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Caught in the Webs of Past and Present A Swords & Wizardry adventure for 4-6 characters of level. {A group of advenurers took ajob they were unable to finish. They went into the runs of Tur Eridenal, an abandoned elven palace of some kind, and nevar relumed. The characters’ mission is fa find aul what happened fo tham,rescu the Survivors ‘nd = possible» finish the jab they started, ‘The mission might prove harder than expected. Besides the predatory creature, the elven runs are overrun with all kinds of ‘monsters, and is comupted by a sinister curse, There are some surdvors, however, whom the party may rescue i they are ‘smar...oven more than just some lost adventurers. \Writen by: Gabor Csomés (Chomy) Proofreading: Tamés llés (Ravonnoart) Playtesters: Gabor Seress (Noctua); Jézsef Téthi (Digital Etigan}; Séndor Gabei (Yas Midgard); Zsolt Szabé (Talbot) ‘Swords & Weary, S2W, and Mythmoro Games aro tadomark of Mathew J. Fitch. The authors notated with Mathew J. Finch, Mythmare Games", orFrog God Games. SETUP ‘The adventuring band of Myrtle the Sorceress is in trouble. They have been hired to eliminate a predatory ‘monster preying on mercnant caravans. Myre’s company fallowee the monster inta a forest and never retumed. The characters’ mission isto fing out what happened to them, rescue the survivors, and -f possible -, nish the job they stated Possible adventure hooks: Ifthe player characters already know Myrtle and har company, they may feel obliged to rescue their Unlucky colleagues 2. Aralatve of one of Myrle's company may hire the characters to ook forthe lost party, promising a 1,000, 9 reward for rescuing his or her loved one, oF 600 gp for recovering ts dead body 3, The arginal quest giver -. g. master Agamon of the Middletander Seven merchant company = may hire the party to take out the monster that Myrt's company faled to slay, and being @ good person with ‘ conscience, he would algo take Kinaly ite ‘characters looked into the mater of possible Survivors. He would pay 1,000 gold pieces forthe head ofthe monster, and an addtional 200 gold pioces for each rescued sunvivor 4. An adversary of Myrt's company —€. 9. Ost, tyrant ofthe ron Citadel - may want the survivors to be rescued... in chains, so they can be tortured and kilee propery. 250 gp for each rescued’ character would be afar price ‘The tracks of Myre and company lead to along abandoned, crumbling palace of elven architecture, ‘overgrown wit vines and surrounded by an eerie silence.” and thats where the adventure Begins. BACKGROUND SUMMARY ow knows of Tar Eridenal today. The alven palace was a peaceful sanctuary once, a place where elves retreated to Fest, mecitate, and make merry. When the ever-greedy Fealms of men fis forced the elves to leave theirhomes, ‘many of thom visited tho palace to regain thee wil to lve, and they did. Then a dissapointed and thoroughly insane. {general ofthe elves named Xinamon took control ofthe place. and edit to disaster. ‘The demon that preys on the travellers nearby a huge, ancient aranea - als sursmoned by Xinamon long ago. It |s not the only evil entty in the palace, however. A timeline of events: ‘The palace was 2 peaceful sanctuary under the supervision of the elven maiden Atramirl 2. Wars against humanity tumed bad forthe elves. Many cof them visited the palace to recuperate. So did Xinamon and a few loyal solirs of his. 3. Xinamon tried to rekindle the fighting spit in apathic flven aristocrats, and ever summoned an alien entity for hel. 4, The spa failed and the summoned entity has taken inamon under ts influence. 5, Xinamon took contol ofthe palace. Spreading ‘melancholy and despair instead of hope, he persuaded ‘any ofthe visitors to commit sucde, to avoid having {o observe the fal oftheir once glorious kingdom at the hands of man”. They were presented as a sacrafice for the allen enty 6. Tho comupted goneral tied to acquire the powerful ‘mage staff rom the sanctum af the palace (cation 27.) but was unable fo figure out how to bypass the trap guarding it 7 Atramirela wouldn't spl the secret, so Xinamon and fis lackeys imprisoned her for he ime being (lacation 28) 8, Xinamon grow to commit more and mare blasphemous ‘acts. He raised an atar forthe entty from beyond (location 35.) and summoned wicked monsters from the nether reaims, Then something happened: most probably te gods of Law have punished Xinamon and Fis followers. They have been transformed into swans 9, Xinamon managed to Keep his mind intact In his ‘madoss and biterness, he sil vies to convince ‘everyone fo share his fate, upto tis day. 10. Unknown to everyone, the alin entity stil lingers ‘around the palace. Unvary adventurers may contact it trough the murals ofthe ballroom (locaton 22.) © THE LOST ADVENTURERS Days have passed since thlr aval Thele tracks inthe palace are impossible to follow. They enteres the bulding from the stables (25,), ana were ambushed by the huge aranea and some giant spices in the tunnels (82). 7 battle ended in defeat, and the survivors scatered throughout the palace + Adira (hit 4, chaotic): she has locked herself nthe sanctum (27), and wails for rescue. Inthe meartim, sho Is Uying to figure out how to gain access to the mage stat, ‘Ada isa chiish, carefree spit, to the point of mild Insanity. She practically has no conscience, but adores Myre for some reason, Adira has 3 days of rations left + Akimbo (monk 4, lawful: the monk is an honest, if naive Soul. After retreating and lasing sight of his companions, he sneaked around the palace, fell for Xinamon and transformed into @ swan, His Intellect fost, kimbo 18 now spending sme as a simple arimal withthe rest ofthe swans a he le (10.) + Claudlust (cleric 4, lawl): loved and respected by everyone in his party, tis fatherly figure fel in the bat of the tunnels (32). His corpse fs being slowly devoured by the giant spiders in location 34 + Gartt (fgnter 3, chaotic): a barbarian ofthe southern wastolands. He was aragant and headstrong, a useful but initting adaition to Myae's party. After retreating from the tunnel, he decided to enter the palace on his own, winere he encountered he alien entity fll into catatonia, and got ‘devoured by ghouls (22). ‘+ Metron (dwarf fighter 3, awful: the dwart was a cai, Silent, but loyal brother-n-arms. He obeyed the command ‘of Myrtle fo relreat, and triad lo find a safe place to Feorganze. Unfortunately, he was bitlen to deat by the wasps in location 5. RANDOM ENCOUNTERS ‘Test for random encounters after every second tum. The chance for an encounters in 6. Table: Random Encounters +s Myrtle (sf ighterimagiouser 3/3, neutral): being the leader of the company, Myrtle is a rtional, serious she-el witha strong sense of responsibly. She had to baricade herself in location 31., where she is waiting to bo rescues ina meditative trance. Myre is badly wounded and has 4 ays of rations lef. Statistics ‘Aira: HD 444 (currony at 50% HP); AC 4 [15] leathor +1, dexterity); lk 1 shorsword (148 or 146+1 two handed) ‘or shortbow (16); Move 12; Save 12; Morale & ALN (CLIXP 4/120, Special backstab, thieving sls, +2 bonus to saving tows against traps and magi tems, Equipment: leather armor +1, rope of climbing ‘Akimbo: HO 444: AC 6 [14] (doxtorty, class); Atk 1 Polearm (183) ar strike (148) Move 18; Save 12; Morale 8; AL L; CLIXP 4/120; Special: alertness, deadly strike, deflect missiles, thieving sls, speak with animals, +2 ‘damage with weapons, +2 to saving throws against paralysis and potson Myrtle: HO 344/2 + 348/2 (currently at 25% HP): AC 4 [15] (chain mail, Atk 1 longsword +1 (14841, oF 14842 two- handed); Move 9; Save 13; Morale 8; AL L; CLIXP 4/120, ‘Special: Darkvsion 608, 4 in 6 chance to find secret ‘doors, immunity ta sleep and ghoul paralysis, spelicasting, +2 bonus to saving throws against spells, 9 attacks against creatures oft HD or less. Equipment: longsword +1, horn of blasting (163 uses