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Invited Review

Nutrition in Clinical Practice

Volume 36 Number 2
Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome: Pharmacologic and Nutrition April 2021 331–343
© 2021 American Society for
Management Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
DOI: 10.1002/ncp.10622

Kyle J. Hampson, PharmD, BCNSP, BCPPS, CNSC1,2 ; Morgan L. Gay, MS, RD,
CNSC3 ; and Molly E. Band, MHS, PA-C4

Nephrotic syndrome is a common kidney disease during childhood that is characterized by alterations in glomerular filtration
and leads to protein, fluid, and nutrient loss in the urine. Most patients experience peripheral, gravity-dependent edema; however,
serious cases exhibit anasarca and ascites. Many long-term complications of the disease exist due to the underlying pathology and
the therapies used for treatment, including metabolic bone disease, micronutrient deficiencies, and hyperlipidemia. Pharmacologic
and nutrition interventions are key to appropriate management. Fluid and sodium restriction in combination with corticosteroids,
albumin, and diuretics are used to manage edema. Steroid-sparing therapies like alkylating agents and calcineurin inhibitors and
dietary modification to eliminate dairy and gluten may be warranted in patients with frequent relapses or steroid-refractory disease.
Nutrition clinicians should familiarize themselves with the nuances of treating this disease to optimize care for children with
nephrotic syndrome. (Nutr Clin Pract. 2021;36:331–343)

electrolytes; kidney diseases; micronutrients; nephrotic syndrome; nutrition; pediatrics

Introduction consist of a network of slit diaphragm proteins.2 The struc-

tural integrity of the podocytes and slit diaphragms play a
Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is a disorder of the glomerular key role in filtration. In NS, damage or alteration occurs
capillary wall in the nephron that leads to massive protein to the podocyte or the slit diaphragm proteins, leading to
and fluid loss through the kidneys.1 It is a common child- rearrangement of the podocyte actin cytoskeleton, change
hood renal disorder that occurs in 2-7 per 100,000 children in podocyte shape, and changes in signaling between the
worldwide and may present at any age during childhood slit diaphragm proteins and the podocytes that regulate
and adolescence.1 The disorder, caused by dysfunction in ultrafiltration.3,4 The aforementioned damage or alterations
the glomerular filtration barrier, can lead to massive fluid,
protein, and nutrient loss in the urine.1 Pharmacologic
and nutrition optimization are key to ensuring appropriate From the 1 Division of Pharmacy Practice, Arnold and Marie
Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Long Island
growth and development in children while minimizing ad- University, Brooklyn, New York, USA; the 2 Division of
verse effects of therapies. Pharmacotherapy Services, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn,
New York, USA; the 3 Department of Pediatric Nephrology,
Connecticut Children’s, Hartford, Connecticut, USA; and the
4 Department of Pediatric Urology, Yale New Haven Hospital, New
Pathophysiology and Disease Classification
Haven, Connecticut, USA.
The clinical effects of NS originate from cellular changes Financial disclosure: None declared.
in the glomerulus, which is responsible for filtering blood
Conflicts of interest: None declared.
in the kidney. Under normal conditions, filtration occurs
Received for publication July 27, 2020; accepted for publication
at the glomerular filtration barrier and removes waste
November 21, 2020.
products and fluid while retaining erythrocytes and plasma
This article originally appeared online on January 19, 2021.
proteins, including albumin.1 The glomerular filtration bar-
rier comprises fenestrated epithelial cells, the glomerular Corresponding Author:
Kyle J. Hampson, PharmD, BCNSP, BCPPS, CNSC, Division of
basement membrane, and glomerular epithelial cells, called
Pharmacy Practice, Arnold and Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy
podocytes.2,3 Podocytes are footlike cells that wrap around and Health Sciences, Long Island University, 75 DeKalb Avenue,
the glomerular capillaries and are connected by specialized L-35-8, Brooklyn, NY, USA.
cell-cell junctions called slit diaphragms.1 Slit diaphragms Email:
332 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 36(2)

Table 1. Potential Causes of Nephrotic Syndrome1,2,4,30 .

Classification Example

Genetic mutations Nephrin (NPHS1) (Finnish-type nephrotic syndrome), podocin

(NPHS2), podocyte actin cytoskeleton proteins CD2AP and INF2,
actin bundling protein actin-α4, WT-1 (Denys-Drash syndrome)
Bacterial infection Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, infectious endocarditis, syphilis
Viral infection Hepatitis B and C, human immunodeficiency virus, cytomegalovirus
Other infection Malaria, toxoplasmosis
Hematological diseases Hodgkin’s lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia, sickle cell
Drugs NSAIDs, gold, penicillamine, ACE inhibitors, pamidronate,
interferon-alfa, mercury, heroin, lithium
Environmental antigens Poison ivy, bee sting, food allergies
Systemic diseases Systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus

ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

can occur through a variety of mechanisms, which are tion or be part of a multisystem syndrome, like Pierson
discussed in the Idiopathic NS section below. When these syndrome.1,4
structural changes occur, the glomerular filtration barrier
loses its ability to retain plasma proteins, producing the Idiopathic NS
characteristic proteinuria associated with NS.3
Most cases of NS can be classified as idiopathic, which
Other factors may also play a role in the NS. The
usually presents after the first year of life.1 The most com-
presence of a circulating soluble mediator that increases
mon cause of idiopathic NS in children is minimal change
capillary membrane permeability at the cell wall and leads
disease (MCD), which accounts for roughly 80% of cases in
to albuminuria has been proposed.1,2 Although still uniden-
children older than 1 year.1,5 Although the cause of MCD
tified, it is postulated that the permeability factor is linked
is unknown, fusion and effacement of the podocyte foot
to immunoglobulin G and it may cross the placenta and
processes lead to a disruption in the glomerular basement
induce transient neonatal proteinuria.2 The immune system,
membrane, allowing for proteinuria and subsequent clinical
specifically T-lymphocyte activation through interleukin-
sequalae.5 It is postulated that mechanisms intrinsic to
2 and depressed cell-mediated immunity, may play a role
the podocyte, the presence of soluble circulating factors,
in the pathogenesis of NS.1 However, immune system ir-
and immune system dysregulation may contribute to the
regularities are not present in all patients with NS, and
pathogenesis of MCD.5 Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
these effects have not been reproduced in animal studies.1 A
is more common in slightly older children (around 6 years
summary of the etiologies of NS are found in the following
old) and is characterized by segmental destruction of the
sections and in Table 1.
glomerular capillaries, which forms adhesions between the
sclerosed segments and the Bowman’s capsule.2,4 Less com-
mon causes of idiopathic NS include mesangial prolifer-
Congenital NS ative glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative glomeru-
lonephritis, and membranous nephropathy.1,2 Regardless of
Although rare, congenital NS typically presents during
underlying etiology, the subsequent changes in the podocyte
the first 3 months of life and is largely due to genetic
shape and the rearrangement of the podocyte cytoskeleton
mutations in slit diaphragm proteins. The most common
caused by these abnormalities ultimately lead to the loss of
etiology is Finnish-type congenital NS, which involves a
serum protein through the glomerulus and subsequent signs
mutation in the gene encoding for the slit diaphragm
and symptoms of NS.4
protein nephrin (NPHS1).1,2 Mutations have also been
found in genes encoding for podocin (NPHS2), another
slit diaphragm protein; podocyte actin cytoskeleton pro-
Disease Classification and Definitions
teins CD2AP and INF2; actin bundling protein actin- The 2012 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes
α4; and WT-1, a transcription factor suppressor gene (KDIGO) guidelines define NS in children as hypoalbu-
that leads to Denys-Drash syndrome, among others.1,3,4 minemia, edema, and proteinuria (protein > 40 mg/m2 /h
NS presenting during this time frame may also be or protein-creatinine ratio > 2000 mg/g [>200 mg/mmol]
caused by congenital syphilis and cytomegalovirus infec- or protein > 300 mg/dL or 3+ on urine dipstick [in adults,
Hampson et al 333

Table 2. Terminology Used to Describe Nephrotic Syndrome in Children4,6 .

Term Definition

Complete remission uPCR < 20 mg/mmol or < 1+ on urine dipstick for 3 consecutive days
Steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome Attainment of complete remission within the initial 4 weeks of
corticosteroid therapy
Steroid-refractory nephrotic syndrome Failure to achieve complete remission after 8 weeks of corticosteroid
Relapse uPCR ≥ 200 mg/mmol or > 3+ protein on urine dipstick for 3
consecutive days
Frequent relapse >2 relapses within 6 months of initial relapse or ≥ 4 relapses in any
12-month period
Steroid dependence 2 consecutive relapses during corticosteroid therapy or within 14 days
of stopping therapy

uPCR, urinary protein:creatinine ratio.

Table 3. Recommendations for Sodium Restriction16 . like ascites, pulmonary edema, or pleural effusion.4 If this
occurs, the patient can develop respiratory distress, cool
Age Sodium
extremities, and abdominal pain from hypoperfusion and
0-6 months 120 mg/d or 1-2 mEq/kg ileus.4 The intravascular volume depletion from loss of
7-12 months 370 mg/d oncotic pressure can also lead to oliguria and acute kidney
1-3 years 1000 mg/d injury.4
4-8 years 1200 mg/d There are 2 theories that describe the underlying eti-
9-18 years 1500 mg/d ology of edema in NS: the underfill hypothesis and the
overfill hypothesis. The underfill hypothesis proposes that
nephrotic range proteinuria leads to hypoalbuminemia.2,4,7
This results in low plasma oncotic pressure, allowing fluid
proteinuria > 3.5 g per 24 hours]).4,6 Diagnostic tests may
to leak into the tissues, which results in intravascular
include a renal biopsy, viral testing, antibody or compliment
volume depletion, thus activating the renin-angiotensin-
levels, and genetic testing to determine the underlying cause
aldosterone system and leading to further sodium and water
of NS.6
retention.2,4,7 Conversely, the overfill hypothesis proposes
Because patients with NS have varying response to
that protein loss in the urine leads to a compensatory
treatment and because the disease is associated with re-
retention of sodium that expands the intravascular volume
currence of symptoms, terminology has been developed to
and, ultimately, overflows into peripheral tissues.4,7 The
characterize the type of disease a child has. Many of these
epithelial sodium channel is the primary channel for sodium
terms describe the disease in reference to the response to
resorption in the kidney and is found in the distal segment
the primary treatment, corticosteroids (discussed within the
of the nephron.4 In the overfill hypothesis, the epithelial
pharmacologic therapy section below). These definitions
sodium channel is opened and allows for further influx of
have been provided in Table 2.
Signs and Symptoms
Although diagnosis requires alterations in laboratory tests Nutrition Requirements
like serum albumin level and urinalysis, patients can present
with a multitude of signs and symptoms. The 4 classic
Fluid, Calorie, and Protein Needs
symptoms of NS are the aforementioned proteinuria, hy- Despite limited data, children with NS have unique nutrition
poalbuminemia, edema, and hyperlipidemia.7 Upon ini- support needs. These needs may change based on the
tial diagnosis of NS, patients exhibit sudden onset of etiology of the disease, classification of disease, and clinical
peripheral, gravity-dependent edema, which results from parameters (eg, growth patterns; a more detailed discussion
the increased glomerular permeability and hypoalbumine- of growth is found below). A patient-specific approach to
mia and corresponding reduction in oncotic pressure.7,8 nutrition support care is warranted.
Periorbital edema is more common in the morning and When a pediatric patient with NS is experiencing edema,
becomes more noticeable in the arms and legs throughout moderate fluid restriction is recommended, especially if
the day and can also include labial/scrotal edema.7 In severe the patient is hyponatremic.9,10 Sodium restriction is also
cases, anasarca may be present and lead to complications recommended during this time.9,10 (Recommendations for
334 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 36(2)

Table 4. Summary of Pharmacotherapy Dosing and Adverse Effects17,18 .

