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Compresión lectora sobre Pachamama
ID: 2440014  Añadir a mis cuadernos (0)
Idioma: español (o castellano)  Descargar archivo pdf DIANAROSEROORTIZ
Asignatura: Lengua Castellana  Insertar en mi web o blog
Curso/nivel: TERCERO  Añadir a Google Classroom
Edad: 9-15  Añadir a Microsoft Teams
Tema principal: Pachamama  Compartir por Whatsapp
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048 Fall of the Hindenburg - One Minute History

The Senate tradition of the filibuster is a political action that allows

lawmakers to prolong debate over a proposed piece of legislation. The
goal of the filibuster is to delay or prevent a vote on the proposal.
Senators can speak for as long as they would like on any topic unless
three-fifths of the Senators vote to end the debate. Despite historical lore,
the filibuster was not established in the Constitution; it was created by
mistake. In 1805, Vice President Aaron Burr presided over the Senate and
suggested the removal of the rule that allowed a simple majority to cut… 1/5
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