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Q.) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given

Eight friends Munnes, Mahi, Chirag, Riti, Nikhil, Neetu, Garima and Harsha are
sitting around a circular table facing the center.
Two persons sit between Chirag and Riti. Two persons sit between Garima and
Mahi. Garima sits fourth to the right of Neetu. Nikhil sits third to the right of
Munnes who is not sitting near to Chirag. Chirag sits third to the right of Mahi.

आठ मित्र िुनेश, िाही, मिराग, रीमि, मनखिल, नीिू , गररिा और हर्ष एक वृत्ताकार िेज के
िार ों ओर केंद्र की ओर िुि करके बैठे हैं ।
मिराग और रीमि के बीि द व्यखि बैठे हैं । गररिा और िाही के िध्य द व्यखि बैठे हैं ।
गररिा, नीिू के दायें से िौथे स्थान पर बैठी है । मनखिल िुन्ने के दायें से िीसरे स्थान पर बैठा
है ज मिराग के पास नहीों बैठा है । मिराग, िाही के दायें से िीसरे स्थान पर बैठा है ।

1. How many friends sit between Riti and Nikhil?

रीमि और मनखिल के बीि मकिने मित्र बैठे हैं ?

A. One
B. Four
C. Three
D. Two
E. None

2. Four among the following five are same in a certain manner and forms a
group, which among the following does not belong to the group?
मनम्नमलखिि पाों ि िें से िार एक मनमिि िरीके से सिान हैं और एक सिूह बनािे हैं ,
मनम्नमलखिि िें से कौन सिूह से सोंबोंमिि नहीों है ?

A. Chirag, Munnes
B. Riti, Nikhil
C. Mahi, Chirag
D. Garima, Neetu
E. Harsha, Mahi

3. Who among the following sits fifth to the right of Neetu?

मनम्नमलखिि िें से कौन नीिू के दायें से पाों िवें स्थान पर बैठा है ?

A. Munnes
B. Riti
C. Nikhil
D. Chirag
E. None of these

4. Find the correct statement from the following.

मनम्नमलखिि िें से सही कथन ज्ञाि कीमजए।

A. Harsha and Riti are immediate neighbors.

B. Munnes sits immediate left of Riti.
C. Neetu and Harsha sit opposite to each other.
D. Harsha sits second to the right of Nikhil.
E. None is true

5. Who among the following sits third to the left of Mahi?

मनम्नमलखिि िें से कौन िाही के बायें से िीसरे स्थान पर बैठा है ?

A. Garima
B. Nikhil
C. Harsha
D. Chirag
E. None of these


1. C
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given

Ten people i.e. M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting around a rectangular

table such that three people are sitting on the longer side and two people are
sitting on the shorter side. All of them are facing inside the centre. M sits to
the right of U. Only one person sits between V and Q. U faces Q. V and T are
immediate neighbours of each other. Three people sit between O and M. O
and S are immediate neighbours of each other. R faces T who sits on the longer
side of the table. M and U the neighbours of R. N sits to the immediate right of
M. Two people sit between N and T.

दस व्यखि अथाष ि् M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U और V एक आयिाकार िेज के िार ओर

इस प्रकार बैठे हैं मक िीन व्यखि लों बी भुजा पर बैठे हैं और द व्यखि छ टी भुजा पर बैठे
हैं । उन सभी का िुि केंद्र की ओर है । M, U के दाईों ओर बैठिा है । V और Q के बीि
केवल एक व्यखि बैठिा है । U, Q की ओर उन्मु ि है । V और T एक दू सरे के मनकटिि
पड सी हैं । O और M के िध्य िीन व्यखि बैठे हैं । O और S एक दू सरे के मनकटिि
पड सी हैं । R का िुि T की ओर है ज िेज की लों बी भुजा पर बैठा है । M और U, R के
पड सी हैं । N, M के ठीक दायें बैठा है । N और T के बीि द व्यखि बैठे हैं ।

