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12122922, 6:43. AM Book Review | Know The Ant-Nationals— Center For Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS) Book Review | Know The Anti-Nationals PA ANTI-HATIONALS Author : RSN SINGH Publisher : Lancer Publications (February 1st, 2021) Language : English Hardcover : 344 pages ISBN : 8170623308 (ISBN 13:9788170623304) *Guard against the Impostures of pretended patriotism” = George Washington: ‘A country’s greatest threat arises not from the external forces but from those who don the garb of, patriotism to spew the poison of Separatism and Secessionist Ideology among the masses, RSN Singh has explained in his book "Know the Anti-Nationals", how grievously this network of organized terror ‘and psychological subversion works, by brainwashing carried out by the so-called intellectual hub of Incian society. In the currer ¢ era of technological escalations, the ferrago of such misinformation hes to provoke often leaves the readers bewildered, Fake nes, misinformation and tailored sp rage and terror among the masses have often been the propaganda tool for the left-wing extremi Containing 52 topies (10 of which are facused on Macism), Colonel RSN Singh facuses mainly on sikadism, Macism, Pro Khalistan terror groups which work in sync with bandwidths suited to separatist’ propaganda, often directed by the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) In Chapter 1, the author discusses the invisible violence carried out by LeT militants on the aeople of Kashmir. This violence varies from the sectorial hatred invoked by rieting to mab lynching for disrupting the harmony and unity of India by elements that have fascist and radical orthodox. Ideology. The voices of dissent are silenced in the name of support to Jihad. hitpssiwwcclaws infbook-review-know-the-ant-nationals! 16 12122122, 643. AM Book Review | Know The Ant-Nationals— Center For Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS) Chapters 2 and 3 subsequently discuss the people, who in the name of freedom of speech raise the Anti-Ingla Slogans when soldiers in Slachen are battling for thelr lves to protect India. The “Tukée Tukde Gang", has been referred to as bunch of elite and woke liberal anti- nationalists, who receive scrumptious fundings from the ISI to fuel their Jihadists agenda right in young minds. Here, the author brings out a well-established linkage between the Jihadists and Maoists, which has been substantiated by findings on Red Corridor i.e, from Tirupati to Pashupatinath. The states such as Assam, Manipur have been recently added to the prolonged lists of states affected by left wing extremism which engulfs parts of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka, e frontiers of ‘The book also attempts to unravel certain intricate details in the public domain that have never seen the light of the day before. The author alludes to deep links established between the Hurriyat and the then government in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, which had done major harm in the 1990s by fueling the separatist’s movement headed by Geelanl. The "Chimera of Hindu terror", as mentioned in chapter 5 was unleashed to grab the eyeballs of the global platform by the Pakistan-sponsored IST ‘and USA's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); and to rant about the Kashmir issue on the podium of UNSC. The "motivated" purpose of creating "Islamephobia” and "Hindu Terror” by doctored evidence was a poor attempt, in the author's opinion. However, falling their propaganda, they drew out the Victim card as pretending to be the agonizers, when they themselves continue to be the perpetrators of crime. The author felt that out of dying desperation to subvert the country’s attention to Hindu terror, the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack was planned as a ghastly plot. ‘Some of the major exposes made in the book include the case of former Home Secretary Madhukar Gupta, who had led a delegation of Home Ministry officers to Islamabad for talks, a day before the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack and had been spending extended vacation in Muree, a hill station in Pakistan. The euthor opines that such acts unleash a trail of doubts over the authenticity over the office of the former Home Secretary. In chapter 6, the author then focuses on the Malegaon blasts, which he felt was a *malalignment” to defame Hindu organizations, Lt Col Purohit was chosen as a pawn to stage sinister crimes to fulfil ‘agenda of this matalignment. In chapter 8, the author comments on Naxalism and alludes It to large scale extortion business run by Maoists who hound the progress of civilians residing in Naxal infested states. In chapter 9, the author refers to Sardar Patel who had predicted about India’s two-front situation, after China took over Tibet and also by the betrayal of communists in India. He also mentions about the Soviets who were romancing with the idea of communism. They could subvert Indian intellect easily by infecting the educational institutions with colonial version of communism, stripping the Indians of their cultural pride, Following that, India was largely subjected to socialist and communist Ideology to such an extent that in 1976 by 42" Amendment, the term *Socialist” was added to the constitution of India, ‘The series of chapters that continue from 10 to 28, present a hyperchromatic mixture of CPI schism {and rise of Pro China sentiments that gave birth to Left Wing Extremism(LWE) related to achieve the zim of group: "New Democratic Revolution” to overthrow comprador bureaucratic capitalism through protracted people's war. Ironically, sources of funding came from membership fees anc contributions, extortion and confiscation of wealth and income of the adversary and ‘revolutionary taxes’. In chapter 13, the author mentions about the nexus discovered by Bengaluru Police between Chhota Shakee’s men and Naxalite leaders. Chota Shakeel who was acclaimed to be @ part of Dawood Ibrahim’s ‘D" company which had, in turn, ties to the Pakistani spy agency, the ISI, Hence according hitpsswwcclaws infbook-review-know:the-ant-nationals! 218 12122122, 643. AM Book Review | Know The Ant-Nationals— Center For Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS) to the author, Naxalite- 'D' Company partnership could be encouraged by the ISI in order to prolong the insurgency, and engage into yet another proxy war. In chapter 20, the author says that there was a speculation amongst the officials that following the crackdown on cross-border drug cartels along the Afghan-Pakistan trafficking route, Naxalites could seize the opportunity to promote thelr drug trafficking from their opium trade, It was suspected that Naxalites were profiting from harvesting and trafficking cannabis from Orissa, parts of which were under Maoist control, to other parts of the country and the region. In chapter 22, the author has extensively written about 500 Maoists who had undergone training with the Student Islamic Movement of india (SIMI), 2 banned organization which had ties with the ISI, in 2008, thus establishing the connection between Maoists and LeT terrorists. In chapter 23, the author mentions the allegee war on democracy waged by anti-social elements that are responsible for rigging EVM machines and manipulating the voting percentages via sheer violence at booths. Chapter 24 discusses about the planned assassination of Sushil Pandit, @ Kashmiri activist, who according to the author, had been the target of a politically motivated murder. He hints towards the shady side of politicians who frequently visit Oubai, which is the hub for orchestration of anti-India activities. A ‘major insight on the Naxal- terror based on Maoist ideology is given in chapter 27, 28 and 29. As per the authar, the Mavists of India have been portrayed as the fourth deadliest terrar outfit after Taliban, Islamic State and Boko Haram. The author alludes that Naxalism terrorizes business, communication, education, development and political activity. Macism is a proxy war by inimical interests like China ‘and some Western countries, In chapter 30, the author discusses the "Theological war that tears India” or the alleged war waged fon democracy by the “Tukde Tukde” gang from Begusaral. Chapter 31 tries to explore the Islamic state footprints in India, The author substantiates this theory by citing the attack on Pathankot IAF airbase and interlinking of Keshmiri students to Hizbul Mujahideen and Ansar Ghazwat-ul Hind who had been actively advocating the idea of Al- Jihad in the name of Holy Islam to terrorize the civilians, Chapter 33 talks about those, who under the guise of anti

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