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The goldin key

onw day ther was girl cold sophie she was not scerd of spidis and lik books. Onw day she and her
frend went to the siinslab.
they did not no wer the siinse techer was.
Then a tehraP dor OPind. ther he was. then the the techer said ‘I have being wating for you I no how
to get a goldin key’
‘wat is the goldin key’
‘it is a key that can unlock a box that has 2 wishing rings in it. But you need to go on a big Qest to
find it’
‘ok’ sed sophie
‘I will do it’ said sophis frend’
‘you need to go over the hill over the beack and on the larvar stops to get ther.
There are things that miyt stoP you on the way.
Sophie sayd ‘but were do we start’
‘I will tellerport you gust get in here’ said the techer
‘lets go’ said sophie
So they got in and they went on the Qest to find the goldin key.

They endid on a mountin with snow. On it was LotS of lumPs of snow and all of them had stiks on the
sild of ech onw.
‘do you hear sumping’ said sophie
‘yes do you’
then the snow lumPs PoP’t uP they were evil snow man with red eyes.
Sophie said ‘I have aIDeer you can sQosh them with are feet’
and thay sQosh’t them an till thay were gorn.

They went down the mountin to the Beach and stop’d runing there was lots of crabs and they had
big cloas. Thay chrid geting acros but the crads niPt them.
SoPhie said ‘we can hit them with that soth bord’
‘lets do it’ said sophie’s friend.
So they wact them till thay had gorn.

They ran to the larver steps of doom…doom…doom… doom,..

‘Lets go’ said sophie
‘no we sood stoP here’
‘ok stay here’
‘MMMMMMMMMMMMM ok I will come’ sed sophie’s frend.
So thay went over the stops. Sophie slid but sophie’s frend stePd backwids and help’t sophie up.
They got ackros the stePs safle and went to the plas war the goldin key was. They got the key but
sophie ‘mabe it is a chrap’
and the perfeser said ‘no it isint gust get the tblits. get out of and gith me the tablits’
‘I new it! you are makeing us get it for you’
‘gust wish your selth out of there’
‘ok ok’.’ (pop)
‘now we are back wat do you want’
‘thos 2 wishing tablets’
‘sure. but can we wish for 1 mor thing’
‘yes you can’
‘we wish you wood go away and never come back.’


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