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Scheme of Valuation


Class & Ma.ior : II BA Semcster: IV

Course Code : ENG4304FL Maximum Marks: 60
Course Title : COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN Time: 2 hou rs
Write Short Ansrvers on the follorving: 5x2=10Marks
l. The poet states that Miss Pushpa always spreads warmth with her smile. She is an amicable
person who is eager to help those around her. She never shies away from work and is also
punctual. These traits of Miss Pushpa T.S are appreciated by the poet.,
2. So that it may be of use to him and as something for the son to remember Hazlitt by. He may
not be with him for long.

3. Pahom's greed and obsession to acquire more land costs his life. He fails to realise that a man only
needs six feet of land.
4. Robinson Crusoe survives on the island by building a shelter to keep him safe. He relies on the
food resourses available on the island like goats, fruits, etc.
5. a. Sheena won't mind if I use her book, will she?
b. The girl is playing the piano, isn't she?
From Questions 6 to 10, lor rclevant ans',vers give

Maxintum - 8 marks and minimum 3 marks

6. a. The house ofhappiness - becomes house of misery - house of life and love becomes a
rem inder of loneliness and desolation - themes - nostalgia - childhood desperate cry for
b. Brevity of Iife - talks about creation ofthe world - love -joy - happiness - nature - stop
and stare - life is to be enjoyed - not to be made miserable - world is an inn - human beings are
guests - should play till the game ends, and dance till the music stops
7. a. Do not form prejudice against others - don't anticipate evil - face situations bravely - treat
everyone equally reiterates not to form preconceived opinions ofothers
b. Struggles faced by journalists - freedom of speech - freedom ofexpression downloading
and sharing of information - digital resources should be accessible to everyone - digital divide
8. a. "Six feet from his head to his heels was all he needed". Marxism - communalism - greed
leads to man's downfall - death - everything is owned communally - humans wants are
insatiab le - prioritise needs and not wants
b. Todd borrorvs a dollar from the narrator - lor ets to retunr it the narrator tries to remind
him through various means - fails - becomes obsessed with recovering the lent dollar- starts a
'back to ' movement - humourous narration
9. a. Talks about slavery - racism - colonisation - conflict - equality - lack offreedom - setting
of the novel is imponant - portrays life in the sryenteenth century
b. Labour specialisation - division of labour - creates own tools - invention and discovery -
creativity - improvisation necessity is the mother of invention
10. a. Formal style and tone - complete information regarding the event arranged
chrono call - introduction - consl of the details - conclusion
b. Sender's address and details - receiver's address - salutation - subject - body -
comple mentarl closure subscri ption

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