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ECO ary ea LEARN JAPANESE VOCABULARY WITH JAPANESETEST4YOU.COM MEANING In English: bomb In French: bombe In Spanish: bomba In German: Bombe In Italian: bomba EXAMPLE SENTENCES DN SOIFULIECEA MUIED LESICA RS PET ME OME ARLTWS, He approves the development of the neutron bomb. DIECHA lEDWOBVES tem TURF O PRR BETIS EOE. The destructive power of nuclear bombs has increased. bh FALIEKEA EAU RS BEA ABS RF eae AR OD ELS CL 7e, He made atomic bombs the cornerstone of his strategy. (able IKEA lé A PRE PAs PREC RA Sl LTUEL, They don't care about international agreements and treaties. px ne LEARN JAPANESE VOCABULARY WITH JAPANESETEST4YOU.COM MEANING In English: to lack In French: manquer de In Spanish: carecer de In German: fehlen In Italian: mancare EXAMPLE SENTENCES NATIZK AES AVES PD WA BILASICRASRUC EE, The Allies really lacked strength. LALOR oD ThA CAs, KOK RRRERV HERE. This is an utterly implausible proposition. AA cE TH EAS ay COULD Ue CLE SE UTS, The film lacks precision in details. La

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