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Año de la consumación de la independencia y la Grandeza de México”

Escuela Preparatoria Oficial Núm. 53

CCT 15 EBH0122Z


Guía de Estudio Extraordinario de Inglés III

Affirmative: I used to play hide and seek when I was a child.
Negative: We didn’t use to visit my relatives on Chistmas.
Interrogative: Did you use to celebrate your birthday with a party?

I. Complete the questions and statements with forms of used to.

1. On New Year’s Eve, my family___________________ (set off) fireworks.

2. What did you_____________________________ (eat) on your birthday?

3. Did you________________________ (blow up) balloons for the parties?

4. Mauricio_____________ (not wear) fancy clothes for the school festival.

5. No one in my family_______________________ (celebrate) Christmas.

6. Mike’s grandfather____________ (read) stories to all the grandchildren.

7. Did your father_____________ (play) with toys on Christmas morning?

8. What food did your family ____________(cook) on special occasions?

9. Tina________________ (not have) long, curly hair, but she does now.
Affirmative: I played football last weekend.
Negative: They visited their parents on New Year.
Interrogative: Did she go to Paris last year?

II. Circle the answers.

1. I acted / watched in school plays in elementary school.

2. César went / visited his grandparents forthe end-of-the-year celebrations.

3. My grandma didn’t buy / bought ornaments for Christmas. She always made them.

4. Did you made / make presents for your friends on Christmas?

5. I went / go with my friends to the cinema on Fridays.

6. Sandra didn’t get / got money when she lost her first tooth.

7. Did Martin and Tania danced / dance at the graduation party?

8. On her ninth birthday, Patricia’s mom did / made a big chocolate cake for her.


Affirmative: Maria was playing football last weekend.
Negative: They visited their parents when they were visiting Mexico.
Interrogative: Did she go to Paris last year?

III. Complete the statements and questions with the past simple or the past

1. They_______________(do) their homework when their dad__________________(walk) in.

2. What_________ he____________ (do) when he______________ (hear) the police sirens?

3. While she___________________ (walk) to school, she_____________ (see) an old friend.

4. He_____________ (not study) anymore when his mom____________________ (call) him.

5. Who____________ (play) the piano when we_____________________________ (arrive)?

Tema: RELATIVE PRONOUNS Who, Which, Where, That

Lord Thompson, who is 76, has just retired.
This is the house which Jack built.
Marie Curie is the woman that discovered radium.

IV. Complete the statements and questions with the correct relative pronoun.
who / that which / that where

1. Economics is a subject _______ I've never understood.

2. I want a mobile phone ________ takes good photos.
3. I work in that big yellow building_______ you can see over there.
4. Lee Harvey Oswald is the man ________ shot John F Kennedy.
5. Meryl Streep is the famous person_______ I'd most like to meet.
6. What's the name of the lady__________ is wearing the blue dress?
7. You need a coat_________ will keep you warm this winter.
8. You're the most beautiful person__________ I've ever seen.
9. That’s the town _______________I was born.
Calm down become calmer Just calm down. He’ll be fine.
Give up to accept defeat. Carin felt like giving up.

1. That song has already _______ €7 million.

a) made out b) made up c) made

2. You can _______ words in a dictionary.

a) look after b) look up c) look up to

3. Sorry I'm late. My car _______ petrol.

a) ran out b) ran out of c) ran out on

4. Those bright yellow football boots really

a) stand up b) stand down c) stand out

5. Oh no! The building's lift has _______ again!

a) broken down b) broken up c) broken in

6. Our babysitter's really good at _______ our kids.

a) looking after b) looking into c) looking down on

7. The bus was nearly full so it was difficult to

a) get in b) get on c) get up

8. If the TV isn't loud enough, turn it _______ a little.
a) of b) up c) down
9. Our plane _______ thirty minutes late.

a) took off b) took up c) took out

10. Let's _______ that old box. We don't need it.

a) throw up b) throw in c) throw away


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