Medication Dosing Selected adverse effects

Prednisone/prednisolone See Table 5 Hypothalamic-pituitary axis suppression, weight

gain, loss of calcium, reduction in bone mineral
density, hyperglycemia, diabetes mellitus,
growth impairment/delay
Albumin 0.5-1 g/kg Anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity reactions, fever,
exacerbation of dehydration, intraventricular
hemorrhage (neonates)
Furosemide IV: dose of 0.5-2 mg/kg every 6-12 hours Black box warning: Profound diuresis and
(maximum: 6 mg/kg/d) electrolyte depletion if given in excessive
Oral: dose of 0.5-2 mg/kg every 6-24 amounts
hours (maximum dose: 6 mg/kg) Hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia
contraction alkalosis, nephrotoxicity,
Amiloride 0.625 mg/kg/d divided every 12-24 hours Hyperkalemia
(maximum daily dose: 20 mg) (not
used clinically; dosing for edema
Cyclophosphamide 2 mg/kg/d for 8-12 weeks (maximum Bone marrow suppression, alopecia, hemorrhagic
cumulative dose: 168 mg/kg) cystitis, infection, gonadal
dysfunction/infertility, hyponatremia, SIAD,
Chlorambucil 0.1-0.2 mg/kg/d for 8 weeks (maximum Black box warnings: Bone marrow suppression
cumulative dose: 11.2 mg/kg) and carcinogen/teratogenicity/infertility seizures
Cyclosporine 4-5 mg/kg/d in 2 divided doses (starting Black box warnings: Serious infection, neoplasm,
dose) hypertension, and nephrotoxicity
Gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism, diabetes mellitus,
hyperkalemia, hypomagnesemia, neurotoxicity
Tacrolimus 0.1 mg/kg/d in 2 divided doses (starting Black box warnings: Serious infection and
dose) neoplasm
Hypertension, renal dysfunction, diabetes
mellitus, hyperkalemia, hypomagnesemia,
nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity
Mycophenolate mofetil 1200 mg/m2 /d given in 2 divided doses Black box warnings: Serious infection,
for 12 months malignancy, embryo-fetal toxicity
Leukopenia, abdominal pain, diarrhea
Rituximab 375 mg/m2 per dose for up to 4 weekly Black box warnings: Infusion reactions,
doses mucocutaneous reactions, hepatitis B
reactivation, and progressive multifocal
Pulmonary toxicity, bone marrow suppression

IV, intravenous; SIAD, Syndrome of Inappropriate Anti-Diuresis.

sodium restriction can be found in Table 3.) Patients with 21% of total calories) did not demonstrate an effect on
NS with edema have the same energy requirements as serum albumin concentrations.11 Once edema has resolved,
healthy children of the same chronological age.9 A pro- maintenance fluid requirements can be provided. Children
tein intake of 1-2 g/kg/d is adequate for most children should follow a healthy, age-appropriate diet to meet energy
during this time.9 Another recommendation is to provide requirements and the daily recommended intake for
between 130% and 140% of the recommended dietary protein.9 If catch-up growth is required, energy intake
allowance of protein.10 In an attempt to improve serum may increase to 120%-140% of the recommended dietary
protein status, historical practice dictated a higher protein allowance.12 It is recommended to continue to limit sodium
provision (3-4 g/kg/d). However, this practice is not rec- and to also restrict saturated and trans fat, as these have
ommended owing to the concern that high-protein diets been linked to inflammation.10,13
may accelerate glomerulonephritis.9 Furthermore, a study Children with congenital NS have unique needs, which
in rats that compared dietary protein intakes (8.5% vs are much greater than those of healthy children. Children
Hampson et al 335

Table 5. Corticosteroid Dosing From the KDIGO Guidelines6 .

Scenario Recommendation

Initial episode of -Oral prednisone or prednisolone 60 mg/m2 /d or 2 mg/kg/d as a single daily dose
steroid-sensitive nephrotic (maximum: 60 mg/d) for 4-6 weeks
syndrome -Then, alternate-day dosing of oral prednisone or prednisolone 40 mg/m2 /d or 1.5 mg/kg
as a single daily dose for 4-6 weeks (maximum: 40 mg/d on alternate days)
-Then, taper over 2-5 months
-Total duration: at least 12 weeks
Infrequent relapses of -Oral prednisone or prednisolone 60 mg/m2 /d or 2 mg/kg/d as a single daily dose
steroid-sensitive nephrotic (maximum: 60 mg/d) until child has been in complete remission for 3 days
syndrome -Then, alternate-day dosing of oral prednisone or prednisolone 40 mg/m2 /d or 1.5 mg/kg
as a single daily dose for at least 4 weeks (maximum: 40 mg/d on alternate days)
-Then, taper off
Frequent relapses or -Daily prednisone until the child has been in remission for at least 3 days
steroid-dependent -Then, alternate-day dosing of prednisone for at least 3 months, using the lowest dose to
steroid-sensitive nephrotic maintain remission without major adverse effects
syndrome -May use daily prednisone if alternate-day therapy is not effective
-May require doses for 3-6 months before tapering

KDIGO, Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes.

with congenital NS may require as much as 130 kcal/kg coid receptor, corticosteroids increase anti-inflammatory
and, for protein, 2-4 g/kg.9 Fluid provision may need to be cytokines and decrease proinflammatory cytokines. They
restricted based on clinical status.9 Often, enteral nutrition can also suppress T-cell function.17 However, the most per-
supplements will be required to meet energy needs within tinent action of corticosteroids is their effect on podocytes.
the parameters of fluid restriction, if they can be met at all.9 Corticosteroids can stabilize or reverse changes to podocyte
Children with congenital NS may require a multivitamin to shape and cytoskeleton rearrangement, which reduces loss
meet the recommended dietary allowance of vitamins for of protein through the urine.3 The KDIGO guidelines de-
healthy children of the same age and may require additional lineate specific dosing recommendations for corticosteroids,
calcium and magnesium supplementation (doses based on which are listed in Table 5.6 Special attention must be paid
age and clinical condition: 200-1300 mg/d for calcium and toward the units used for dosing, and patient counseling
30-410 mg/d for magnesium).14–16 is key to appropriate medication administration, especially
for alternate-day regimens. It is preferred to administer
prednisone or prednisolone once daily in the morning, as
Pharmacologic Therapy this mimics the daily endogenous release patterns of adrenal
Pharmacologic therapy options for pediatric NS are dis-
Despite the significant benefit that corticosteroids
cussed in detail in the following sections. When patients
have for patients with NS, significant adverse effects may
are first diagnosed with the disease, flares are managed
occur. Because the shortest duration of corticosteroid
with aggressivly with corticosteroids, albumin, and diuret-
treatment for NS is 4-6 weeks, hypothalamic-pituitary axis
ics, in addition to sodium and fluid restriction. Patients
suppression will be present in virtually all patients.18 Once
that develop steroid-resistant disease or adverse effects to
remission is achieved, corticosteroids should be weaned
corticosteroids may use steroid-sparing therapies and may
conservatively, taking into account the duration of exposure
need to be managed more conservatively. Here, different
the child required. Because of hypothalamic-pituitary axis
treatment modalities are discussed; a summary of dosing
suppression, if the child experiences trauma or infection or
and adverse effects can be found in Table 4.
needs surgery during treatment, a stress dose of corticos-
teroids may need to be given.18 Also pertinent for patients
requiring surgery is the impairment of wound healing that
Corticosteroids may occur.17 Hyperglycemia and insulin resistance can be
Corticosteroids are the cornerstone of therapy for children seen with prolonged use and managed similarly to type 2
with NS, and fortunately, most children (80%-90%) with diabetes.19 Mild hyperglycemia may be treated with oral
NS will respond to steroid therapy.4 Multiple mechanisms agents, with insulin therapy reserved for more severe cases.19
of action are thought to contribute to the efficacy of these Therapy should be reevaluated when corticosteroid doses
drugs. By modulating gene expression at the glucocorti- are changed or discontinued, as hyperglycemia typically
336 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 36(2)

