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A spot. Nothing more.

Black, as you see, somewhat lopsided, as you see-an unprepossessing,

unpretentious spot.

It, the spot, gets awoken by a ringing bell within the house. Though the body of a human

seemingly in its teens is shown in its place to himself. How interesting. Slowly opening its eyes

laying on the floor unmoving. Examining the surroundings in front of its eyes trying to figure out

where in the world it was. Its eyes lowered in a scowling expression, looking down towards the

hardwood flooring. Its mouth begins to open slowly, not yet speaking, thinking of its words


“Who are you?” In a low tone it speaks. Is it speaking to someone else in the room? No,

there is nobody else there.

“Hey there, I'm a bit taken aback that you can hear me. Though let me introduce myself,

I'm Haviland. The designated voice within your head. It’s a pleasure to finally speak to you.”

How does he hear me? It isn't supposed to know I'm here. Well I haven't had a bit of fun in years,

let's make this interesting.

“You must be confused, but don't worry I can help!” As I speak he seems to be becoming

more and more hostile. “You must be misunderstanding me, for you see I am not foe, I'm here to

help you.” It relaxes a bit however not enough for it to be off its guard.

“What would you even help me with? Are you trying to trap me here, or keep me for a

long period of time? Yeah no i'll pass, that doesn’t seem like much fun to me.” I need to think of

something quickly. I know I want to have fun with this, but at this rate if I don't come up with

something quickly I won't be able to have fun at all. I got it! “What about your family, you lost

them in the woods while coming here. Don't tell me you forgot? You did faint a few hours ago,

and hit your head pretty painfully. Glad there is no blood otherwise, are you sure you haven't lost
your memory of your family. Don’t you want to go find your family?” It seems confused just as I

planned, after this it has to trust my words there are no others to believe when you’re a black spot

with no memory of anything before this.

“I have a family? Really?! because I don't remember anything. I need to get my family

back!” It stands up in haste and darts towards the door of the room. On the way to cause

carnage. Perfect. Now all i have to do is sit back and relax, this shall be entertaining.

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