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The peculiar features of the Indian literature

2. The earliest explorers of America were …
3. They believed that human beings were basically evil and could do nothing about it.
4. She was inspired by English metaphysical poetry and captured the colonial experience of
5. His practical world stands in sharp contrast to the fantasy world created by W. Irving.
6. F. Cooper’s finest achievement
7. Give the features of Transcendentalism
8. The author of the quotation: “ People should live instead of working for a living.”
9. The Brahmin poet, author of ‘The Song of Hiawatha”
10. This event was a watershed in American history.
11. A great admirer of Dickens, one of the first to introduce low-life characters into serious literary
works; he belonged to the local colorists.

1. The genres of the Indian songs of poetry.

2. The first and the second colonies (date and names)
3. He combined the style of the essay and the sketch to create the first short stories in American
literature in the Enlightenment period.
4. His pamphlets thrilled patriots and threatened loyalties
5. The representatives of Transcendentalism
6. The poet of democracy, who worked at his great poems ‘Leaves of Grass’ throughout his life.
7. The great American Romanticist, whose favourite theme was Puritan New England.
8. He pioneered in the development of the detective story and used the type of romance called
the Gothic novel.
9. The most famous black American anti-slavery leader and orator of the 19 th century.
10. Three characteristic American novels of 1860-1914 (novels+authors)
11. She abandoned writing entirely after the censure to her work ‘The Awakening’

1. The richest source of information about the early contact between American Indians and
2. The genres of the Puritan literature.
3. A poet of the American revolution of the 18 th century.
4. The author of ‘Self-Reliance’
5. They were thought to be the patricians and the most respected and genuinely cultivated literary
arbiters of the US (name the current)
6. In this story the whale represents the evil of the world; on a symbolic level, the book describes
one man’s struggle against fate (the author + the book)
7. This type of novel emphasized feelings and such values as religious faith, moral virtue, and
family closeness. The genre was popular among American women writers in the 19 th century.
8. Only 11 of her poems were printed in her lifetime; her reputation and influence rapidly grew
only in 1955.
9. The representative of frontier humour current whose style was based on realistic, colloquial
American speech.
10. He is considered to be one of the fathers of the psychological novel; the representative of the
cosmopolitan novelists;

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