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Under Article 20 of the TESTY, the treaty shall be open for signature and subject to ratification by

State parties. The treaty enters into force 30 days after the first party ratified the treaty.

In this case, Astoria signed and ratified the TESTY on the same day as the text got adopted, which
means that Astoria was the first party to ratify the treaty. Therefore, the TESTY would become
binding on the parties 30 days after Astoria's ratification, in accordance with Article 20.

Feigun's signing and ratification of the TESTY, even without notifying the other parties, would still
constitute an express consent to be bound by the treaty under the Vienna Convention on the Law of
Treaties, as mentioned in my previous response. Feigun's failure to notify the other parties may
create some legal uncertainty and affect the interpretation and application of the treaty, but it would
not affect the validity of the treaty or their obligations under it.

Therefore, assuming that the TESTY complies with the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, the
treaty would become binding on both Astoria and Feigun 30 days after Astoria's ratification,
regardless of Feigun's failure to notify the other parties.

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