resolves within 48 hours after changes in corticosteroid of NS, as this allows less volume and sodium to be given to
therapy.19 these already fluid- and sodium-restricted patients.17,18
Patients receiving corticosteroids can also experience The adverse effects of intravenous albumin provision can
fluid retention and weight gain (both from fluid and from be serious, including anaphylactic/hypersensitivity reactions
an increase in appetite).9 Controlling excess weight gain and fever.17 Given the excretion of fluid that rapidly shifts
is an important component in providing nutrition care back into the intravascular compartment because of the
to patients with appetite stimulation.9 Data regarding di- changes in oncotic pressure, albumin use may exacerbate
etary management of corticosteroid-induced weight gain existing dehydration, if present. Another serious adverse
in children are sparse. A recent meta-analysis identified effect that can be seen in neonates is intraventricular
only 2 studies regarding obesity prevention in pediatric hemorrhage.26 There are also many complications to the
patients receiving corticosteroids during treatment of acute administration of albumin. Because it interacts and binds
lymphoblastic leukemia, but they found that diet combined with many medications and nutrients (eg, zinc), albumin
with exercise leads to less of an increase in body mass index provision usually requires a dedicated central line.27 No-
(BMI) z-scores.20 This underscores the importance of diet tably, albumin destabilizes when given concurrently with
education to encourage an overall healthy diet and low- intravenous lipid emulsions.28
calorie alternatives for snacks.9 If patients experience weight
gain, psychosocial support regarding perception of body
image may be beneficial, especially in adolescents. 9
Corticosteroids are also known to reduce calcium resorp- The overfill and underfill hypothesis of edema may seem
tion by increasing renal losses in the kidney and reducing in- contrary to one another; however, in all likelihood, there is
testinal absorption.19,21 The immediate risk is a loss of bone some overlap between these theories in patients.4 Regardless
mineral density (BMD), leading to metabolic bone disease of the etiology, the goals of therapy in an edematous state
(MBD) (osteopenia, osteoporosis, and osteonecrosis).19 are to reduce edema by drawing the fluid back into the
This mainly affects trabecular bone in the axial skeleton vasculature with albumin and then excreting the excess fluid
(spine, hips, and ribs) and may lead to fractures.19 As little as with diuretics.4
5 mg of prednisolone per day decreases BMD and increases Loop diuretics exert their action in the ascending loop
the risk of fracture.9 It is estimated that 30%-50% of patients of Henle, which is responsible for resorption of about
receiving long-term corticosteroids develop steroid-induced 15%-25% of sodium.29 Loop diuretics exert their action
osteoporosis.22 A discussion of MBD in patients with NS by blocking the Na+ /K+ /2Cl− cotransporter, which in-
is found within the nutrition and metabolic complications hibits the reabsorption of sodium and chloride into the
section below. bloodstream.29 Water then follows this sodium, and the net
New research using metabolomics and proteomics has effect is increased excretion of water and electrolytes in the
identified biomarkers that can help predict patient response urine.4
to corticosteroid therapy.23,24 Although more research is The most common loop diuretic used is furosemide,
needed to validate these findings, these data may allow which is usually given intravenously as 0.5-2 mg/kg every
targeted pharmacologic and nutrition interventions for pa- 6-12 hours (maximum dose: 6 mg/kg/d) for acute edema.17
tients with NS. Starting doses are typically around 1 mg/kg but can be
titrated upward.18 Increasing the dose helps to increase
intratubular concentration of furosemide, as furosemide is
Albumin usually bound to albumin in the tubular lumen in patients
Albumin and diuretics (described here and in the diuretics experiencing proteinuria.30 Some patients may require pe-
section) are given concomitantly for management of edema. riodic dosing of furosemide, which can be given orally.
Albumin is given to increase oncotic pressure within the Oral furosemide is dosed 0.5-2 mg/kg every 6-24 hours
vasculature, therefore increasing the osmotic gradient and (maximum dose: 6 mg/kg/d).17 An equivalent dose of oral
creating a shift of water from the peripheral tissues and furosemide is twice the intravenous dose because of low oral
interstitium back into the intravascular compartment.18,25 bioavailability.17 Additionally, if the bowel is edematous,
Despite the hypoalbuminemia that is characteristic of NS, there can be a further reduction in oral bioavailability.31
albumin is not given to replace the protein that is lost Furosemide can cause significant adverse effects, and
in the urine or to replete a low serum albumin level. judicious patient selection is key to safe use. Furosemide has
Albumin is dosed as 0.5-1 g/kg over 30-60 minutes and is a black box warning for profound diuresis and electrolyte
given sequentially before diuretics.18 It can be repeated as depletion if given in excessive amounts.17 Electrolyte distur-
frequently as every 6 hours based on patient response (ie, bances, like hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, and hypocal-
resolution or significant reduction in edema).18 The more cemia, may also occur. Of note, hypomagnesemia may make
concentrated 25% albumin product is used in the treatment it harder to replete potassium. If both are low, the mag-
Hampson et al 337

