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The greatest thing about humans are their emotions.

It isn’t a flaw,
but rather a floor, a bedrock of who they are, the person they were born to
be. They are the only things that make us realize we are humans.

Emotions come to our mind like the waves meeting the land here on
the beach. We can stand on the beach, our eyes gazing out to the far away
horizon and the blue water but our feet can’t help getting wet by the waves,
they simply just come. Emotions come to our mind and soak our entire
being. They can help us understand our inner self more than we realize it.

Just like how the land and the oceans are of one world, I realize that
my emotions are just another part of my human self, they are another form
of myself that I have to learn from and embrace.

I am standing on this very beach we love, gazing upon the same

horizon that lies beyond with the sound of harsh waves hitting the rocks
and soft sound of tears dropping. I remember a time when I was angry at
the universe, for it has only introduced us to put you again in the grim
reaper’s hands. I used to block off emotions to prove that I am strong
enough to handle something even if it's the death of a close person.

To cry at sadness is a strength that I used to consider as a flaw. I

found out that to feel deep emotion is what makes us human at the end,
what differentiates us from artificial intelligence. I am not going to be
stronger by blocking our emotions, or by forgetting your death. To be an
emotional person is to embrace your humanity. They are both a blessing
and a curse of being a part of the natural world but I have to admit that as
time passes by, I have become stronger with my own feelings.

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