let). Spalls:tst level: burning hands, charm person, magic mmissll, 2nd level: Iviiilty ® Centaurs ‘A party of centaurs looking fora place to rest, or maybe for, (easy pickings. Centaur: HO 4; AC 5 [14] or 415] wth shield Atk 2 kicks (Gd6) and weapon; Move 18; Save 13; Morale 7; AL Any: (CLIXP 4/120; Spaciat None (1atetas) Encounter during the day Encounter during night 2 Ea al edveriing pany? Ea rl evering pony a Ghost) Ghost) 4 Rust monster (12) fst Monstr (12) 5 Centaurs 144) Weg (148) and gobi (18) 8 Hance (18) unc (1) 7 Non-pretry boats br, bor ormeuton* _Nerprodatory baat (or, oa, moun 8 Bluoay or bck wating party ominously ‘Anon wating party aminosly 8 El staaton (246 Ei selon 28) io Giant bees (13) Gant bats 3) "1 Gants (146 Vago (18) 2 ian spr (146 oul 146 8 Gao, ogress and er boar Cota, th grea hr boa ‘4 Trott) The Araneae ‘this encounter never occurs again once the party defofated the creatue(s) " this encounter probably occurs only outside ofthe palace (Referee's option) Evil rival adventuring party Giant bees Those ne’or-do-weils are woll Known around those parts, {or they are not reluctant fo rob or even kill other ‘adventurers, and take credit for other partes’ heroic deeds. This is exactly ther plan now as well Bogumil the Magnificent (MU 3): HD 3d; AC B [11] or4 [15] with shild (2 [17] against missiles); Atk 1 staf (146) Move 12; Save 13 (with +1 bonus); Morale 8; AL C; CLIXP 47120; Special spelloasting, +2 bonus fo saving throws ‘gains spells. Equipment ing of protection +1, scrol (lighting batt), Spas: 1st level: shiels, magic missile, sleep. 2nd level Phantasmal force Boltar(hal-ore fighter 3): HD 368+3; AC 3 [16] (plate); Ak 1 graatsword# (1d10*2) or light crossbow (1d6+1); Move 9; Save 12, Morale 7, AL C. CLIX 4/120, Special: 3 attacks agains creatures of 1 HD or less, Equipment: two-handed sword +1, healing potion. Emeric the Sullen (ceric 4): H 406; AC 3 16] (chain mall #1, shld); Atk 1 mace (166 or 1d5+1 two handed) Move 9; Save 12; Morale @; AL C; CLIXP 4/120; Special spelleasting, +2 bonus to saving throws against poison and paralyzation. Equipment: hly symbol of Nergal. chan mail +1 Spells: ts level: cure ight wounds, command. 2nd level hol person Rob the Quick (thief 4): HD 4d4; AC 5 [14] (leather, dexterity); Atl 1 shortsword (14644 or 1d6+2 two handed) for shortbow (148); Move 12; Save 12; Morale 7, AL C; (CLIXP 4/120; Spocial:backstab,thioving sls, +2 bonus to saving throws against traps and mag tems, Equipment shortswors +1, potion of visi, Ghost The rommant of a tormented ol. Sometimes it just stares at trospassors... but madness drives i angry, it focusos ts attack on one particular target. fit kls its prey retreats ‘Strangling Ghost: HD §; AC 0 {18}; Atk 1 stranguiation (Gave or die in 144+4 rounds); Move (Fly 12) Save 12, Morale 11; AL usually C; CLIXP 7/500; Speci Immune to ‘Sleep and Charm, Mag or siver weapon required 1 hi, Magic resistance (80%), Strangulaton, Ghouls Dressed in od robes and scavenged elven jewelry, the ghouls are prowling in and around the palace. They are ‘always hungry, but also cunning and deceptive hunters! Ghoul: HO 2; AC 6 [13}; Atk 2 claws (143), 1 bite (144); Move 9; Save 16: Morale 7; AL C; CLIXP 3/60; Special: Immune to Sloop and Charm, paralyzing touch ‘Treasure: 14100+25 gp worth of old elven jewelry per creature. Giant bats Giant Bat (Vampire Bat): HD 1; AC 8 [11] Ak bito (148), Move 4 (Fly 18) Save 17; Mocale 7; AL N; CLIXP 3160; Special Sucks blood Those boos are mostly peaceful, unis thoy foo! ‘treatened. Giant Bee: HO 3; AC 6 [13]: Atk 1 sling (1c + poison) Move 3 (ing 24); Save 14; Morale 8: ALIN; CLIXP 81240; ‘Special Lethal potson sting. Giant spiders Giant Spider (6 ft. diameter): HD 22; AC 6 (13); Atk 1 bito (166 + poison) Move 18, Savo 18; Moral 8, ALN (CUP 51240; Spacal lthal poison, 5 in 8 chance to surprse prey Giant ticks Giant Tick: HD 3; AC 4 [15] Ak 1 bite (144): Move 3 ‘Save 16; Morale 9; AL N; CUXP 4/120; Special: Disease, Drain blood. Golorra, the Ogress and her bear Golorais looking for the fost artifact inthe cellar =the Gauntict of Ogre Power. She won’ be foo straight about ‘She may not prove too talkative ether. gre: HO 4+; AC § [14] At 1 weapon (1d10+1); Move 8: ‘Save 13; Morale 8; AL C; CLIXP 4/120; Special: None, Grizaly Boar: HD 6; AC 6 [13] Ak 2 claws (168), 1 bite (1a10), Move 9; Save 11; Morale 8; AL N: CLIXP 61400; Special: Hug (206) Huecuva Undead remains of comupted elven gentry and cultists. They ar following hit-and-run tactics. Huscuva: HO 2; AC 2 [17] Atk 1 laws (14441 plus disease), Move 12; Save 16, Morale 8, AL N; CLIXP 51240; ‘Special: Change Sol, Diseaso, Svar or magic weapon to it Huocuva disease: inflicts 1€9 points of Constitution and Dexterity damage each day unt the diseased victim passes a Saving Throw at 2-3 penall. Rust monsters. Rust Monster: HD 5; AC 2 [17 Ak 2 antennae (0); Move 12; Save 12; Morale 7; AL N; CLIXP 51240; Special Cause rust. Skeletons. Those skolotons wore guardians and solders once. They fight unti destroyed, ‘Skeleton: HO 1; AC 5 [14] or 4 [15] with shila Atk 1 Tongsword (148 or 148+1 two handed) or shortbow (168); Move 12; Save 17; Morale 12; AL N; CLIXP 1/18; Special Immune to sleep and charm spels. “The” Aranea Vargouille ‘Tho huge old Aranoe from the tunnels. lt proors to stay in its perfect spiderike shape, only trying to foo the party in ‘3 changed shape f they seem - or prove -o be power It follows therm inthe darkness, invisible, and res to drop them one-by-one from behind, retreating after each ‘successful attack. It1s patient and relentless hunter Huge Aranea: HD 7+2; AC 4 [16] Atk 1 bite (1d8 + poison); Move 18; Save 8; Morale 8; AL C: CLIXP “011.400; Special: Weos, Shape Change, Spels. pals: ts lover: charm person, magic missile, sloop, 2nd level: invisibly, miror mage, 3rd level: bestow curse Troll The trol plans to build a bridge nesrby, and needs stones ‘and building materials for thal. It wouldnt mind having inner as a banus. Itloves shinies though, and may bo bbibed with a tolish amount of gold for safe passage. Troll: HD 6+3; AC 4 [15], Ak 2 claws (144), 1 bt (18); Move 12; Save 11; Morale 10; AL C; CLIXP 8/800, Special: Regenerate Shpiround DISEASE IN THE WATER ‘The water at many locations ofthe adventure is contaminated, and even skin contact may cause a feverish infection. The effect of the disease i as folows: The Disease Name ettest cure (oer day) Saving Throw Wookness (2.0n 620 ‘vor Fever tale sO¥ong'0o.1 and avery ‘ns except camace) morning cre i The fying, angry heads... of what used to be elves. Vargouille: HD 1; AC 8 [11], Ak 1 bile (144); Move 0 (Fly 12}, Save 17, Morale &; AL G: CLIXP 260; Special pertranent hit point los (Saving Throw Worgs and Goblins ‘A small party of prowiing humanoids and ther ales, happening upon the rans. Worg: HD 4; AC 6 [13]; Atk 1 bite (1d6+1); Move 18; Save 13; Morale 9: AL C; CLIXP 4/120; Special: None. Goblin: HD 1aBhp; AC 6 [19]: Ak 1 weapon (148), Move 9; Save 18; Morale 7; AL C; CUXP B10; Special: 1 to ht in sunlight, ® THE PALACE The architecture testes of elven make: the building has finely curves domes, walls made of even dlocks, and slander windows protected by steal frames. At their deepest points the windows are as narrow as arrow sits ‘only a ccoature as smal as ahalfing could possibly ‘squeeze though them, The place looks abandoned for along time. The plaster is posling from its cracked wals, the glass panels in tho window ames are broken, and weed grows wa'st-high al round the bung In spite of al this, tho bulding stilradiates a certain sStength and magnficence THE OUTSKIRTS: 41. Carved columns. (On bath sides of the road stands a time-wormn, mossy column wth a shape carved into them. One of them resembles an elf male the other one a female. An {pigraph is engraved on each column with elven runes. They read: “Leave your cares behind, resless traveler” and "Lose yourslf inthe embrace of happiness” 2. Main entrance Curved stairways lead toa trace, from which a double Sided door leads into the building. The doors are decorated with the reli of swar-headed, winged chimeras with bodies ofa stag. The doors have a protective patel, currently rased, Between the stairs, the merry face ofa carved salyr spits water into a pool from the wall of the terrace. The face halls anyone approaching tin elven tongue: “Lot ye be welcome, who only wish for peace, ink fom my water so your thirst would be eased” ‘The waters quite murky and even its touch could cause disease (saving tow versus poison). 