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Exercise 4

1. Wars have always killed millions of innocent people.

2. She’s often jealous.
3. Do you usually watch television on Sunday?
4. I know him : he’ll never pay your money back.
5. We had started our picnic when it begin to rain hardly.
6. It’s too late to ring up Margaret : habitually she goes to bed quite early.
7. Everytime it snows in Alaska.
8. My nephew enjoys Mr. Bean’s show on Saturday.
9. Children seldom tell the truth when they are afraid.
10. My director gets medical care once a month.

Exercise 5
1. I usually eat breakfast.
2. Birds always chirp at any time of the day.
3. They hardly throw away the rubbish.
4. He will never do anything about it.
5. Dick habitually remain silence when he gets angry.
6. They seldom repair the loss.
7. They usually coordinated international effort to eradicate poverty and raise living standards.
8. I often helped them.

Exercise 6
1. I often go to the picture.
2. I’ve never seen an elephant.
3. She’s always a good student.
4. I usually do my homework.
5. Sometimes I forget my homework.
6. We always try to work well.
7. We are generally very busy.
8. My mother often goes for a walk on Sunday.
9. Usually the buses are full in this town.
10. They have never heard of it.
11. The students on my left always makes mistakes.
12. My friend stays very long.
13. She has just come in.
14. Mary nearly can swim now.
15. She scarcely knows what to say about it.

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