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Shajn Justin Majarocon

CHS 1 - C

1. Make an outline of the Core Old Testament Story based on this video clip (outline
form with at least 7 main events). Example: Creation of the the universe, Captivity in

 The Creation the World and Mankind

 Adam and Eve’s rebellion which caused the downfall of humanity
 The Rise and Fall of Babylon
 Abraham and Sarah’s Period
 The period of Moses
 The period of Joshua
 The Latter prophets

2. List the five Torah Books,  prophetic books (Nevi'im) the six early prophets, 4 latter
prophets, and 5 writings books (Ketuvim) 

Torah Books
 Be-reshit / Genesis
 Shemot / Exodus
 Va-yikra / Leviticus
 Be-midbar / Numbers
 Devarim / Deuteronomy

Prophetic Books
Former Prophets
 The Book of Joshua
 The Book of Judges
 The Book of Samuel
 The Book of Kings

Latter Prophets
 Isaiah
 Jeremiah
 Ezekiel
 the Twelve Minor Prophets

Ketuvim Books
 Songs of Songs
 Book of Ruth
 Book of Lamentations
 Ecclesiastes
 Book of Esther

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