3. Stable gate ‘There isa clearing here, wih the realistic, rusty brown sale of a rampant horse inthe middle. The aris eerly cold Beyond the statue, there are double-sided, hardwood gates on the wall, decorated with wrought-iron omaments. ‘The gates open outwards. One of them is fing hal-open, ‘Statue: itis overgrown with brown mold, and radiates 8 deadly cold within a 5 feet radius, inspecive characters ‘may notice thal the ground is frozen around the statue Brown Mold: HD wa; AC na; Atk none; Move 0; Save nia Morale nla; AL N; CLIXP 4/120; Special: Drains heat (268 hp damage within 5 feet, no saving throw), fre makes i grow twice the size, magical cold kis instant. 4. Terrace of men's bath ‘The terrace is overgrown wit red-lowered plants, whose vines overiow the ralings and reach fo the ground. The. Plants are easy to cmb = just tke a rope~ but there is an ‘ssasin vine Picing amongst the grow. Those wno try to Clim the wall are attacked instantly. takes 144 rounds for the vine to creep into positon against creatures approaching the terrace from within. ‘Assassin Vine: HD 7; AC 5 [14): Atk 1 vine (14641): Move ‘Save 8; Morale 10; AL N: CLP 8/800; Special: ‘Animate plants (range: 308, these plants wil immobilize ‘anyone failing a saving throw) Treasure: under the lush growth ofthe terace, charactors may ina narghilea decorates wih golden omaments (600 99). ‘This pat ofthe wallisvitwaly covered in huge wasp rests, with clouds offngersized wasps buzzing around them: Ifthey discover tne characters, 1d3+1 swarms. instanty altack them, ith a further %&3 ewarms joining ‘hem each round. If characters open the windows ofthe massage rooms or baths, 143 swarms fly ino the bullaing searching for prey. {A the bottom ofthe wall sits the days-iong dead corpse of, ‘8 dwar, tis Matron, once a companion of Myrtle. The wasps have bitten him o death, his corpse is teeming wit wasp larvae Wasp swarm (8): HD 3: AC 4 [15] Ak 1 sting (146 + paralyzing poison); Move 1 (Fly 18), Save 14; Morale 10; ALN; CLIXP 6/240; Speci: Immune to al but blunt weapons, Paralyzing poison (waak, +2 to Saving Throw) Suscoptibie to Fir, Swarm target (those swarmed by wasps take half the damage the swarm itself takes from an attack or spell) Treasure: the folowing tems may be found on Metron's ‘© Chainmail and helmet ft fora dwart © Shiela ‘© Battle axe +1 (made of dark dwarven stesk: +1 te damage above the normal magical bonus) ‘+ ron-shod boots (magical: itis impossible to push ‘back of move around who is wearing i) A flask of brandy (half ul) Tinderbox Crowbar Wineskin (ul) Backpack S57 gold pieces [A siver tore (500 gp) ‘Signet ring withthe sig of Metron’ clan (250 oP) 6. Terrace of women's bath Similar to location 4, this teraceis also overgrown with plants, Between which lays the eareass of a giant bee. It Is picked at, a swarm of wasps break fort fom, and attack without hesitation (wasps are such scumbags) ‘The wall under this terrace is not covered in vines, 20 it might be climbed normally by a thie. Wasp swarm: HO 3; AC 4 15}: At 1 sting (146 + paralyzing poison) Move t (Fly 15), Save 14; Morale 10; ALN: CLIXP 6/240; Special: Immune to all but bunt weapons, Paralyzing poison (weak, +2 to Saving Throw) ‘Susceptible to Fire, Swarm target (those swarmed by wasps take half the damage the swarm itself takes from an falta of spell) 7.Baleony ‘This curved balcony has a root, supported by slender columns decorated with carvings of vines and leaves. At the midele of the curve in a projecting part ofthe balcony stands the humanoid shape ofa statue. The whole baleony Is woven in dense, dity-wite webs of spiders. Webs: they are torn and weathered. The giant spiders living inthe palace abandoned them a while ago. ‘Statue: it depicts an elven nobleman scouting the far horizons, In one ofits hands it holds a roso of wrought iron, about a feet and a half long, The ose may be smoved from the hand ofthe statue and used in location 27 (he sanctum), Doors: tal slender glass doors ft in wrought iron frames. In ordor to aocass thom fram the qutsie, the spider wobs must be bumed away or cut through (te latter takes at Teast 2 tums). The doors are bolted from the inside (may be unlocked withthe proper thief skis), and protected by a magical trap. ‘Trap: there is a magical rune on each door, written with meteorite dust, so thin ts almost invisible. I the bolts of the doors are opened from the outside, the runes activate, ‘and anyane standing in trot of the door tums to rare ‘meteorite stone (saving tow permitted). The runes can be disabled by simply smearing them 8. Statue garden ‘Once it was a tidy garden, now itis overrun with weeds, is hedges grow untended. From under the growth, parts of worn stone benches stck out, Some stone statues stand here and there © Acan elven maiden, wearing nextto nothing, ‘washing hor logs with water poured from a ug +B: twoidealy bul elf youngsters in loincoths, holding a lyn their proudly raised hands * ©. apair of splencid foxhounds, siting next to each other * D:two satyrs wearing only an ualy smile, portrayed ‘obscenely in an aroused state. One of them is holding a jowelled tiara above its head. These statues have no plinth, they are actually gargoyles. ‘The gargoyles wait until the characters focus their allentions elsewhere, then ty to atack by surprise Gargoyle 2): HD 4; AC 5 [14]. Atk 2 claws (143), 1 bite (104), 1 hom (148) Move 8 (ly 15): Save 13; Morale 8 [AL C; CLIXP 6/400; Special Fly, Magic weapon required tot Treasure: the jewelled tara was once Atramirela's.Itis worth 1,000 gp. 8. Boats and boathoust ‘There are three boats ted o a pier near the shore ofthe lake. The boats are shaped lke swans and are generally in ‘a bad, weathered condition. While loaded, there is 21 in 6 ‘chance each round for them to spring a leak, The fourth boat has already sunk, only its slender figurehead sticking cut ofthe water. ‘The door to the boathouse is locked (normal chance to pick for thie) Itcontains rows, fishing rods, dried resin in 2 Sealed jug, and a bottle of exquisite ef wine (100 gp). 410, Swan la ‘The shores of this small lake are thick wih rushes. Water Iles and erow-sik flat onthe surface. It's peaceful hee, ‘only the fait droning of dragonflies distros te silence. ‘About hal @ dozen swans are swimming around in the lake, one of them is black ‘Swans: i they notice any humanoids onthe share, they ‘swarm around thar, cadging agressively for food. The black swan is an inteligent creature, however. It ill use {gestures to try and persuade the paty to take a boat and follow tt the other side of the lake. The swan ies to lead thom tothe cursed apple tree under the wilaws, and make thom eat from the trl (see location 11.) The black swan is actually Xinamon, while the rest of the swang are hs transformed followers and poor Akimbo. If any ofthe swans are kiled, itu Into a dead humanoid There is a1 in 6 chance tha the vitim ¢ Akmbo, the ‘monk from Myrte's party. Otherwise itis @ dead ef A Romove curse spell may be used fo relum a swan to is orginal ott ‘Swan (641): HO 146 HP; AC 7 (12) Ak 1 bite 142}, Move 3 (Fly 15); Save 18; Morale 6: AL N; CLIXP B/10; Special ‘Surprised only 1 in & Elves: fr90d elves won't remember anything from the time passed since thelr curse befell on them, and they wil probably le about the times Before, They wil fk about hazy memories of