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Starting Strength: Developed by Mark Rippetoe, Starting Strength focuses on building foundational
strength through compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. It is commonly
recommended for beginners due to its simplicity and emphasis on proper technique.
5/3/1: Created by Jim Wendler, 5/3/1 is a popular powerlifting program that revolves around the
core lifts (squat, bench press, deadlift, overhead press). It utilizes a percentage-based approach,
focusing on gradual progress and long-term strength gains.
Sheiko Program: The Sheiko Program, developed by Boris Sheiko, is highly regarded for its
emphasis on technique, high volume training, and individualization. It is known for producing
world-class powerlifters and is often recommended for intermediate to advanced lifters.
Westside Barbell: Developed by Louie Simmons, Westside Barbell is a renowned powerlifting
system known for its emphasis on dynamic effort training, accommodating resistance, and special
exercises to address weaknesses. It is commonly utilized by experienced lifters seeking to break
through plateaus.
Juggernaut Method: Created by Chad Wesley Smith, the Juggernaut Method combines strength
training and periodization with a focus on long-term progress and athletic performance. It
incorporates various training phases, intensity techniques, and individualization.
The Cube Method: Developed by Brandon Lilly, the Cube Method incorporates elements of
powerlifting, strongman, and weightlifting. It employs a rotating format where each training day
emphasizes either heavy training, repetition work, or dynamic effort work.
Bulgarian Method: The Bulgarian Method, made famous by Bulgarian weightlifting coach Ivan
Abadjiev, involves frequent, high-intensity training sessions with a heavy emphasis on the
competition lifts. It is known for its intensity and demands a high level of commitment and

These are just a few examples of popular powerlifting programs, and there are many more
available online. It's essential to consider your specific goals, experience level, and personal
preferences when selecting a program. Consulting with a qualified coach or trainer can also be
beneficial in determining the best program for your individual needs.

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