1. Who among the following faces S?

मनम्नमलखिि िें से कौन S की ओर उन्मुि है ?
A) Person sits to the immediate right of M
B) Person sits to the immediate left of P.
C) Person who sits third from the left of T
D) Both A and C
E) All of the above

2. Who among the following pair sits on the shorter side?

मनम्नमलखिि िें से कौन सा युग्म छ टी भुजा पर बैठा है ?
A) O and Q
B) P and R
C) N and S
D) N and V

E) S and M

3. Which of the following statements is/ are true?

मनम्नमलखिि िें से कौन सा कथन सत्य है / हैं ?
A) U sits on the shorter side of the table
B) T faces R
C) S sits to the immediate left of the U
D) Both B and C
E) Both A and B

4. How many people sit between the U and P?

U और P के िध्य मकिने व्यखि बैठे हैं ?
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) Either A or B
E) Either A or C

5. Who among the following pair sits to the immediate left and immediate
right of T respectively?
मनम्नमलखिि िें से कौन सा युग्म क्रिशः T के ठीक बायें और ठीक दायीों ओर बैठा है ?
A) V and Q
B) V and the person sits immediate left of O
C) P and V
D) Both A and B
E) Both A and C


1. E
2. C
3. D
4. E
5. D


Eight people, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and N are sitting at four corners and four sides of
a rectangular table. people sitting at corners are facing the centre, while others
are facing away from the centre. L is sitting 2nd to the left of G. One person is
sitting between L and J. K is not sitting adjacent to I. M is sitting 2nd to the
right of H. G is sitting 3rd to the right of M. Neither N nor I is facing the centre.

आठ व्यखि, G, H, I, J, K, L, M और N एक आयिाकार िेज के िार क न ों और िार

भुजाओों पर बैठे हैं । क न ों पर बैठे व्यखिय ों का िुि केंद्र की ओर है , जबमक अन्य का
िुि केंद्र से बाहर की ओर है । L, G के बायें से दू सरे स्थान पर बैठा है । L और J के बीि
एक व्यखि बैठा है । K, I के समन्नकट नहीों बैठा है । M, H के दायें से दू सरे स्थान पर बैठा है ।
G, M के दायें से िीसरे स्थान पर बैठा है । न ि N और न ही िेरा िुि केंद्र की ओर है ।

1) Find the odd one out.

मवर्ि िुनें।
a. K
b. L
c. I
d. J
e. G

2) _____ is sitting opposite to K.

_____ K के मवपरीि बैठा है ।
a. L
b. N
c. G
d. J
e. None of the above

3) How many people are sitting between M and N, when counted from the left
of M?
M के बायें से मगने जाने पर M और N के िध्य मकिने व्यखि बैठे हैं ?
a. 3
b. 5

c. 1
d. 4
e. None of the above

4) _______ is sitting adjacent to H.

_______, H के आसन्न बैठा है ।
a. J
b. L
c. Either (a) or (b)
d. Both (a) and (b)
e. None of the above

5) What is the position of N with respect to J?

J के सन्दभष िें N का स्थान क्या है ?
a. 3rd to the left
b. 2nd to the right
c. 3rd to the right
d. 4th to the left
e. None of the above


1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. A


In this question, relationship between different elements is shown in the
statements. The statements are followed by conclusions. Study the
conclusions based on the given statement and select the appropriate answer.

1. Statements: A < B ≤ D; C < W ≤ A > G; C > T ≥ H

I. D > G
II. B > C
III. H < A
a) Only conclusion I is true.
b) Both conclusions I and II are true.
c) Both conclusions I and III is true.
d) Both conclusions II and III are true.
e) All conclusions I, II and III are true

2. Statements: A < N ≤ C = P; B ≤ E = A; D > P ≥ F

I. B < C
II. D > E
III. F < C

a) Only conclusion I is true.
b) Both conclusions I and II are true.
c) Only conclusion III is true.
d) Both conclusions II and III are true.
e) All conclusions I, II and III are false.