love, merriment and celebrations hosted by the king and wise master Xinamon. The elves wil ty to convince the party to raise the curse othe black swan as wal If Xinamon dies, they wil ty to leave the area for {9004, speaking of an unbearable sadness by seang the place for what it became. ‘Names (you know your players will ask for them): tuvalal, Orandel, Petuna, Taramel, Yionda Xinamon, if reed, would fe that twas evil Aramirela who cursed them. He wl ry to coax the party to help him ‘quire the mage staff from the sanctum (lacation 27), 80 he can clean the palace ofall fictions. Of course, as Soon as he gets the staf, he would tum on the party (the (dds aro in his favour), or try to make off wih El: HD 1#1; AC 5 [14h Atk 1 sword (168) oF 2 arrows (1d); Move 12: Save 17; Morale 7: AL L (ot N); CLIXP 4115; Special: Darkvision 60, 4 in 6 chance to find secret doors, immune to ghoul paralysis and sleep Treasure: some minor jewelry (100 + 14100 gp) Xinamon (lghterimagi-user 4/6): HD 4dB/2 + 64472; AC 3 [18] (chain mail +2); Atk 1 sword (1d8): Move 12: Save 10: Moral 8; ALC; CLIXP 8/800; Special Darkvision 608, 4 in oor, immune fo ghoul paralysis ‘pollcasing, 4 allacks against creatures of 1 HD or less. Equipment: owner ring of th stone guardians, chain mall +2, magie wand (phantasmal force, 5 charges). 3: burning hands, charm parson, magic ‘2nd level: ypnatic pattern, miro image. 53rd level frebal, ty. Xinamon's treasure: ‘* Wand of phantasmal force (5 charges) © Chainmail +2 ‘© Acgold neadban with a small diamond (1,250, se) ‘* Aine siver necklace with an emerald pendant (750 gp) 1* Avelvot cloak emoroided with fino gold stings (250 gp) ‘+ Armithal signat ring wth tho carving ofa smal calle boast with a door’ hoad (250 9p) ‘The mithral rng is magical. tis the Owner Ring ofthe ‘Stone Guardians (orig naly the possession of Aramirela) witoever possesses ths ring may pass freely between the ‘Stone Guardians ofthe sanctum (location 13.) and is safe ‘rom the Stone Guaraian inthe ballrooms secret chamber (location 2) ‘Akimbo: if saved, the monk will be utlery ashemed, He remembers retreating ftom the bate with the aranea, ‘obeying Myre’s command. While trying to nd a safe ace fo thnk, he encountered the swans and fel fr the Black one's ck. He will da anything to make good of his ‘error and to save his surviving comrades, ‘Akimbo: HO 444: AC 6 [14] (dexterity, class); Ak 1 Polearm (1083) or sirke (18) Move 18; Save 12; Morale 8; ALL; CLXP 4/120; Special: alertness, deaaly strike, deflect missiles, thieving sls, speak with animals, +2 damage with weapons, +2 fo saving throws against paralysis and poison, 14, Willows and apple tree (On the far shore ofthe lake a group of huge willows grow They make the impression to be sighing and slowly waving therrbranches, (They are harmless. Hidden within the cle of wilows stand a single appl tree, Whoever eats from the fut of this ree must make a Saving throw agaist polymorph, or change into a swan wth alts wor toms ane losing its intetloct. Only a Remove curse spell (or a Limited wish) may help the tim 12, Elevated garden [An imorassve rove garden with proliferating plants, Vines and weeds escaped the planters and crept up the columns {and the statue inthe midale ofthe terrace. During the day, half a dozen giant bees are droning around a mutitude of flowers. ‘Statue: it depicts a dancing elf woman wit flowers in her hai ‘Bees: they are generally nt hostie uni hey fee! threatened. The bees hate giant spiders, however, and atiacs them on s:gnt should they enter the garden. (For this reason, giant spiders avoid the garden during the day.) Giant Boo (6): HD 3; AC 6 [13 Atk 1 sting (163 + po'son) Move 3 (fying 24); Save 14; Morale 8 AL N; CLIXP 51240; Special Lethal poison sing Flowers: between the weeds plentiful ofthe rare and valusble blue roses are blooming (20 pieces altogether, 20 ap apiece), but under their leaves there is a swarm of fire ants, Ther bite causes a horriole agony: saving throw vs, poison or d6 np damage, total incapactation for 3 turns, then a2 penalty to al 20 calls and inability to do ‘anything that reuites coneentralon for the rest ofthe day 18. Stairway with pediment {stairway leads up to double doors, wth @ peciment ‘above. The reliefs ofthe pediment depict the sun and ‘moon, plantiul stars and a comet. Next fo each sie of tho ‘door stands a staue, carved inthe ikeness ofca-bodied, foxtales, door headed chimeras. Doors: itis held closed with magi. No door handle or rmuneane lock is visible ont, only @ knocker with the arved face ofa lon. Should anyone knock on the door, the lion's face animatos and says in elven: “Though the ‘sanctum s closed at this hour, i always opens for tue hears, it must be so. State the cause of your vst, and it ‘shall be weighed.” ‘The party may say anything that is nat directly malicious towards the peace and property ofthe sanctum. The lion's head detects les magically (a saving throw is permitted to resist the spell) ‘+ tfthey resist, the lion's nead decides that their intentons are not honest and dectines entry. ‘+ they tie, the lion's head shouts: Falsehood! ‘You shall not speak again! and casts Besfow curse on the lar, causing a permanent muteness fon a falled save, ‘+ they spoak the truth, and they are not malicious, the daor opens ‘+ Ifthe party honesty states that they eame to Cleanse the sanctum (or something similar in intentions), the lion's head casts Bless on them, with a duration of one hour Statues: the two statues aro stone guardians, waiting in perfec stilness. They et anyone peacefully enter the sanctum (location 27), but attack those who try to leave: alr desecrating i, or taking the artifact (the magi staff from the inside anyone tres to force the door ofthe sanctum open oF damage the sanctum or he statues themselves, again, the stone guardians attack ‘Stone Guardian (2): HD 4 (20 HP); AC 1 [18]: Atk 2 gore (28); Move 8; Save 13; Morale 12; ALN: CLIXP 5/240; Special Resistance to Cold, Ring Link, Electricty and Fire (60%), See Invisibilty. ‘The ring that provides protectin from these Stone GGuaralians is current in the possession of Xinamon (cation 10). ® INTERIORS 14. Central hall ‘Auge all wth clits onthe wall all around, depicting ‘wonderful forests and magnificent animals, and an elven woman on the western wall holding arose in her hand, ‘There isa statue in the middle ofthe hall, a perfect even beauty with an amphora on her shoulder, fram which crystal clear waterfalls irta a poo! of considerable size, ‘The light altos on something under the surface. Two rartow channels drain te wale from the pool: one to rorthwest, the other to southwest ‘The stl frame ofa glass dome can be soen atthe contor ofthe coling, but the glass i long gone. Huge, ity white \webs are woven under the opening, A few cocoons are hanging from them. Webs: they are the home ofa handful of giant spiders (1a3*1), current hiding in the dark corners ofthe caling, (They have a 5 in 6 chance to surprise the party normaly.) Within te cocoons are the corpses ofa fow unlucky creatures, mostly wie animals. They are all withered and must have been there for a while now. Giant Spider (6 f. diameter): HD 2+2; AC 613) Ak 1 bite (165 + poison); Move 18; Save 16; Morale 8: ALN, CLIXP 5/240, Special lethal poison, $ in 8 chance surprise prey Water: direct from the amphora its cold and retteshing. The water in the pool is contaminated and causes disease (ee above) Treasure: at tne bottom ofthe pool the party may fin the following valuables: ‘© 24100 gold pieces ‘© an oversized signet rng with the sig of the ‘eretian guild ofthe Midalelander Seven (100 gp) ‘© a camaged divarven warhelm made of mithral (500 ) ‘The rest of the items are rusty and useless. “14a. Main entrance: the double-sided doors open easily. (On the outer side, the tps of aportulis grate may be seen atthe top ofthe doortrame. “db, Northern entrance: the double-sided doors open easily, but there isa lowered portculls onthe outher side. ‘de, Secret door: the rose in the hands ofthe cai ofthe elven woman may be pushed, opening the door ofthe secret rendezvous chamber (location 21.) 