nesium should be given prior to repleting the potassium.21 also products that contain grapefruit juice, like Fresca and
Furosemide is also known to cause a contraction alkalosis. gummy bears.
Ototoxicity is largely a theoretical risk but may be seen with Chlorambucil is used less frequently because it is as-
chronic, high doses.17 sociated with more adverse effects, but it can be used as
Amiloride is a potassium sparing diuretic that works an alternative to cyclophosphamide.18 These adverse effects
by inhibiting the sodium-potassium ion exchange in the include black box warnings for bone marrow suppression
collecting duct.29 This leads to decreased sodium resorption and teratogenicity.17 It also carries a risk of seizures.17,18
and, in turn, increased excretion of sodium and water.29 Both of the alkylating agents should have their use limited to
Amiloride also blocks the activation of the epithelial 1 course, because of the risk of gonadal toxicity. Although
sodium channel.4 The epithelial sodium channel is activated this may develop in both genders, the most common type of
in the overfill hypothesis, leading to sodium and water gonadal toxicity is azoospermia in males.6
retention.4 By preventing this, amiloride will facilitate elim-
ination of sodium and water, reducing edema. Amiloride in
combination with furosemide produces greater diuresis than
Calcineurin Inhibitors
furosemide alone in children with NS.4 The use of amiloride Another class of medications that can be used as steroid-
as monotherapy in pediatric NS is theoretical and has never sparing therapies in pediatric NS are the calcineurin in-
been studied.4 hibitors cyclosporine and tacrolimus. Cyclosporine causes
renal artery vasoconstriction and reduces glomerular per-
Steroid-Sparing Therapies meability, stabilizing the podocyte cytoskeleton and causing
less protein to pass into the urine.8,18 Initial doses are be-
As previously discussed, corticosteroid use comes with
tween 4 and 5 mg/kg/d divided twice daily.6 Because of ad-
many adverse effects and metabolic complications. The
verse effects, the lowest effective dose of cyclosporine should
KDIGO guidelines recommend steroid-sparing therapies
be used, but doses can be titrated to a goal trough level
for patients that exhibit adverse effects to corticosteroids.6
of 60 and 100 ng/mL.4 These adverse effects include black
box warnings for serious infection, neoplasm, hypertension,
Alkylating Agents and nephrotoxicity.17 Notably, metabolic adverse effects can
The KDIGO guidelines specifically recommend the use of include diabetes mellitus, hyperkalemia, and hypomagne-
alkylating agents cyclophosphamide and chlorambucil as semia. Other adverse effects include gingival hyperplasia,
steroid-sparing therapies for patients with frequently relaps- hirsutism, and neurotoxicity. Of note, cyclosporine products
ing and steroid-dependent disease.6 Use of these agents can have variable bioavailability and cannot be substituted for
reduce the risk of relapse without corticosteroids and can one another.18
extend remission by >1 year.8 These medications work by Tacrolimus is another calcineurin inhibitor that is
inhibiting DNA synthesis by alkylation and cross-linking thought to reduce vascular permeability factor, which con-
strands of DNA, leading to apoptosis of immunological tributes to the massive proteinuria seen in patients with
cells that contribute to glomerular membrane permeability.8 MCD.18 Initial doses start at 0.05-0.1 mg/kg/d divided
Cyclophosphamide is a prodrug that is converted to the twice daily and are titrated to a goal trough level of 5-
active form in the liver and is the more commonly used 10 ng/mL.6,18 Tacrolimus also has many significant adverse
alkylating agent. The benefit from cyclophosphamide is re- effects, including black box warnings for serious infection
lated to the length of treatment, with the optimal treatment and neoplasm.17 Tacrolimus is more likely to cause diabetes
being 8-12 weeks.6 This benefit must be balanced with some than cyclosporine and is also associated with hyperkalemia,
potentially serious side effects, most notably hemorrhagic hypomagnesemia, neurotoxicity, and renal dysfunction.4,18
cystitis.17 Before therapy can be initiated, the child must Many patients will require magnesium supplementation and
have an appropriate urine output (>1 mL/kg/h) and must be dietary modification to limit potassium intake.
able to meet hydration needs orally. Cyclophosphamide can Many children with NS present with hypertension. A
also cause hyponatremia, syndrome of inappropriate an- known adverse effect of calcineurin inhibitors is their ability
tidiuresis, hypocalcemia, and bone marrow suppression.17 to cause hypertension, which may worsen this preexisting
An important drug-nutrient interaction exists with the use hypertension.18 Medications like angiotensin-converting en-
of cyclophosphamide and grapefruit. Cyclophosphamide is zyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers can be
converted to its active form by cytochrome 3A4, which is used. These medications may also have some antiproteinuric
inhibited by grapefruit. This can lead to an impairment in effects, although the data are much stronger supporting this
the conversion of cyclophosphamide to its active form.32 effect in adults than in children.18
It is recommended to avoiding grapefruit and grapefruit Because of the risk of nephrotoxicity, prolonged use
products when taking cyclophosphamide.32 This includes of calcineurin inhibitors is controversial, and therapy is
not only grapefruit, grapefruit juice, and concentrate but usually limited to 2 years.6 Similar to the alkylating agents,
338 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 36(2)

