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(AC-S07) Week 7 - Task: Assignment - My Family

Genesis Reyna Idrogo Yamilec Bejarano

U22215831 U22233396

Our conversation:

G: Hello, Yamilec. How are you?

A: Hi Genesis, I'm fine, what's up? It's an image?
G: yes, this is my family
A: Ooh! Who is he?
G: It's my mom. Her name is Light. He is 51 years old. She is young and short. she is short. She
is very generous and optimistic. She studied to be an accountant.
A: Oh, interesting and who is he? He is your father?
G: Yes, of course. He is my dad, his name is Ronald, I look a lot like him. He is tall and thickly
built. He is a systems engineer, he really likes to exercise.
Look! My brother Leonardo is 14 years old. study in high school. He really likes video games.
He likes to eat a lot, he's skinny.
My sister's name is Jennifer, she's 17 years old and she's short, she really likes to cook. He
studies at the academy and loves to watch series. My brother Patrik is 22 years old, tall and
thin. He really likes music, especially codplay, he studies systems engineering at university.
G: And you? tell me how is your family
A: My mother's name is Sonia and she is 41 years old. She is young and short. She is reserved
and hard-working but very friendly. She is very cheerful and understanding.
My dad, his name is Manuel, but his nickname is tongo. He is 54 years old.
He is thick and tall. He is very optimistic and charming. His hobbies are watching soccer and
playing it.
G: Do you have brothers or sisters?
A: I do have 2 younger brothers. My sister's name is Alisson, she is 16 years old and is at
school. She likes to dance and watch movies. My brother is 08 years old, he is the youngest in
the house and the most conceited, he always gets good grades and is very funny.
G: Oh! Really? What a nice family.
A: Great. Oh, now I have to go out, see you later?
Me: bye, see you

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