414d, Secret passage: there is an ilusion wal to te lf of the northem entranes. It's marked ay a small carving of closed eye near tothe floor. Anyone may pass through the wall with closed eyes. The walls tansparent ror the other sid. Behind the ilusory walls a pt trap that opens below anyone who woighs more than an unarmored ol. A saving throw is permitted to avoid fang down. The pis 20 fest deep, anc is hal filed with magically eleciriied water ‘Thus th fall fs cushioned, but the water causes 16 ht points of damage each round untl the victim s rescued, ‘The walls ofthe pit are smooth and wet, so climbing attempts are made wih a -30% penalty The electricity is generated by a small mithral orb, covered inrunes and fxed to the pottom ofthe pit Itcan be broken vith a successful open doors check. in which case it ‘ceases fo function, The mithral ts made of worth 300 {90d pieces. (On the walls of the hidden chamber are three handlebars, the northern one isn a pulled positon, while the westom ‘and southem ones are up, * Northern handlebar: it operates the portulis Behind he northern entrance (14d) © Western handlebar: there is a small nine on this ‘one. I pulled it produces an electric outburst ‘causing 2d8 hp damage. * Southorn handlebar: operates the portals behind the southern entrance (14a,) 15, Women’s footbath and dressing room ght sots of dressos, gowns and cloaks hang from hooks ‘on the wall ofthis smal chamber. They are wet and rating ‘rom humvdity. A rack stands near the south wall, holding rusty Swords and disigured tows. A narrow channel feeds ‘smal, shallow pool in the mide ofthe chamber. Dresses: a cloaks stil intact, ahough in. Its a cloak of elvenkind Pool: the water causes ciseaso (soe above), but a pair of Jeweled slippers (300 gp) may be found under the murky surface 16, Wor bath The walls are covered by the roles of swans, naked shapes of Ithe maidens, dryads, pixies and nymphs bathing in natura! lakes, under the supervision of peaceful sylvan beasis. The flaor has an imareesive, icity mosaic ‘n't, coloured richly inthe shades of blue. Within tre water ofthe pool es five skeletons, it seems they have died a peaceful death (ne tith is that they have ext thei veins pen) ‘There is @ water weird hiding in the water. tis pationt it only reveals sea character approaches the water or is immediate vicinity, Water Weird (1): HD 242; AC 4 [15 Atk 1 smash (1 HP + ‘rowning); Move 1 (swimming 8) Save 14: Morale 8; AL ©; CLIXP 4/120; Specal: crowning (death in 3 rounds Unless saved), immunity to sharp weapons, Water: as usual, the mere touch oft may cause a disease. ‘Skeletons: around the remains a the bottom of the pool 2 few valuables may be found: #Aewrusty, curved elven daggers * Aneckiace adorned with an emerald (500 gp) # A ravelet decorated with lea-ke brats (250 gp) # Aring of protection +1 117. Women’s massage room ‘The wall has reliefs of dancing elf women and a satyr playing afte. Beyond the closed windows the faint buzzing of many insects may be heard. A smal table holds Viale and a few blocks of incense, Two skelatons lie on ‘ergonomic stone benches, One of them holas an empty Val, the other one a curved dagger. Vials: *# 3vials of massage ol (20 gp apiece) ‘© 2vials of intoxicant (saving throw versus poison or dance in extasy for 143 tums, then regain 144 ht points, also -2 penalty for al d20 rls forthe rest of the day because of he pleasant fatigue) #1 vial of lethal poison (saving throw versus palson or lose conselousness and cio within 3 tune) Inconse: sx blocks are stil intact, ther smell reminds of roses and lac (20 gp apiece) Windows: if they are opened, 143 wasp swarms enter the pulling looking for prey (see location 5), Secret door the relief ofthe salyr can be pushed, opening the door tothe secret rendezvous chamber (location 21) 18.Mer footbath and dressing room ‘Tho smali chamber has fve sets of rttng clothes hanged ‘upon the hooks inthe wal. At the northem wall stands a rack wih sly swores and cracked bows. A channel feeds ‘small, shallow pool in the mide ofthe floor. Rack: one ofthe swords -a curved, basketed sabre - isin Perfect condition, although its thick wih dt. ls blade has flvan runes engraved int According tof the sword’s ame is Trollseythe; ‘has a +1 magical bonus, +3, ‘against regenerating creatures. Pool: its water is contaminatee, causing disease (see above) 19, Men's bath This nal has a mosaic floor with atreetke symbol and als covered in the reliefs of naked elf men hunting with ow and lance, featacing, fencing, wresting and bathing Ina creek in an iylicfrest-ke environment, Witin the Dating poo! lies two skeletons wih rusted swords in ther ribcages (they nave kiled each other ‘The walls ofthis chamber are decorated withthe relefs of ‘a dozen proud elf champions, kneeling before a beautful rhymph ina row. From beyond a closed window the buzz of insocts may bo heard (soe location 6.). Thore are vials and blocks of incense on a small table, 10 Vials: ‘© 3¥ials of aphrosisiacs (50 gp apiece) #1 ial ot hallucinogenic concoction (saving throw versus polson ar lose consciousness for an hour; the Velim sees colourful patterns and hears dissonant sounds. 1 in 6 chance of gaining +1 Wisdom permanently, and another 1 in 6 chance of having {he effect of a Confusion spl) * {potion of clairvoyance Inconse: four blocks are sti intact, They smell Ike cinnamon and ther smoke has a refreshing effec if Inhaled fora least 3 tums (spelleasters regain one used spell) Windows: if they are opened, the 103 wasp swarms enter the building looking for prey (see location 5.) ‘Secrot door: the roll ofthe nymph can be pushed, ‘pening the door tothe secret rendezvous chamber (location 21) 21, Secret rendezvous chamber This room also has relits on its walls, tastfuly depicting elves immersed inthe making of love under a dawning Ssuramer sun. Rotting vavet cushions fe around ‘everywhere, on and between divans ofa sivlaly sad Corefton, Two skeletons lie on the ground in an Intertwine postion. The eastem wall nas a door oni (ae). Cushions: tne cushions hide a skeletal satyr with a magic lyre. thas 3 in 6 chance to surprise the party, but itonly attacks in defense of set The saty wil simply folow the party around, dancing and playing its magical narp. Wrile Its playing @ random encounter check must be made teach tum, There ig a1 in 6 chance each turn (arround i ‘hore isa atte) tat uses one of the spells from its harp ‘Skeleton (satyr): HO 2: AC 7 [12]: Atk 1 stike (145); Move 12, Save 16; Morale 12; AL N; CLIXP 3/60; Special Immune to sleep and charm spels. Harp: a miraculous instrument made of ivory. Ithas 17 charges (rom @ maximum of 30). The folowing spe's may be cast by playing i ‘© Hold person (2 charges) # Suggestion (2 charges) * Confusion (4 charges) ‘Playing music s loud. It should be appropriate to follow ‘each usage ofthe harp with a random encounter check. 