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Pudarnya Satu Nama

There are no whispering voices

There are no more words melodious

Breaking down the covenant

Shattering the sweet sounds of your laughter

Eclipsing the whole world from the darkness of our souls.

What is possible now

When the passion of this fiery ocean is put out?

The warrior-story teller has fallen

He has lost all of his precious clout

The raconteur has no more anecdotes

The fabulist has ran out of his seductive yarns

(The hapless listeners pleading for more antidotes)

Left only with the gleaming traces of this dream-creation

The only certainty remains

The last of the breathing will;

That i am here

I am still.

Would it appear this love I harbor

Only God there on His glorious throne knows

The one I had eternally longed for

The warm embrace and the frailty of touches

As our images become clouded

In the fading memories of those moments;

Stretching the festering wounds

Do you still remember the broken promises

The empty guttural serenades.

What’s left of them?

What’s left of us?

Holding vainly for the rest

While the saints of the world turn prayless

Everything’s faded

The one name has been effaced

I turn the other way

May you remain ever joyous, ever jubilant

May everything remain under His blessings.

Takkan ku sesal

Takkan ku sesal..

Takkan ku kesal..


Rasa cinta ku pada mu

Hanya Tuhan yang tahu

Yang ku rindu hanya satu

Hangat sentuhan mu

Makin kelam detik itu

Makin membuka ruang-ruang luka ku

Mana janji mana rindu mu

Tinggal aku

Rasa cinta ku pada mu

Hanya Tuhan yang tahu

Yang ku rindu hanya satu

Hangat sentuhan mu

Makin kelam detik dulu

Makin membuka ruang-ruang luka ku

Mana janji mana rindu mu

Tinggal aku

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