both calcineurin inhibitors should also not be used with patients with congenital NS showed reductions in weight
grapefruit products, as grapefruit can cause an increase the standard deviation score (SDS) and small reductions in
oral bioavailability of the drugs.32 height SDS after 6 months of dialysis.33 The authors con-
cluded that although unsatisfactory, this was consistent with
Mycophenolate children receiving dialysis for other primary renal diseases.33
In addition to this study,33 use of specific medications
Mycophenolate is another agent that may be used as in pediatric NS have been shown to affect growth. Sev-
a steroid-sparing treatment for NS. Mycophenolate is a eral studies have assessed the effect of steroid therapy on
purine synthetase inhibitor and is useful in NS because various markers of growth in steroid-sensitive and steroid-
it inhibits proliferation of mesangial cells, a type of cell refractory disease. Emma and colleagues analyzed growth
in the glomerulus that is involved in removing protein data of 56 patients with steroid-sensitive (n = 42) and
from the basement membrane of the renal corpuscle.18 My- frequently relapsing (n = 14) disease and found that pred-
cophenolate is dosed at 1200 mg/m2 /d (about 30 mg/kg/d) nisone use was associated with a negative height SDS,
and is given in 2 divided doses.6,17,18 Mycophenolate does regardless of treatment modality (including dose, duration
have black box warnings for serious infection, malignancy, of induction, and duration of total therapy for relapse).34
and embryo-fetal toxicity and can also cause leukopenia, This study also found that both prepubertal and pubertal
abdominal pain, and diarrhea.8,17,18 In general, mycopheno- height SDS was negatively impacted regardless of gender,
late is considered to have fewer side effects than alkylating but boys had a delay in their peak pubertal growth spurt
agents and calcineurin inhibitors but also may be less and a delay in reaching their final height. Additionally,
effective.18 It is most useful in patients with renal toxicity children who experienced onset of NS before 3.5 years of
from other therapies or progressive renal toxicity.18 age had significantly worse linear growth before puberty.34
Another retrospective analysis of 85 patients with steroid
Rituximab responsive NS found that both duration of prednisone
use and total prednisone dose significantly affected height
Rituximab is a B cell-depleting chimeric antibody that has
percentile loss but that age of first consultation did not.35
activity against the CD20 surface antigen on B cells.18
Based on their data of mostly male patients, the authors
Although its role in therapy is still being defined, ritux-
postulate that control of NS flares, discontinuation of
imab can be used in both steroid-sensitive and steroid-
therapies prior to adolescence, and catch-up growth after
resistant disease and can be used for children with steroid-
discontinuation of steroids and the pubertal growth spurt
dependent NS (SDNS) who have frequent relapses despite
are related to increases in height.35 Furthermore, they state
optimal combinations of prednisone- and corticosteroid-
that prolonged duration of steroid therapy and use of higher
sparing agents or have serious adverse effects to therapy.4,6
total doses of prednisone likely contributed to delay of the
Rituximab is dosed at 375 mg/m2 and is given as a single
pubertal growth spurt.35 More recent data have provided
dose.6,18 Rituximab can have serious adverse effects, includ-
evidence confirming the negative effects of corticosteroids
ing serious infusion-related reactions, which may be mild
on growth. In a retrospective study of 30 patients with
(fever or rash) or severe (hypotension and bronchospasm).6
steroid-sensitive NS (SSNS; n = 15), SDNS (n = 8), or
Rituximab-associated lung injury (RALI) is a serious pul-
steroid-resistant NS (SRNS; n = 7), change in height z-score
monary toxicity. RALI is typically transient and reversible
was found to be negatively associated with the cumulative
but may lead to potentially fatal complications, including
dose of corticosteroids.36 This effect was found to be more
pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial pneumonitis.18 RALI
prominent in patients with SDNS or SRNS. Furthermore,
can present between 1 and 3 months after initiation of
height z-scores were significantly lower in patients receiving
rituximab. It is recommended that patients obtain a chest
high-dose steroids (>0.4 mg/kg/d) as compared with those
x-ray prior to initiating rituximab and periodically during
receiving medium-dose (0.2-0.4 mg/kg/d) or low-dose (<0.2
therapy to allow for comparison and early identification of
mg/kg/d) steroids.36
The effects of steroid-sparing therapies on growth have
also been assessed. Mohan and Kanitkar documented a
Nutrition and Metabolic Complications in correlation between increasing cumulative steroid dose and
Pediatric NS a reduction in height in 35 patients with SSNS that received
steroids alone or steroids with a steroid-sparing agent
Growth (eg, cyclophosphamide).37 The authors proposed that the
Given the chronic, relapsing nature of NS that leads to re- steroid-sparing therapies be used for patients who show
peated protein loss and prolonged periods of drug exposure, signs of decreased growth velocity.37 One longitudinal study
NS has significant implications for growth and development followed 64 male patients with SDNS that were exposed to
in children with this disease. A recent retrospective study of steroids and cyclosporine A for a median of 10 years. This
Hampson et al 339

study found that median height was stable throughout the quently relapsing or steroid-refractory disease had lower
first 5 years but that reductions in height SDS progressed BMD z-scores in comparison with children who experienced
over time, becoming statistically significant at 9 years.38 infrequent relapses (−2.70 ± 1.28 vs 1.30 ± 1.54; P =
Although most patients in this study did not reach the height .0317).44 Furthermore, an epidemiologic study of 100 chil-
of their genetic potential, adult height was normal for all but dren with idiopathic NS and normal renal function found
2 patients. Interestingly, no correlation between cumulative that 61% of children had osteopenia and 22% of children
steroid dose and change in height was found.38 Additionally, had osteoporosis.22 Multivariate regression identified older
a study of 41 patients with idiopathic NS (both SSNS and age at onset of NS, lower total calcium intake, and greater
SRNS) receiving rituximab found that in both the SSNS and cumulative steroid dose as predictive of a low BMD z-
SRNS groups, the height z-score improved after rituximab score.22 When these children were provided with calcium
treatment, but a reduction in BMI was seen.39 Although and vitamin D supplementation (fixed doses of 500 mg
these studies provide interesting insight, the retrospective calcium carbonate [200 mg elemental calcium] and 200 IU
nature and limited sample size underscore the need for of vitamin D3 ) and followed longitudinally for 6 months,
stronger data to guide therapy and optimize growth in 61% of patients showed improved spinal BMD and 31%
children with NS. showed a stable spinal BMD.45 The mean spinal BMD
values were improved for the entire group from baseline
with a corresponding improvement in mean baseline per-
Metabolic Bone Disease centage z-score.45 Calcium and vitamin D supplementation,
MBD is of key concern in children with NS, and the increased dietary calcium intake, and lower steroid dose
development of this complication is multifactorial. NS can were predictive of improved BMD z-score.45 Importantly,
lead to several biochemical derangements from the loss these studies excluded patients with edema and patients
of plasma proteins and minerals in the urine, including with evidence of malnutrition. It is likely that poor baseline
the loss of vitamin D binding protein, which can lead to nutrition status will augment these abnormalities.
low vitamin D levels.22,40 Demonstrating this, one study In managing patients with NS and vitamin D deficiency,
showed that 13 of 14 patients had vitamin D deficiency at calcium and vitamin D supplementation is key. Patients
the time of NS diagnosis (only 5 children received prior should receive diet counseling to improve the calcium and
vitamin D supplementation).41 A larger, prospective study vitamin D intake from foods. If dietary intervention does
of 61 patients with pediatric NS from the Midwest Pediatric not sufficiently improve calcium and vitamin D levels at
Nephrology Consortium found that all patients had low 25- follow-up, supplementation is warranted. Calcium should
OH vitamin D levels pf <20 ng/dL at study enrollment, with be supplemented to meet the daily recommended intake, and
a median 25-OH vitamin D level of 9 ng/dL.42 At follow-up vitamin D should be supplemented in escalating doses.16
(2.1-3.4 months later), 53% of patients still had low 25-OH Although literature has reported providing between 200 and
vitamin D levels of <20 ng/dL, and 84% had low 25-OH 1000 IU of cholecalciferol daily from 2 months to 1 year,
vitamin D levels of <30 ng/dL.42 a recent randomized, open-label study suggests that pro-
Corticosteroid use is also contributory to MBD, as viding 60,000 IU cholecalciferol once a week and calcium
these drugs reduce intestinal absorption of calcium and (250 mg twice daily if child is <20 kg and 500 mg twice
reduce the resorption of calcium in the renal tubule, daily if child is >20 kg) improved 25-OH vitamin D levels
leading to calcium loss in the urine.21 Lower total and reduced parathyroid hormone levels.14 In addition to
and ionized calcium levels have been documented with vitamin D levels, serum phosphorus, ionized calcium, ion-
both SSNS and steroid-refractory NS and was associ- ized parathyroid hormone, and alkaline phosphatase should
ated with risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis.43 Hypocal- be monitored periodically to aid in patient assessment.14,46
cemia may be transient and normalize in disease remis- Although, traditionally, total 25-OH vitamin D has been
sion, but children with repeated relapses who require used in assessment, recent literature supports the use of free
repeated courses of corticosteroids may be at greater 25-OH vitamin D levels in proteinuric renal diseases, like
risk of the development of MBD.22 Ultimately, these NS.46 In line with the guidelines for nutritional rickets, this
deficiencies in calcium and vitamin D may lead to osteope- study described deficiency as a 25-OH vitamin D level of
nia and osteoporosis.43 Corticosteroids are known to inhibit <12 ng/mL and sufficiency as a 25-OH vitamin D level of
osteoblast development and activity, increase the osteoclast >20 ng/mL.46
life span, and suppress growth hormone and release of
parathyroid hormone.40 The net effect of corticosteroids
Micronutrient Deficiencies and Anemia
on the bone is decreased bone formation and overall bone
strength.40 In addition to the loss of albumin and vitamin D binding
Multiple studies have evaluated BMD in children with protein in the urine, patients with NS may also experi-
NS. A cross-sectional study found that children with fre- ence urinary loss of transferrin, erythropoietin, ceruloplas-
340 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 36(2)

