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The History of Surade

Once upon a time, there lived a leader who was very wise. His
name is Mas Arya Santri Dalem or known as Eyang Cigangsa.
He lived in a village called Cigangsa. He had a sister, her name
is Nyi Mas Suradewi.

Nyi mas Suradewi was a very beautiful woman. She had long
hair and white skin. She was the most beautiful woman in the
village. Besides her beauty, she was very diligent and obedient as well.

Even though she had no husband, she had lived alone in a place not too far
from Cigangsa. Because of her good personality, people in the village made her
as their leader.

One day, Nyi Mas Suradewi called her assistants and all the people in the
village. She said “ I am so sorry, I am going to leave the village for a while
because my brother invited me for a meeting. So, please take care of the village
for me, you have to help each other if there is a problem, and remember, never
fight with anyone, because we are a big family.”

After that, she left the village, and walked through the jungle to meet her
brother Mas Arya Santri. However, when she wanted to pass the Cigangsa river
suddenly she was swept by the current. She drowned and passed away in the
river. People in the village were very surprised and shocked to know that their
leader had passed away. All the villagers were very sad and in grief for years.

After several years of Nyi Mas Suradewi passing away, people in the village still
miss her. Finally all the villagers gathered together and decided to name their
village after Nyi Mas Suradewi. So they called their village as Surade and until
now the name remains the same.

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