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Reading Quiz

Name: Raihan Ramadhan Nim/Class: 1212040141/2D

Part 1. Determine the type of Irony of the following passage and give your

Text 1

Type of Irony : situtional irony

Evidence: amy unexpected her pimple

Text 2

Type of Irony: dramatic irony

Evidence: cause max hated brussels sprouts,but his dad made him eat them
Part 2. Identify bias information in this passage.

1. whose side is the news shown?southampion football club vs manchester city

Give evidence! Cause in the text fixed about it

Because southchampion put up a brave fight againts with manchester city, but
still lost. But they are still proud about the performance their team

2. What type of bias in the news? Hardwork about football club

Spot the bias statement in the news! Manchester city only had two shoots on
target because southamptom plaayed so well. Southampton had theree shots
on target, but unfortunetly all of them were saved by city keeper

3. What does the title infer? So, that is it southampton was hardworking but they still
lose on manchester city

Part 3. Read the news and identify the fact and opinion.

In a victory for civil liberties, a draft criminal law was temporarily withdrawn in

September 2019 after mass protests. The draft contained articles that would violate
the rights of women, religious minorities, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender (LGBT) people, as well as restricting freedom of speech and
association. The draft included a provision that would punish extramarital sex by
up to one year in jail, effectively also criminalizing all same-sex conduct. But it is
still on the list to be debated in parliament.
In a setback for justice and accountability, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto,
recruited by Jokowi to join his cabinet in 2019, appointed notorious senior military
officers Dadang Hendrayudha and Yulius Selvanus to senior positions. Like
Prabowo, the two were previously found guilty of kidnapping student activists in
LGBT rights continued to come under attack and became a worrisome rallying cry
for social and political conservatives in many parts of the country.

1. Identify fact and opinion from the news above!


2. Analyze the text use RADAR strategy to investigate whether or not it is a fake news
(you may visit the source as well)!

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