min, transcobalamin, iron, and trace elements.47 The exact tein, and lipoprotein[a]) may be present.52,53 Additionally,
mechanism of these losses is still unclear; however, these hyperlipidemia and hypertriglyceridemia have both been
deficiencies are more common in patients with therapy- reported with corticosteroid use. This complication of NS
resistant disease and may lead to the development of an is due to increased hepatic lipoprotein synthesis in the
anemia that persists despite adequate supplementation with liver, reduced transport of cholesterol in the bloodstream
iron and erythropoietin. due to hypoalbuminemia, decreased activity of lipoprotein
Urinary loss of transferrin in pediatric NS is well lipase, and acquired lecithin cholesteryl acetyltransferase
documented.47 Iron is bound to this transferrin, and the deficiency through urinary losses.4 These metabolic abnor-
alkalotic environment of the urine allows iron to stay bound malities often resolve upon the resolution of proteinuria
to transferrin, allowing both to be lost through excretion.47 and the discontinuation of corticosteroids.19 However, ad-
One study that compared 13 children with NS with histori- ditional research has shown that this may not be true for
cal controls found that both transferrin and iron deficiency all children with NS. A study of 25 children with NS found
will occur during relapse of NS.48 Although this iron loss that hyperlipidemia was correlated to disease relapse and
alone may lead to anemia, low erythropoietin levels have that hyperlipidemic profiles were present in nearly half of
also been reported in children with NS. Correction of iron children in the study at remission.54
deficiency anemia in these patients requires iron replace- The long-term effects of dyslipidemia in pediatric NS on
ment therapy, and patients with low erythropoietin levels long-term cardiovascular events is unclear, and to date, there
should also receive erythropoietin.47 These therapies should are no data to support a link between dyslipidemia in these
correct iron and erythropoietin levels; however, transferrin patients and myocardial infarction, stroke, or mortality
will not correct until the proteinuria is resolved.47 in adulthood.55 However, dyslipidemia may contribute to
If patients have laboratory values consistent with anemia atherosclerosis and fatty streaks on the aorta and coro-
from other micronutrient deficiencies or do not respond nary vessels that may evolve into plaques. Development of
to iron and erythropoietin therapy, deficiencies in other atherosclerosis in children with NS is likely multifactorial,
micronutrients like copper, zinc, and vitamin B12 should as these children experience other risk factors for atheroscle-
be considered.47 Hyporesponsiveness to erythropoietin may rosis, like hypoalbuminemia, hypertension, hypercoagulable
be caused from iron, zinc, or copper deficiency.49 Ceru- state, and obesity.55 Because of these atherogenic risk fac-
loplasmin, the carrier protein for copper, is lost in the tors, it is likely that the atherosclerotic process is accelerated
urine, which may induce copper deficiency.47 The activity in pediatric NS.56
of copper and zinc superoxide dismutase is reduced in Management of dyslipidemia in pediatric NS involves
copper deficient red blood cells, which shortens the life interventions that are used to treat dyslipidemia in children
span of those cells.49 Urinary losses of zinc have also that do not have NS. This begins with dietary optimiza-
been documented in patients with NS.50 A recent meta- tion. Overall, dietary strategies are focused on a balanced,
analysis and systematic review of 6 studies evaluated the healthy diet with reduced saturated fat intake and increased
use of zinc in pediatric patients with SDNS or Frequently monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and ω-3 fatty acids.9
Relapsing Nephrotic Syndrome (FRNS) and suggests that In children older than 2 years, the National Heart, Lung,
zinc therapy added to standard therapy may reduce the and Blood Institute recommends use of the Cardiovascular
number of relapses at 6 months and 12 months and may Health Integrated Lifestyle Diet (CHILD-1) for initial man-
help induce remission.51 Although the studies included were agement of dyslipidemia.55 This diet recommends adequate
found to be of "very low quality," this presents an exciting calories to support normal growth and development but
area for future research on the effects of this micronutrient limits saturated fat intake to <10% of total calorie provision
in pediatric NS.51 Finally, urinary losses of vitamin B12 and limits cholesterol consumption to <300 mg/d.55 It
and transcobalamin in pediatric NS have been described, is recommended that children with hyperlipidemia follow
but the impact of this on the development of anemia is CHILD-2, a diet plan that limits trans fats, restricts dietary
unknown.47 fat to <7% of total calories, and limits cholesterol intake
to <200 mg/d.55 Children under 2 years old should not
restrict fat intake, and breastfeeding is permitted when
Dyslipidemia recommended.55 Exercise and weight loss in overweight
Dyslipidemia can be observed during active NS owing to patients can help augment the effects of these dietary
compensatory protein and lipoprotein synthesis in response changes.
to protein loss in the urine.1 Elevations in total cholesterol Because of a lack of data in children with NS, the use of
(TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), triglyc- pharmacologic agents to treat dyslipidemia in pediatric NS
erides (TGs), phospholipids, and apolipoprotein B (apo remains controversial but may be warranted in some high-
B)-containing lipoproteins (eg, very low-density lipopro- risk patients.54
tein cholesterol [VLDL-C], intermediate-density lipopro-
Hampson et al 341