22. Ballroom ‘The ballroom has @ mosale lor, with the mages of satyrs, ‘nymphs, and elves dancing rourdels, while cats are playing and pixies are fying around them. The domed teling ofthe room has an astounding mural oni depicting a night sky with some wellknown celestial bodies, Constellatons and a comet. A body lies on the Noor. ‘Mural: for those studying i, the celestial bodies seem to bgin moving around, Attra short while, fram the hypnotic, dance ofthe stars and planets a terrible entity gazes back to tho observer, forcing him or her to make a saving throw agains spel. it's successful, the character falls into a Catatonie state for 346 hours (ary hit point damage ends it) the saving throw s failed, the character lases 4 ports ‘of Wisdom (only a Restoration spell may help regain them), and loses all the wilt lve Body: the remains of a muscular male, tom apart and hal- ‘devoured by sharp claws and fangs. twas Gart, the cocky barbarian fom Myrie's party. He fll in a catatonia, then the ghouls from location 23. kiled him. Gar's equipment les around his corpse! *Luckstone (+1 bonus o attack ols and saving tows) * Abronze headband with @ carving of @ wolfs head (150 gp) * Abronze armband (75 gp) # A ancy, curved dagger with an emerald pommel (250 99) # Aiedia with the stylized head of a boar (15g) © Awineskin (ul of wine) © chainmail © Abattiaaxe Hemp rope (50) ‘Secret passage: thers is an ilsory wall tothe south. A ‘small carving ofa closed eye near the floor marks its location. Anyone may pass the wall with closed eyes. The walls transparent from the other sido. Beyond the ilusory wall stands @ 8 feet tal statue of an armored olf warior. Ithas no plinth, fort isa stone guardian ts task is o protect the elves in the ballroom. {The stone guardian obeys commands inthe ff language, but there is a 20% change foreach command to confuse the creature and make it go berserk. ‘The ring that provides protection from the Stone Guardian isin the possession of Xnamon (locaton 10). ‘Stone Guardian: HO 4 (20 HP); AC 1 [18], Ak 2 smash (248); Move 8; Save 13; Morale 2; AL N; GLIXP 8/240; Special Resistance to Cold, Ring Link, Electricity and Fire (60%), See Invsibilty. 22. Dining hi ‘Tye eastom walls of his ha-cicular wall have tal windows protected by steel framing, and three similarly ‘rarmed doors leading tothe baleary (acation 7, Alongside the western walls stand a row of divans - twelve altogether - wih large bowls between them, containing the Totted remains of some now unrecognizable food. On the vans ly eight bodies, wrapped in dry rags. Bodies: the rags hide eight ghouls, They scavange the leftovers ofthe giant spiders, and sometimes prowl the ity for fresh meat If they are not surprised, the ghouls vl patently wat laying on the divans to ambush the pary, ut Ghoul (8): HD 2; AC 6 [13] Atk 2 claws (163), 1 bite (144); Move 9; Save 16: Morale 7; AL C; CLIX? 3/60; Special: Immune to Sleep and Charm, paralyzing touch. Treasure: each ofthe ghouls wear ald elven jewelry - rings, necklaces and such - worth £100*25 gp. ‘Secret passage: in the northwestern comer there is an ilusory wal piece tis marked with a carving of a closed ‘eye near the floor. Anyone may pass the wall with clasec ‘eyes. The wallis transparent fram the other side. Balcony doors: the doors are bolted from this side. The outer sides aro protected by magical raps (see lacation 7.) 24. Kitt Cabinets and cupboards hold dishes, glasses, pots and callry. Bottles and demijonns stand an the shaves. There Is algo a replace from which a narrow chimney leads to the rootop (unfortunatly not even a halfing couls squeeze through it). There are no valuables in t's room, 2Aa & 2Ab: ilusionary passages, Sinilaly to other such wal, a small craving ofa closed eye marks them near the ‘loo. They may be passed with closed eyes. 24a is transparent from the east, while 240i from the north 25, Alchemist laboratory ‘Servants of the palace used to mix and brew massage ol, love potions, drugs and aphrodisiacs here. On the shelves. ofthe wal, above a worktable there aro afew dusty Vials. flea with unknown liquids. The laboratory stilin & Usable stale today; a hunched undead works init pointessly, day and right, pounding a mortar wih a pestle. Alchemist: the croatur a wight. The mortar i full of an acidic powder, which the wight wll try to throw in the face ofthe fist character to enter the laboratory. It causes biincness (a saving tom is permited fo avoid the effect) Wight: HD 3; AC 5 [14] Ak 1 claw (1 HP + level oan} Move 9; Save 14; Morale 7; AL C; CLIXP 6/400; Speci: Drain 1 level with hit, Hit only by magic or siver weapons, Immune to Sleep and Charm, Vials: the shelves of the laboratory hold the following concoctions “+ Potion of invsibity ‘© Potion of heroism ‘© Potion of healing (2) © Phiter of love 26. Riders! dressing room ‘Along the southern and eastem walls ofthis room stand a row of hardwoad lockers, Most of them are empty or Contain only moth-eaten remains of clothes. Thrae lockers are locked (they may be picked normally by a thie) They contain: ‘* Apairof ing boots made of exquiste leather (beets of speed). A pairof ine moleskin gloves (125 gp) Aletta with a broken seal Letter: itis written in elven with dynamic curicues, and was sent by 2 certain Xinamon tos loyal frend Tarame! The latter was ivied to the palace where the rest of thei companions had already gathered, to discuss how to handle the fithy mobs of mankind. fr someone has to {act even if most elves have already given up onthe ance beaut forests ofthe elven kingdoms. 27. Sanctum ‘The domed celing of tis high, chil has supported by columns. The dome has a mural depicting zodae signs, ile the flor has a mosale of an artistic map, spl by Fivers and covered by verdant forests (tis actually the wider area ofthe palace fram the time it was stl ruled by the elves). Acrass the room stands the huge statue of a noble elven woman, dressed in a gown, hands hed in front ot her with empty palms looking upware, magical blue ‘lames dancing above them. In font ofthe statue there is & pulpit, under which lays a small bul deep pool Within the rysal clear wator an abjoct about the size ofa fist omits a 'stfong blue ght, There an inscription Inthe plinth of the status. Leaning against the wall of the room sits Adira, the thet She is quite badly wounded ‘Adira: she escaped here ater the misfortunate battle with the aranea and the giant spiders. Se arrived through the northern door, after crossing locaton 34. and 36. then she Tocked the door with her thieves tools. dra does not know what happened tothe others but she was confidant that someone wil ave and help her soon Inthe meantime she tried to igure out the secret of the pool, Unsuccessful ‘Aira: HD 444 (curently at 50% HP); AC 4 (15) (leather +1, dexterity); lk 1 shortsword (148 or 1461 two handed) ‘or shortbow (18); Move 12; Save 12; Morale 8: ALN (CUXP 41°20, Special: backstab, thieving sis, +2 bonus to saving throws against traps and mag tems. Equipment leather armor +1, rope of bing ‘Adira's gear: Leather armor +4 Rope of climbing Shortsword ‘Short bow, with 14 artows left 127 op ‘An el pendant (250 gp) Thieves tools 3 days of rations (or whatever s lft) Waterskn (almost empty) Inscription: itis carved with elven runes, reading “Even an ice cold heart may be warmed with a gesture” Pool: a magi staf floats in the poo, witha huge, glowing blue gom in is head i the waters touched, instarily freezes, causing 246 hit points of damage. A saving throw ‘must also be made: i fais, the hand is caught inthe ice, hich will cause anther 146 hp damage each round unt Somehow the pary manages to ree the victim, 2 ‘The magical trap may be disarmed by bringing the vwroughtiron rose from the baleony (ocaton 7) and laying itacross the open palms of the statue. It makes the cold blue flames above the palms tum to a warm red, and the water in the pool wl freeze no more Atramirela (location 2) knows ofthis, but would only tliselose the secret she deems the party noble and worthy oft ‘Staff: called the Lady's Tear, itis a staff of pewer which has 60 charges left Secret door: from the fight of stairs leading othe pulpt a Secret door may be open, by pushing a hidden button on the wall, 27a. stairs leading down to locaton 36. The door ofthe ‘alrwell is locked (it may be opened normally by athe?) 28, Secret chamber {An ef woman lays in stasis in a glass coin. She is dressed in the gown of a noblewoman, and has no visible ‘weapons, nar valuables, Ifthe cof is openee, she slowly Comes around. Her name is Atramirelia, and has slept through dozers if not hundreds of years. ‘Atramirella: once she was the mistress ofthe palace, but Xinamon and his ioyal followers tumed against her, and ‘tipped her of both power and propery. Since she ai not prove to be cooperative, Xinamon's