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- Alexia: Using social media apps with the use of technologies can be a lot of fun but there
are some risks and threats we should be aware of. Cyberbullying is a form of bullying
that takes place online. pwede po itong mangyari anytime and on any platform such as
social media sites, messaging apps, and even computer games. This includes saying
hurtful things, spreading false rumors, posting photos or videos that can make you feel
bad about yourself, or making you feel different and alone. Cyberbullying affects not only
our mental health, but also physically and emotionally kasi it makes you question
yourself what you have done wrong in some way. An example of cyberbullying is the
movie called unfriended. May nakanood na ba nun? Trigger warning lang po, Unfriended
is a movie where the protagonist was cyber bullied by her “friends”. They were having a
party and then without her consent, her friends filmed her and spread her video all over
the internet which resulted in her being ashamed of herself. Nakalaunan she took
su/i/ci/de. Its very pathetic pa rin how this still happens pa rin nowadays but we hope na
this could be prevented.
What is hacking?
- Alexia: Next is hacking, hacking is a method of virtual attack through which someone
can gain unauthorized access sa data ng ating mga computer, cellphone or other
devices na connected sa network. and the person who undertakes these activities are
called hackers. Black hat hackers are cybercriminals that illegally crack systems with
malicious intent. There are 6 types of hackers. Black hat hackers attack other systems to
get access to systems where they do not have authorized entry. Once a black hat
hacker finds a security vulnerability, they try to exploit it, often by implanting a virus or
other type of malware such as a trojan. Unlike black hackers, white hat hackers work for
governments or organizations by getting into the system that's why they are called
ethical. Green hat hackers are “green” in the sense that they’re inexperienced and may
lack the technical skills of more experienced hackers. Blue hat hackers are similar to
white hat hackers who are actually employed by an organization to help improve their
security systems. And lastly, red hat hackers are motivated by a desire to fight back
against black hat hackers, but they do this by infiltrating black hat communities on the
dark web and launching hacking attacks against their networks and devices.

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