QUIZ - 1 (China Guest Session)

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NAME: Rimsha Iqbal

Reg no: 11863

World history: (wed 3 to 6 sloT)
QUIZ – I (5 marks)
Question 1
According to the data obtained from Pakistan-China Joint Chamber of Commerce & Industry
(PCJCCI); there are around 413 Chinese companies registered just in Karachi.

a. Do you think there is a high probability that this number will increase with time? (50 words)

Definitely, there is a high probability of Chinese companies penetrating in Pakistan over time to
time. As we all know the importance of CPEC for both countries especially for Chinese because
they forecast the embellished future such as regional connectivity, industrial, financial and
agricultural corporation also costal tourism and cheap labor as compare to China so why any
developed, wise and settled country missed this golden opportunity. In future Chinese companies
will definitely investing in different sectors such as education, manufacturing, textiles, chemicals
and electronics as PCJCCI president Wang zihai said “We are also expecting to introduce the
first Chinese commercial vehicle to Pakistani market by the end of next year, “so it'll
automatically increased the no of companies here

Reference of Mr. Wang zihai statement:

‘More Chinese firms to invest in Pakistan in future’ - Pakistan - DAWN.COM


b. Do you think this will lead to Chinese hegemony in economic sector of Pakistan? (100 words)


Yes, in my opinion if this no of Chinese companies keeps increasing like this so it will lead the
Chinese hegemony in Pakistan economic sector. As the no of Chinese companies keep
increasing, it is somehow beneficial for us in short term like we get more opportunities of
employment, those companies pay tax to Pakistan which help to increase their GDP but on the
other hand in a long run this will make us more depend on the other country as we know that
Pakistan is the first Islamic nuclear power country so every country have an eagle eye on us
because of our military equipment’s but now Pakistan is giving some military equipment’s
contracts to china so according to my opinion they will become more dominant on us because of
our dependence another reason is due to the less no of local companies so definitely it will
definitely lead towards Chinese hegemony . In future if due to any reason, China stops their
productions and investing here so it will definitely effect the whole economic sector of Pakistan.

c. Would you like to be a part of this growing trend of working for Chinese companies? If yes,
then how? If no, then why? (150-200 words)

Yes definitely I will become the part of this trend, as we all know that Pakistan is facing hard time after
COVID-19 and political issues such as the economy slurping , unemployment and shortage of jobs in the
market so this type of opportunities is blessing of disguise for us as I know that Chinese people need
Pakistanis because they know the importance of CPEC so definitely they gave us lots of other
opportunities as well, so let's discuss about how can I grab the golden opportunity so firstly i upgrade
my +1 skill in term of Chinese language then I'll work on fiver and upgrade (such as foreign projects)
because of technological advancement and it's too beneficial in term pay and flexible working
environment also I'll joined the Chinese company as an interpreter or translator as we know that
Chinese don't speak English and they always prefer their own language being a Pakistani i have a plus
point of extra skill in term of language that will help me a lot in the profession of interpreter or
translator. Because we Pakistanis speak so many languages in our own country so we are able to learn
any new language faster than others are so if I can speak Chinese and work as an interpreter so I'll
interpret Chinese to Urdu, Chinese to English, English to Urdu Chinese to Pashto here many people
thought that Pashto is just using in K.P.K but no if you checked the fiver and upgrade there're lots of
Pashto translating projects which are there so it's too demanding language also Chinese to other local
languages of Pakistan As I know that it's niche and demanding market in Pakistan so I'll definitely took
this golden opportunity.




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