lackeys have locked Fer here, Aamrela remembers nothing since. ‘Atramiola fsa confident woman, saddoned but unshakon by the somber fat of her palace. Her only purpose would be to cleanse it rom the preserce of ev and to punish Xinaman (i she finds out that her old adversary i tl alive). She would gladly work withthe party as tong as their goals coincide. ‘Alramirella knows ofthe magi staf inthe poo (location 27), and how to acquire ft, but she will nly reveal tis information f she finds that the party is worthy of. She ‘also knows how to access the treasury of tne palace (location 36-38}, but sho is even more reluctant to et this ‘on in advance, She wil, however, offer all the weasures as 2 reward ifthe party manages to clean the palace of evil Atramirlla (ighterimagic-user 4/4): HD 4a + 42; ‘AC 8 [11] (dexterty Ate 1 hit (1 Move 12; Save 12; Morale 9; AL N; CLIXP 5/240; Special: Darkvsion 60,4 in 6 chance to ind secret doors, immune to ghoul paralysis ‘and sleep, spelcasting, 4 attacks against creatures of 1 HD or less ‘Spells: tst level: charm person, magic missile, shield, 2nc level: hypnotic patter, miror Image. ® CELLARS The Aranea From the tine the party accesses tis part ofthe palace, a huge aranea. the predatory creature Myrtle & company wore after bagins to sak them. A the end of every turn ‘an addtional random encounter check should be made, andifitingieales an encounter, the aranea springs into action. It wil ry to ambush the party from behind, and carry away ‘one party member fom the back row. Its discovered, the aranca wil focus ils atacks one one target, then retreat ana try again later. It wil follow the party above the colar level as well, butt will try to remain in tha shadows. Ital gladly take the opportunity to attack when the party is distracted fighting other creatures. ‘The aranes's spall and its shape-changing ability support Its tactics. It's an intligent ereature, cold-blooded and patent. Its goal to exhaust the party and to avoid serious injuries, The Aranea: HO 742 (HP 50); AC 4 [15] Atk 1 bite (148 + poison); Move 18; Save 6; Morale 8; AL C; CLIXP “011,400; Special: Webs, Shape Change, Spals. ‘pels: fst level: charm person, magic missile, sleep, 2nd level: invisibly, miror image, Sr level; bestow curse 29, Stables The stables are dark and camp, withthe faint odour of death hanging inthe air, The foors covered in fine sand and rating svaw. Yelowed skeletons of lng dead horses Hein the Rerse-bays to the east Floor: inthe sand the racks of small legs may be discovered (lel by hunting gant spiders and the aranea). 28a. a fight of stars leading up to the chen (location 24) 28b, another flight of stairs, leading up to the rider's ‘ressing room (locaton 28) 286. the door leading to ths room is halfway open, The room itself was a storage for saddles, hamesses, blanks, horseshoes and ariers utensis, and itis sil full ofthe Femains of such tems, The nartem wall eracked open, the passage leads into a natural caver. Equipment: five saddles and harnesses are stlin an acceptable condltion Fine work af elven artisans, they are worth 25 gp apiece. There fs also a set of rusty horse barging that seems usable (mail, 200 gp). Dusty od barrels are lined alongside the western wall. At the southern wall, there are shelves with botles laid on them, ‘The wine in the bares and bottles are stil drinkable, what Is more: they have just improved aver time! Barrels: there are ten barrels, the wine in them is worth 3,000 gold pieces. It might need some logistic fo transport it though, a8 a barrel weighs 600 pounds, 2B Bottles: thirteen bottles are intact. Nine of them have wine inthem, ta are fu of water, one of them is empty Moving the later opens the secret door on the nortiem wall ‘The wine in the nine battles is worth 1,360 gp. One sip of, the water grants protection for an hour against the ilusion inlocation 38, 31, Barrleaded cavern ‘A rock.ll has blacked the entrance to ths cavern. This is \winere Myrtle, leader ofthe lost adventurers retreat, then blew her horn of Blasting to get rd of her pursuer (the taranea). She has been mediating inthe cavem ever since, waiting forthe roll army. Myite is wounded quite serously, Rockfal:it takes 6 tuns (1 hou) to make the entrance passable again, 3 characters can work ont Simulfaneously,n which case the job can be finished in 2 tums. Myrtle: she witnessed as the aranea snatched away Claudius, Adira lead through tha tunnels tothe north ang Gart and Metron retreated to the south, Se knows nothing oftheir fate [Myro has an averdevelopod sense of responsibly. Sha feels obligated to jon the pary in their mission to rescue her companions, even though she is down to 25% of her hit poins. Myrtle: HO 2d4/2 + 348/2 (currently at 25% HP}; AC 4(15] (chain mail, Atk 1 longsword +1 (14844, oF 14842 two- handed); Move 8; Save 13; Morale 8; ALL; CLIXP 4/120; ‘Special Datkvision 60h, 4in 6 chance to find secret doors, immunity to sleep and ghoul paralyss, spellasing, +2 bonus to saving throws against spel, 3 attacks against creatures of * HD or loss. Equipment: longsword +1, horn of blasting (163 uses of). Spas: stove: burning hands, charm person, magic missile, 2nd level: rviiiy, Myrtie's goar: Longsword +4 Hor of Blasting (163 uses lef) Spelbook Mihral chain mail (half weight) \Waterskn (almost empty) 4 days of rations (or whatever slot en and ink 1 of battle Cotted pools of blood dot the floor and walls of this part of the cavems, There ate also marks of axe or sword blows inthe rock. A single mace lies inthe middle of te Hoo Blood: drops of blood lead tothe southwest then west to location 34, twas lft by Claudius), while the bloody ‘markings of a hand on the wal lead tothe south. The hand ‘marks disappear alter few dozen eet. Those were lft by ‘Myrtle wile retreating to location 31, 33.0 roper ‘Along dead, petrified roper stands inthe middle of the room, Is tentacles were streched in a starlike formation and ine webs of spiders were woven between them. Thousands of small spiders swarm the webs. The ropers fangod mouth fs wide open, with a small cocoon inside of It The cocoon contains something dark of regular shape. Spiders: they ae scary but harmless. Cocoon: itis a pair of gauntlets of ogre power, webbed togethor wih spider sk 34, Giant spider nest ‘This cavern is thick with spider webs, in which atleast a zen large cocoons hang. Hairy legs craw inthe Shadowy corners in complete silence. The spiders living here ara smaller than the older anes prowting above inthe palace, but they are ust as aggressive, and they lke when ‘inner comes tothe bedroom, Note: a bat hare would be the perfect opportunity tothe ‘aranea fo ty and snatch a party member trom the back Giant Spider (1 ft diameter, 8): HD 141; AC 8 [11], Ak 1 bite (1p + polson}; Move 8; Save 17; Morale 8; AL N; (CLP 3160; Specia lethal poison (+2 saving throw) ocoons (11): they contain the folowing © the carcass of 3 giant bees. # the carcass of 3 boars, a dser and a moutlon # the corpses of two unlucky merchants *# the dead remains of Claudius, the cleric, one ofthe lost adventurers 18ure (on the corpses ofthe merchants} * 1279p # Anice pocket knit (15 9p) Treasure (onthe corpse of Clauss): * 3790 * Atom chainmail * Aside bag wit 3 vials (2 potions of healing, 1 antidote) * Amulet of protection +1 = The holy symool of Mira # 3torches. © Waterskin (almost fll) * Flint and steo! 35. Demonic altar In the midale ofthe caver stands a stone slab with the skal of goat onl, A pair of red gams glimmer inthe skulls eye sockets. A huge, rustcoloured magic cle is {rawn on the floor in font ofthe altar, with a pentagram in the middle, Black candles, buen to the stump, are placed athe poinis ofthe pentagram. ‘Magle elrele: it was dravm with blood, Magic-users recognize that's a circle used for a powerful summoning spell 4 Goat skull: evil symools have been carved into the forehead of the skul. The gems nits eye sokets are fairly cheap, they