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Currently, students are having difficulty in writing essays while listening to lecture.

Especially those from universities. During the lecture, it’s likely for them to struggle to keep
up with their writing or forget what the lecturer has said, making it impossible to take
thorough notes for the test. As a result, they missed the crucial points. To solve that
relatable problem, we have created Magic Quill
So, what’s Magic Quill? It is a pen which will be linked to a bracelet that has a chip
inside it. This chip will be linked to the human brain. The MQ set comes with a band which
will be connected to the pen. The band, through entering your nerve system, will have
access to enter your brain, processing information from it. Images, thoughts will be
classified into different groups and then, the computer would find a way to process the
information. The processed information from your brain would be collected and
transformed into the pen, then written out on paper. At the moment we are seeking $1m for
5% equity in our company. That is a huge amount, yes, but it balances the money it takes to
create one MQ since this technology is futuristic and complex. I think we have a chance
with Magic Quill to restore full-body functionality to someone who has a spinal cord
injury.  Magic Quill works well in monkeys, and we have actually done a lot of experiments
and have confirmed that it’s very safe and reliable,  Magic Quill device can also be removed
safely so there’s nothing customer should worry about.

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