3. Statements: A > H ≥ D; C ≤ N < F; A = N ≤ T

I. C < A
II. F > H
III. D < N
a) Only conclusion I is true.
b) Both conclusions I and II are true.
c) Only conclusion III is true.
d) Both conclusions II and III are true.
e) All conclusions I, II and III are false.

4. Statements: Q < S < R < I; R > Z > Y; S < N < Z

I. Q < N
II. I > Z
III. Y < S
a) Only conclusion II is true
b) Both conclusion I and II are true
c) Only conclusion I is true
d) All conclusions are true.

e) Both conclusion I and III are true

5. Statements: A < C > B > F; B > G > J; G > N

I. N < C
II. F > G
III. A < J
a) Both conclusions II and III are true
b) Both conclusions I and II are true
c) Only conclusion II is true
d) Only conclusion I is true
e) None of these


1. E
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. D

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given

In a certain code language :

“Petrol Diesel Hero‟ is written as “rm qz ic‟

“Oil Battery test‟ is written as “qf cl mr‟
“Hero Test Petrol‟ is written as “ic cl rm‟
“charge Oil Test‟is written as “nj mr cl‟

1. What is the code for “Test‟?

(a) cl
(b) rm
(c) qf
(d) ic
(e) None of these

2. Which of the following may be the code for “Test charge‟?

(a) mr cl
(b) qf nj

(c) ic qf
(d) cl nj
(e) None of these

3. What is the code for “Oil‟?

(a) nj
(b) ic
(c) mr
(d) cl
(e) Can‟t be determined

4. What is the code for “Petrol hero‟ in the given code language?
(a) qz rm
(b) rm ic
(c) mr rm
(d) qz cl
(e) None of these

5. If “Hero‟ is coded as “ic‟ then what is the code for “petrol‟?

(a) rm
(b) nj
(c) qz
(d) mr
(e) None of these



In each question below are given some statements followed by some
conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they
seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions
and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows/follow from
the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.

A) Both (I) and (III) follow

B) Both (II) and (III) follow
C) Only (I) and Either (II) or (III) follow
D) Only (II) and Either (I) or (III) follow
E) Only (III) and Either (I) or (II) follow

1. Statement:
I) All tomato are potato
II) No potato is Bowl
III) Some Bowl are knife
IV) Some knife are Mug
I) Some tomato are not Bowl
II) Some knife are potato
III) No knife is potato
2. Statement:
I) No pencil is paper
II) Some paper are scissor
III) All scissor are Wall
IV) Some colour are pencil
I) Some Wall are scissor is not a possibility
II) Some pencil are paper is a possibility
III) Some colour are not paper is not a possibility

3. Statement:
I) Some solid are liquid
II) Some liquid are gas
III) No gas is plasma
IV) All solid are Colour
I) Some Colour are liquid is not a possibility
II) Some liquid are plasma
III) No liquid is plasma

4. Statement:
I) All bed are mattress
II) All mattress are pillow
III) No pillow are Large
IV) Some Large are bedsheet

I) Some mattress are bedsheet
II) No bed is Large
III) No bedsheet is mattress

5. Statement:
I) Some speaker are Low
II) Some DVD are Boofer
III) All speaker are Boofer
IV) No Music is Low
I) No speaker is Music
II) Some Boofer are not Music
III) Some DVD are speaker is a possibility




Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given


1. How many such digits are there in the series, each of which is immediately
preceded as well as followed by letters?
a. Two
b. Four
c. Three
d. Five
e. None of these

2. Which of the following element is exactly in the middle of 9 and 3?

a. 2
b. Z
c. Q
d. A
e. None of these

3. Which of the following element is tenth to the left of the element which is
fifth from the right end?
a. M
b. L
c. Q
d. Z
e. A

4. If each symbol of the series is replaced with different digits from 1-9, which
is not present in the given series, then what is the sum of all the digits?
a. 45
b. 37
c. 42
d. 32
e. None of these

5. Complete the sequence:

MLD 9A^ 2ML ?
a. T3L
b. 3TM
c. 3↑N
d. NUT
e. None of these


1. C
2. A
3. E
4. A
5. C


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