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Meteorol. Appl. 9, 399–406 (2002) DOI:10.


Areal PMP distribution of one-day to three-day

duration over India
C Clark & P R Rakhecha, Charldon Hill Research Station, Shute Lane, Bruton, Somerset,
BA10 0BJ, UK. e-mail:

There is a need to assess the areal depth of the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) over specified
catchment areas for the safe construction of dam spillways. The large number of dams in India, coupled
with their risk of failure, makes this need imperative both for the maximum use of water resources and
for public safety. On the basis of rainfall data for the heaviest storms that occurred in different parts of
India during the period 1880–1983, improved estimates of one-, two-, and three-day point PMP for
India have been made. In this paper the distribution of areal PMP over specified catchment sizes is
provided for the first time. The areal reduction factors (ARF) were based on envelope curves of major
storms to give the ARF for areas of 10–20,000 km2 . These factors were found to vary from 1.0 to 0.41,
though there was no real difference between durations of rainfall. These values of ARF were then
multiplied by values of one- to three-day PMP. The resulting maps allow a broad description of the
spatial distribution of areal PMP and also provide a rapid and consistent estimate of the probable
maximum flood (PMF) from the PMP.

For 500 km2 the areal PMP varies from 40 to 120 cm for one-day duration; from 70 to 200 cm for two-
day duration; and from 75 to 270 cm for three-day duration. The pattern of PMP is consistent with the
geography and available moisture.

1. Introduction ticular locations (Central Board of Irrigation and

Power 1993). If these results are indeed correct, or at
The PMP is defined as the greatest depth of precipita-
least closer to reality, then the design of future dam
tion for a given duration that is physically possible for a
spillways will have to incorporate a greater safety fac-
given size of storm at a particular geographical location
tor and existing dams will have to be reassessed for
at a certain time of year (WMO 1986). We need to make
their ability to safely contain the probable maximum
realistic estimates of PMP for the following reasons:
flood (PMF). The design standard of the Ukai and
• The extreme rarity of a PMP event means that there Lakhwar dam spillways, for example, has been shown
has almost certainly not been enough time in which to be less than half the value obtained when the revised
to sample a wide range of storm events. estimates of PMP are applied (Rakhecha & Clark 2002).
• Increasing air temperature or global warming could An attempt was made to verify the importance of the
cause an increase in rainfall, especially at the extreme revised values of PMP by computing the PMF for spec-
end of the range, where a small increase in tempera- ified catchment areas (Rakhecha & Clark 2000) and
ture leads to a relatively large increase in the precip- comparing the results with recorded floods in India.
itable water content of the atmosphere. The results were about 40% higher than the worst
• A number of different methods of estimating PMP recorded flood for catchment areas in the range of
are available, which introduces a degree of subjectiv- 300–90,000 km2.
ity into the assessment. This problem also extends to
the final choice of results. A consistent approach to Maps showing the areal distribution of catchment aver-
PMP estimation is therefore essential. age PMP over specified areas have not been published
before. In this paper, the maps are used to:
Recently, improved estimates of one-, two- and three-
day point PMP have been provided for the whole of • show how the pattern of areal PMP is related to the
India (Rakhecha & Clark 1999a and 2000), and a geography and meteorology of the Indian sub-con-
detailed atlas has also been published (Rakhecha & tinent;
Clark 1999b). The calculated PMP depths are consider- • identify those areas of India that are most vulnerable
ably higher than previous estimates obtained by statis- to heavy rainfall and extreme floods; and
tical methods (see, for example, IITM 1989) and at par- • promote greater environmental security in India
C Clark and P R Rakhecha
through the wider dissemination and application of From the maps given in Rakhecha et al. (1990) interpo-
these results – a vital consideration given India’s need lation between the monthly results was necessary. The
to grow more food for its ever-expanding population. ratio of the precipitable water relating to these two val-
ues is then multiplied by the storm rainfall to give the
probable maximum precipitation. In some PMP studies
2. Rainfall data and methodology (for example, Forland & Kristoffersen 1989) an
allowance for the inflowing wind speed is also made,
2.1 Rainfall data but because of the non-availability of data, no
allowance for the enhancing effect of maximised wind-
Historic rainstorm data are available in published form speeds has been made here. This means that the final
in several sources (Central Board of Irrigation and PMP value could be even higher than those given in this
Power 1993; Rakhecha & Pisharoty 1996). During the paper. On the other hand, apart from the Western
mid-twentieth century there were over 3600 stations Ghats, the orographic effect on wind convergence and
recording daily rainfall. Each station therefore repre- velocity is likely to be small.
sents just over 900 km2, a figure which will vary
according to the local topography and relief. This The in situ maximisation of storm rainfall cannot be
implies that the greatest depths which will occur over extrapolated to provide estimates of the likely PMP for
smaller areas are unlikely to be measured. areas away from the storm location. Therefore, storms