are worth 250 gp alogether.Itcan be used as {an impressive helmet 36, Stone doors with faces ‘This isa simple, alf-made room with three sone doors - ‘one on the northern wall, another to the west, and a third to the south Alte doors are decorated withthe relief ofa face and a few symbols below and above the faces, There is a carve inscription onthe floor reading: IFyou are & ‘quest here, ou should choose your host wisely.” Doors: Northern door: it has the face of an elf male, with croseed swords below I and a black flame above. ‘This sa false door. f opened, magic flames burst forth, causing 306 hit ports of damage ina 10 feet \wide and 30 fet ong tine. A saving throw is permitted for haf damage. # Western door: it shows the ikeness of a cowed, indistnguishable of, wih bows below and the antlers (of deer above, Ris also a false door. I opened, a rain of arrows shoot from the wall beyand, in 8 10 {ect wide line. It causes 345 ht points of damage, ‘The arrows can be dodged with a successful saving throw. = Souther door: the face of an elf woman, with ‘crossed roses below itand a comet above. Ths is @ normal door. {stairway leads up from the room to the stairwell in tne ‘sanctum (location 273) 37. Basins In each comer ofthis chamber is curbed basin full of crystal clear water. Above the basins there are carvings on the wall, depicting opened eyes. Water: the water here is clean, cold, and refreshing. Ithas ‘minor magical properties as wel ‘Whoever drinks from it gains immunity tothe ilusion in location 39 for an hour *Sprinking water on the magical seeret doors on the ‘western or southem walls make them become transparent and passable Secret passage (east wal) this pat ofthe walls llusary. ‘A small carving resembling a closed eye near the floor ‘marks it The wallis passable wih closed eyes. From the other side its transparent. In the chamber beyond the ilusion stands a clay golem. it attacks anyone vino opens the secret door othe treasury (location 38), except those who wear tne owner ring of the stone guardians (tis curently inthe posession of Xinamon, see location 10.) or hold the Lady's Tear isin the sanctum a locaton 27). Tho company of such a person is also protected Clay Golem: HD 10 (45hp); AC 7 [12], At 1 fist (3610) Move 9; Save 5; Morale 12: AL N; CLIXP 14/2,600, Special immune to slashing and piercing weapons, Immune to most spel Secrot doors (wostorn and southern walls) these secret doors are real, but magical. They have no opening ‘mechanism. The only way fo pass them is to sprinkle water fon them from the basin, 38.71 Suny [At each ond of this cross-shaped chambor isa sturdy chest, The chests are undisrubed, and are in perfect corston. They are nether locked nor trapped Northern chest © 2.0005p * 10 gems (250 gp apiece) # Athick tome (manual of wisdom) * Awand of polymorph (19 charges) Westen chest: 3,000 gp * 4.gems (500 gp apiece) * Apair of bronze bracers (bracers of defense 4 [15]) © 12arrows +3 ‘Southern chest: © 2.5009 * 7.g0ms (260 gp apiece} * Agreatbiue gem (gam of seeing) {A shield #3 polished so much it works as a proper 39, Mlusion trap ‘All who nt this room are “ransportod” instantly into a ‘world of illusion, save fr those who drank from the ‘agical water inthe wine cellar (location 30.) or the basins (location 37.) ‘Those who are protected see only an emty room wih cracked floor and walls, and a tick layer of us IMuston: ones it was a protective measure agains thieves, but the spell was thoroughly comupte by the ev presence Inthe palace. Characters wh succumbad toi find that they have teleported’ into the balroom (location 22), of rather, into a porverted past oft itis dawning outside, The snow is slowly fang, and the fees are having a masquarade. Everyone looks happy ‘and cateoe, Food and wine are being served up by. Satyr, but the food Is rotten and teeming with worms, while the drink is green sewage. Under the masks tho ‘elves have ne face, only emply eye sockets. Nobody ‘seems tobe bathered By ths, Characters aro welcome and they are invited to join the Celebration. The eves are not resisting I they are attacked. On the contrary: they let themselves be kiled, land seem to be entertained by i. All deaths are gested by loud applause. Characters may explore the entire palace within this ‘teat ilusory past * Atthe entrance tothe stables (3), there isa real, paralyzed unicorn in place ofthe statue is ‘groaning in fear and agony. ‘Tho statue on the balcony (7.) depicts a horblo gargoyle * Inthe statue garden (8, three young elves play hide and seek with an elven dame wearing a fox mask. Thay wore unable to find her for an hour naw. ‘The dame lies dead in the boathouse with a dagger in her eat. 15 * Onthe lake (10,) a dozen elves ae boating. They fare singing and laughing as one af them ties to ‘drown a bound satyr from one of the boats. The drowning salyr coughs and laughs as well Inthe elevated garden (12) about a dozen drugged ‘elves massage each other with honey Inthe contral hall 14.) an undead nymph rides a ‘swing attached tothe celng, and sings wih an eerie voice. Half a dozen young elves are laying onthe fleor smiling, with closed eyes, binded. Those who take a look at the nymph must succeed on a saving throw or go blind # Inthe baths (16, and 12,) intoxicated elves are making wild love to eacn other. ‘Inthe secrot randezvous chamber (21.)an elf mistress whips and fortures a bound satyt Inthe kitchen (24.)throe satyrs padile the wormy dt into cups. Sometimes they taste the foul thing ‘and smack wit satisfaction, ‘The doors ofthe sanctum (27,) are impossible to ‘open, and are indestructible. The whole sanctum is a ‘old wall without rooms. * Inthe stables (29, there are four biinafolded ‘centaurs tethered to the horse-bays, hands bound. * Locations from 31 to 39 does not exit. * Whoover tris fo leave the palace wil find tselin a frozen forest The wind cartes the howling of nightwolves. Its impossible to reach the far end of the forest, as the cold soon becomes unbearable. [A dark shadow begins to stalk the characters as they ‘explore through the ilisory palace. The lusion works ints favor, soit has a 90% chance fo hide and a 100% chance tomove silently. The characters wil fel that they are being watched, and they wil llen sense movement in the dark comers and wobbling shadows cast by the candles ‘and fairy lights. It the ‘shadow falls its hiding check and is discovered, ‘leos and tres to approach the party Later. It wil always ty to attack by surprise, focus on one target, and use a ht ‘and ru’ tatie, Somatimes tho ‘shadow wil thraw objects al the charactors from hiding, to make a dstracton of to Slowly pick away at them, causing 143 Nt points of damage with a successful hit The ‘shadow is actualy a wraith. fits kiled, the evi entty disappears from the balroom (22, Escaping the lilusion: thore are two ways to escape from the tap A character who states itis an ilusion and rolls a ‘successful saving throw witha 4 penalty disappears from the ilusionary world and finds him or herself in {an empty room in locaton 38, Elves receive no penalty on ths saving throw. There is a danger to this metnod: whoever falls the saving throw gains deep corwietion that the ilusion is true, andthe ‘shadow’ gains a permanent +2 atack rll against him or her Ifthe ‘shadow’ is eliminated, the iluson ceases instanlly for everyone Wraith: HD 4, AC 3 [16]; Atk 1 touch (146 HP + evel cain) Move 9 (Fly 24) Save 13; Morale 9; AL C: CLXP '87800; Special: Half damage trom siver weapons, immune to Sleep and Charm, Magic or siver weapon to hi. Secrat doors: the eecret dears atthe north and south end ofthis room look ike normal dao from this side. END OF ADVENTURE DESCRIPTION Let's hope your players will be smart and lucky, so they find the lost adventurers, and retum from the palace with Untold riches and an abundance of magic iterns! OPEN GAME CONTENT icone, bbw. 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