The most common agents used to manage dyslipidemia dren with CKD should employ therapeutic lifestyle changes
in these children are 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme but only recommend statin therapy for children with severe
A reductase inhibitors, commonly known as “statins.” LDL-C elevation based on clinical circumstances.56 For
These medications inhibit cholesterol synthesis and increase children and adolescents with elevated TGs, the KDIGO
LDL-C receptors, leading to improved LDL-C and apo B- guidelines recommend lifestyle changes for patients with a
containing lipoproteins.55 Administration is known to be TG concentration of >500 mg/dL and do not recommend
safe in children, but few studies have investigated these specific TG-lowering agents, because of a lack of long-term
medications specifically in pediatric NS patients. safety data.56
Coleman and Watson first investigated use of simvas- In adults, the use of bile acid sequestrants, nicotinic acid,
tatin with dietary modification in 7 children with SRNS. and ezetimibe is been well documented in patients with
Patients initially underwent dietary modification with an NS; however, data do not exist describing the use of these
individualized diet that met dietary recommendations for agents in children with NS. More data are also needed be-
energy, vitamins, and minerals for age, followed by initiation fore emerging therapies, like lipid apheresis and proprotein
of 5 mg of simvastatin, with doses titrating up based on convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) inhibitors, can
response and tolerance.57 Children experienced an 8.3% be routinely utilized for pediatric NS.55
reduction in TC with dietary modification alone and a 30%
reduction in TC after 2 months of dietary modification Food Sensitivities and Dietary Elimination
with simvastatin.57 The total decrease in cholesterol was
41% after 6 months of this treatment.57 A reduction in
TGs of 13.8% was seen with dietary modification alone.57 A paucity of data exists regarding the Western diet and
After the addition of simvastatin to dietary modification, dietary intervention for the management of NS. However,
the reduction in TGs was 36% after 2 months and 44% after case reports and case series of dietary intervention have
6 months of therapy.57 Another study assessed the use of detailed success in control of refractory NS with reduc-
lovastatin or simvastatin in 12 patients with NS refractory tion in medication use.61–63 The first report of dietary
to steroids and other treatments. No dietary modification sensitivity involved 6 children with steroid-responsive NS
was prescribed, and patients received a maximum of 20 mg with frequent relapses that required repeated courses of
of lovastatin per day or 40 mg of simvastatin per day.58 corticosteroids.61 Patients were placed on an elemental tube-
Patients receiving statin therapy saw a reduction in TC feeding formula until urinary protein elimination was <500
of 32% at 2 months and 40% in 6 months (which was mg in 24 hours.61 Once this was achieved, patients were
sustained 12 months after initiation).58 Additionally, TGs given a cow’s milk challenge, in which all patients saw
were significantly lower by 4 months of therapy.58 More the rapid return of edema and proteinuria and return to
recently, a randomized, placebo-controlled trial including remission once the elemental diet was restarted.61 Intrader-
30 children with steroid-refractory NS demonstrated no mal skin testing showed that the patients had cow’s-milk
difference in LDL-C levels with 10 mg of atorvastatin daily protein sensitivity.61 An additional investigation showed
vs placebo after 12 months of therapy.59 Although this study that in 26 patients for whom steroid therapy had failed,
did find a significant reduction in the secondary end point of 6 patients achieved complete remission after employing
apo B levels, little can be drawn from this information given food avoidance, and 5 of these patients were able to stop
the small sample size and large number of patients that did corticosteroid therapy.62 Foods that precipitated sensitivi-
not complete the trial.59 ties included milk, chicken, egg white, gluten, pork, wheat
One study of gemfibrozil, a fibrate therapy, has been flour, and beef.62 A case series of 8 patients with SSNS
completed in pediatric patients with NS. Fibrates work with a steroid-dependent or frequently relapsing pattern or
on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α (PPAR) with SRNS treated with a gluten-free diet showed that all
receptors, leading to reductions in VLDL-C and TG.55 This patients experienced a reduction in the relapse rate when
small randomized study provided gemfibrozil to 7 patients compared with the prior year.63 All patients were also
and found a 34% reduction in TC, a 30% reduction in LDL- able to lower the dose or discontinue steroids and other
C, and a 54% reduction in TG.60 Patients who received immunosuppressive medications.63 Although data in this
gemfibrozil had no adverse effects, demonstrating safety and area are limited, gluten-free diets are known to modulate
a potential role for this therapy.60 the gut microbiota and reduce bacteria-induced cytokine
More robust data are needed to support the routine production, reducing the release of inflammatory mediators
use of these therapies in children with NS. The KDIGO that are responsible for increasing glomerular permeability
guidelines do not recommend starting statin therapy for all to protein.63,64 Additionally, implementation of a gluten-
children or adolescents with chronic kidney disease (CKD), free diet may stabilize the podocyte cytoskeleton, reducing
because of the lack of safety data and data supporting protein loss through the urine.63 Although these case reports
clinical benefit.56 The guidelines recommend that all chil- and case series show encouraging results, the full effects of
342 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 36(2)

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