Table 1 lists the dates of the 13 storms used in this

study, covering the period 1880–1983. Of these, 11
have been used by Rakhecha & Clark (1999a and 2000).
Figure 1 shows their location and Figure 2 the states of

Table 1. Dates of storms used in this study

17–18 September 1880
28–30 July 1927
1–3 July 1930
1–3 July 1941
17–19 May 1943
3–5 October 1955
13–15 July 1965
27–29 July 1965
3–5 October 1968
18–20 July 1981
28–30 August 1982
20–22 June 1983
Figure 1. Location of the storms used in this study and the
threefold division of India (following Rakhecha et al. 1995).

2.2 Methodology for estimating PMP

In this study the storm transposition and maximisation
technique has been used to estimate PMP as described
in WMO (1986). For moisture maximisation the per-
sisting dewpoint during a storm is compared with the
maximum persisting dewpoint at the same location and
the same time of year. The maximum persisting dew-
point is based on data from 48 sites (Rakhecha et. al.
1990). At each of these sites the 24-hour maximum per-
sisting dewpoint was determined from the 20-year
record. The WMO (1986) manual suggests that from
such data the 50- or 100-year dewpoint should be
determined using frequency analysis. This approach
may be valid for temperate areas but could lead to
excessive moisture maximising factors. The highest
dewpoints were found to occur in August with values
up to 30º C in Orissa. In the maximising process a limit
of two weeks either side of the date of the storm was
used to determine the maximum persisting dewpoint. Figure 2. The states of India

