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April Fools Day  Print

Today is April Fools Day throughout the United States. This is a time
when kidding and pranking can be taken to a whole new level. However,
in terms of safety, caution in what you do is the better alternative as
demonstrated in the article from MSNBC.

FAYETTE COUNTY, Pa. - State police have filed charges after a fatal
traffic accident in North Union Township, Fayette County. A vehicle
turned over at about 6 a.m. Tuesday on Jumonville Road, trapping and
killing one of the people inside, according to police.

Passenger Terry Kurosky, 49, of Uniontown, was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver, Robert Leroy
Keefer, of Dunbar, and Emmett Cooke, 48, also of Dunbar, were able to escape without injury.

Police said Cooke pulled up on the emergency brake during the ride, causing Keefer to lose control and crash
into an embankment, flipping the vehicle. Kurosky was ejected from the vehicle. According to Cooke, police
said, he and Kurosky had been friends for more than 20 years.

Cooke told police that it was common for he and Kurosky to joke with one another, which included pulling the
emergency brake while the other was driving. Police charged Cooke with involuntary manslaughter and
recklessly endangering another person.

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