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R. Hi, I’m Ramon, the new student. What’s your name?

L. How are you doing, Ramon? I’m Linda.

R. I’m fine, thanks. Where are you from Linda?
L I´m from Seattle.
A.Hi Linda!
R. What’s her name?
L.Oh! This is my best friend, her name is Alicia.
R. And what’s her e-mail address?
L. Her email address is
J. Hi guys! Hi Alicia!
R. And what's his name?
L: That’s her boyfriend. His name is Joe.
R: Thanks. Finally, what’s his e-mail?
L: His e-mail is

ow, look at the chart and fill in the blanks with the correct answers:

(Ahora, mira el recuadro y completa los espacios en blanco con las respuestas

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

  Long Form Short Form

He is the new He is not the new
He isn't the new Is he the new
student. teacher.
teacher. student?
She is from She is not from
She isn't from Peru. Is she from Seattle?
Seattle. Peru.
It isn't a cat. Is it a dog?
It is a dog. It is not a cat.

1/6 Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1. Is Ramon the new student?


Yes, he  .

2. Is Ramon the teacher?

No, he  .

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

  Long Form Short Form  
He is the new Is he the new
student. He is not the new He isn't the new student?
She is from teacher. teacher. Is she from Seattle?
Seattle. She is not from She isn't from Peru. Is it a dog?
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
It isn't a cat.
It is a dog. It is not a cat.

3/6 Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

3. Is Linda from Seattle?


Yes, she  .

4. Is Linda from Lima?

No, she  .

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

  Long Form Short Form

He is the new He is not the new
He isn't the new Is he the new
student. teacher.
teacher. student?
She is from She is not from
She isn't from Peru. Is she from Seattle?
Seattle. Peru.
It isn't a cat. Is it a dog?
It is a dog. It is not a cat.

5/6 Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

5. Is Alicia Linda's best friend?


Yes, she  .

6. Is Alicia Ramon's best friend?

No, she  .
Vocabulary Set phrase

How old is...?

What’s (your/his/her) … phone number/email address?Verb to be
Where’s he/she/… from?
This is ... / That is... I (1st person)
His / Her name is … You (2nd person)
Is he/she/it… (from)? He/She (3rd person)
Pronouns I am (‘m)
I (1st person) He/She/It is (‘s)
GREETING You (2nd person) They/We/You are (‘re)
He/She (3rd person)
How are you
Como estas

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