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"So, what do you think?" he asked nervously.

He wanted to know the answer, but at the same

time, he didn't. He'd put his heart and soul into the project and he wasn't sure he'd be able to
recover if they didn't like what he produced. The silence from the others in the room seemed
to last a lifetime even though it had only been a moment since he asked the question. "So,
what do you think?" he asked again.

There was a reason for her shyness. Everyone assumed it had always been there but she knew
better. She knew the exact moment that the shyness began. It had been that fateful moment
at the lake. There are just some events that do that to you.

The choice was red, green, or blue. It didn't seem like an important choice when he was
making it, but it was a choice nonetheless. Had he known the consequences at that time, he
would likely have considered the choice a bit longer. In the end, he didn't and ended up
choosing blue.

The picket fence had stood for years without any issue. That's all it was. A simple, white, picket
fence. Why it had all of a sudden become a lightning rod within the community was still
unbelievable to most. Yet a community that had once lived in harmony was now divided in
bitter hatred and it had everything to do with the white picket fence.

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