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3.06 Growth Cash Available

to Amazon Sellers

Working Capital and Helium

10’s Alta Tool
Leveraging money and managing cash flow to
continue growing – When, Why, & How.
▶ All responsible businesses leverage debt when they need it – you
should not be any different!
▶ As long as you are making more money than the borrowing costs you,
you may be able to take advantage of huge opportunities!
▶ Alta by Helium 10 provides a legitimate, affordable, & easy to procure
line of working capital to grow your business.

How to Set Up Alta:

▶ Go into the Alta tab within the Helium 10 dashboard, & create
an Alta account
▶ Apply for an Alta Line of Credit

▶ Attach your eCommerce store to the Alta platform so it can

be analyzed.
• Eligibility is determined by marketplace performance – you are
not required to have been a seller for 2+years - only 6 months
required, you do not need to provide tax returns, you don’t even
need to be in the US!

1 Growth Cash Available to Amazon Sellers

Module 3.06

▶ Once Alta connects with your store, it will give • This also reduces costs of shipping as
you an offer. containers are consolidated
▶ If eligible, you will receive a line of credit offers • = Inventory cost has gone down, plus once
that can be used used for several needs, for inventory comes in, you’re not going to run out
example, a downpayment to a supplier of stock as quickly
▶ The fees charged are extremely transparent and
can be viewed from within the dashboard
▶ Repayment can be anywhere from 3 to
12 months
© Freedom Ticket, All rights reserved.
▶ There is also an option for interest-only
No part of this document, including the text, data, graphics, interior
deferment, in which you’re only paying
design and cover design, may be reproduced or transmitted in any
interest for a few months before you get form without explicit consent from Freedom Ticket.
the inventory, start selling, and start seeing
revenue come through

If you’re looking at a line of credit for half
a million dollars, the interest rate on that
number could be scary.

▶ However, having this line of working capital

means you can double or triple your order
• Instead of one order over 6 months, you
can buy a full year worth, meaning you can
negotiate a lower cost with my supplier due to
the larger purchase

2 Growth Cash Available to Amazon Sellers

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