2,20 But , despit e t he high rat io of
t ient s. upper ai rway i nf ect i ons, i ncl udi ng common col d, as an
On t he ot her hand, emot ional fact ors have signifi cant im- ast hma t ri gger i n accordance wi t h previ ous dat a, 21 we
port ance not only in severe cases but also in pat ient s wit h showed t hat onl y 30 % of t he pat i ent s were vacci nat ed
mild t o moderat e ast hma, being over 60 %, which is higher against infl uenza regularly and only pat ient s wit h higher
Ast hma t riggers 127

educat ion level t ended t o be vaccinat ed. Fear of allergic The current st udy has a number of limit at ions. First ly; re-
side effect s of vaccinat ion can part ly explain t his low rat e garding it s self -report ed nat ure, all defi nit ions of t riggers
of vaccinat ion, but economic reasons might also have con- were open t o percept ion of t he pat ient s. Secondl y; t he
t ribut ed as reimbursement of t he vaccine was not of f ered cross-sect ional design cannot imply causalit y and caused a
by t he healt h insurance syst em during t he st udy durat ion. skewed populat ion in t erms of gender in t his st udy. Owing t o
As a good progress in healt h syst em policy, t he Turkish gov- t his, we t ried t o make our comment in t he light of our group
ernment now provides free infl uenza vaccines t o risk groups charact erist ics. Our previous t rials showed t hat t here was a
including ast hma, will be an aid t o cont rol ast hma at t acks female predominance in ast hma cases not only in our clinic
caused by infl uenza. but also in ot her part s of Turkey14,30-32 and t his pat t ern is also
Regarding analgesic preference, t he maj orit y of our cases an expect ed fi nding for ot her nat ionalit ies. 33,34 Thirdly; since
(65 %) did not exhibit any analgesic pref erence because of t he Ast hma Cont rol Test suggest ed by current guidelines in
ast hma and t hey used any analgesics when indicat ed. The t he management of ast hma had not been validat ed in our
remaining 46 cases (35 %) rest rict ed t heir analgesic prefer- count ry when we performed t his st udy, we could not include
ence t o cert ain analgesics such as paracet amol (80 %) and such an invest igat ion in our st udy mat erials. Inst ead, we
cyclooxygenase (COX)-II (20 %) inhibit ors. Avoidance of t he used t he severit y of chronic ast hma as a predict or of under-
use of aspirin and ot her NSAIDs is not recommended in pa- lying degree of t he disease.
t ient s wit h ast hma wit hout a hist ory of adverse event s t o In conclusion; in t he present st udy, we showed t hat pre-
aspirin or ot her NSAIDs. 1,2 However, as an int erest ing piece dominant ly female adult pat ient s wit h ast hma had several
of dat a, 27 %of t he pat ient s who used paracet amol had no ast hma t riggers which can cause ast hma episodes and t his
hist ory of aspirin and/ or NSAID relat ed adverse effect . This feat ure is independent from underlying severit y of ast hma.
observat ion shows t hat t here is a t endency by Turkish physi- Pat ient s wit h severe ast hma represent ed a special t riggering
cians t o prescribe paracet amol t o some ast hmat ics regard- pat t ern; f emale cases were more vulnerable t o emot ional
l ess of t he hi st or y of anal gesi c i nt ol er ance (AI) i n our t riggers t han males. Our result s also confi rmed t hat compli-
count ry. On t he ot her hand, in general, for cases wit h ast h- ance t o t he modifi able maj or prevent ion act ivit ies was sig-
ma and AI, a st ruct urally dif f erent drug f rom t he culprit ni f i cant l y i nsuf f i ci ent and needs t o be i mpr oved. New
agent is recommended t o be prescribed aft er it s t olerabilit y st rat egies t o improve t he awareness of t he ast hma pat ient s
was assessed wit h a negat ive oral provocat ion t est s. 22,23 Sup- t o t heir own t riggers and compliance t o prevent ive meas-
port ing t his approach, COX-2 inhibit ors were advised in eight ures against modifi able fact ors, which are also support ed by
pat ient s who had AI af t er a negat ive oral provocat ion t est healt h syst em policies when necessary, are needed. This ap-
performed in our clinic. proach might prevent ast hma at t acks caused by modifi able
Regarding t he f act ors ef f ect ing behaviour and at t it ude t riggers.
changes in our part icular group of ast hma pat ient s, impor-
t ant l y, no f act ors incl uding higher educat ional l evel s or
knowledge levels seemed t o cause behavioural change. The
maj orit y of our group had been educat ed about ast hma
eit her by t heir physicians or by ot her sources. However, it is
well document ed t hat knowledge alone does not change be-
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Appendix 1. Ast hma Triggers Quest ionnaire

Please indicat e t hat ; which one of t hese t riggering fact ors below causes worsening
in your ast hma? You can signal more t han one t riggering fact or.

1. Out door air pollut ion (exhaust fumes, ot her harmful gases in t he at mosphere et c)
2. Indoor air pollut ion (heat ing devices such as: gas-st oves, fi re places,
wood-st oves, et c)
3. Cigaret t e smoke
4. Act ive cigaret t e smoking by yourself
5. Weat her changes (hot air, cold air, severe humidit y in t he air et c)
6. St rong scent s (cooking smells, room sprays, smell of det ergent s, perfumes et c)
7. Emot ional st imulat ion (feeling sadness, st ress/ anxiet y)
8. Upper airway infect ions (having a cold, fl u et c)
9. Exercise (walking, swimming, running, bicycles et c)
10. Medicat ions (aspirin, ot her NSAID, ACE inhibit ors, Bet a blockers et c)

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