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English IV

Simple Future with “Going to”

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the following conversation with the correct form of be on
the first blank and the correct form of the verb in parentheses on the second blank.

Pablo: Hi Mario! When (1) are you and your team going to
(2) work (work) on the project the teacher gave us for
Mario: Next weekend. What about you?
Pablo: My team and I (3) are going to (4) start (start) tomorrow.
Mario: What (5) are your topic going to (6) be (be)about?
Pablo: We (7) are going to (8) _write_ (write) about the pollution
in the city.
Mario: That’s great! The teacher (9) is going to (10) _like_ (like) it. She worries
a lot about that problem.
Pablo: Yes, that’s true. What (11) are_ your team going to
(12) work (work) on?
Mario: We (13) are going to (14) propose_ (propose) some solutions
for the traffic problem.
Pablo: That’s a very important topic! Everybody (15) is going to
(16) _pay_ (pay) attention to your recommendations.
Mario: I hope so because the traffic is terrible these days.
Pablo: The teacher said that she (17) is going to (18) give_ (give) extra points to the best projects.
Mario: That’s great! I (19) I’m_ going to (20) _tell_ (tell) my team to work very
hard, so we can get the extra points.
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