Areal PMP distribution in India
have to be physically ‘moved’ or transposed to loca- During the summer monsoon season the cyclonic dis-
tions in order to close the gaps between rare events. turbances form over the Bay of Bengal, north of 18º N,
This procedure cannot be undertaken lightly because and move across the country. Heavy rainfall occurs in
the area to which a storm can be moved or transposed the regions which are exposed to these moving depres-
must be meteorologically homogeneous with the sions. However, during the pre-monsoon and post-
source area. In order to show that this assumption is monsoon months, tropical storms form to the south of
valid, historic storm tracks must be examined for their the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea in latitudes 10–15º
similarity. In India, for example, consideration of the N. These storms move inland and produce heavy to
meteorological features has allowed the land to be very heavy rainfall in southern parts of India. Table 2
divided into three homogeneous areas (Rakhecha et al. shows that most of the storms used in this study occur
1995). These areas are shown in Figure 1 together with in the summer monsoon period.
the location of the 13 storms used in this study.
Table 2. Seasonal distribution of the storms studied
The method of transposing storms is well known Pre-monsoon (April(May) 8%
(WMO 1986). The allowance for an increase in eleva- Summer monsoon (June–September) 77%
tion is zero up to a height of 300 m, with an increase of Post-monsoon (October–December) 15%
10% for each rise of 300 m thereafter. On the lee side
of hills a decrease of 5% was made for each 300 m
descent. These criteria are only a guide since the relief The Western Ghats run parallel to the west coast. The
and topography can vary over relatively short dis- moisture-laden winds from the Arabian Sea give heavy
tances, meteorologically speaking: hence the final maps rain because of orographic enhancement. Heavy rain-
are generalised. Within each of the three homogeneous fall to the east of the Western Ghats comes from the
areas the highest estimate of PMP was adopted. Bay of Bengal. The storm of July 1941 was centred on
the Western Ghats and was caused by a depression
from the Bay of Bengal. After arriving in central India,
2.3 Factors affecting PMP distribution and the winds from the Arabian Sea were sucked into the
storm. Its more southerly location justified its inclu-
resulting regionalisation of India
sion in peninsular India when it came to transposition
The distribution of extreme rainfall is considered in and maximisation (Rakhecha & Clark 1999a). Hence,
terms of season and location. Heavy to very heavy rain- following Rakhecha et al. (1995), India was divided into
fall is caused because of the penetration of cyclonic dis- three zones: east of 80º E and north of 18º N; west of
turbances which include monsoonal depressions, with 80º E and north of 18º N; and south of 18º N (see
winds of 20–33 knots, and tropical storms, with winds Figure 1). Rakhecha & Kennedy (1985) go even further
in excess of 33 knots, from the Bay of Bengal and the and treat India as one region, but in this study proper
Arabian Sea. Each year an average of seven cyclonic allowance was made for the meteorology of the sub-
disturbances are generated in the summer monsoon continent. This is a mid-way position between others
season (June to September) (Dhar & Nandargi 1993), (for example, Dhar & Nandargi 1993) who advocate
one in the pre-monsoon season (April to May), and less widespread transposition limits. Since the 1941
three in the post-monsoon season (October to storm was partly in regions 1 and 3 it was transposed to
December). These disturbances cause heavy rain along both areas.
and near their tracks. The storm area may be 400 km
wide and 1000 km long, and point rainfall may range The cyclonic disturbances move north from the
from 40 to 80 cm per day. Arabian Sea, and in the case of those originating over
the Bay of Bengal move in a northwesterly direction
There are three factors which influence the spatial dis- across northern India. In doing so they are able to suck
tribution of PMP in India: distance from the sea, the in extra moist air from the monsoon in the Arabian Sea
effect of relief, and latitude. All of these have an effect through a clear passage over NW India across Gujarat.
on the precipitable water held within the column of air. The effect of cyclonic, convectional and orographic
Clearly warm air will be able to hold a much greater uplift is apparent over peninsular India and this justifies
depth of water than cooler air. This occurs in southern the sub-division of India into three regions. Within
latitudes as a result of higher levels of global radiation. these regions storms may be transposed.
As storms move inland the supply of moisture is
reduced, a fact noted by Rakhecha & Kennedy (1985). Recently, evidence has shown that global average
The influence of relief is most marked near the coast temperature has risen by between 0.6 and 1.0º C
and its influence becomes diminished further inland. since 1900 (IPPC 1990). However, for India the
Latitude has been shown to be highly correlated to 6- pattern of temperature change is much less clear and
hour PMP for data representative across the globe there are areas which have had little or no increase in
(Clark 1997). India spans latitudes 8–37º N, and the temperature (Chattopadhyay & Hulme 1997).
effect of latitude is quite obvious. Therefore, although the maximum persisting dew-
points may, in some areas of the world, increase in

C Clark and P R Rakhecha
the future, there is no convincing evidence for such an Table 3. Depth area data (three-day duration) for the
increase in India. two most serious storms in region 3 (Rakhecha et al.
1995), Indian peninsula
Area km2 100 1000 5000 10,000 20,000
2.4 Areal reduction factors Year of storm

In section 2.1 the problem of a sparse network of rain- 1943 95 91 73 61 49

stations was noted. In order to make up for this defi- 1965 57 45 30 27 23
Envelope 95 91 73 61 49
ciency, depth area analyses of the storms were carried
depths (cm)
out. Figure 3 shows the example of the 1943 storm; the
example of the 1955 storm can be found in Rakhecha & Point value (area = 10 km2) = 118 cm
Clark (1999a). Areal reduction 0.81 0.76 0.62 0.51 0.42

Table 4. Areal reduction factors for the three regions of

Area (km2)
10 100 1000 5000 10,000 20,000
Region 1 1.0 0.77 0.72 0.62 0.55 0.46
Figure 3. Depth area analysis for the 1943 storm. Region 2 1.0 0.81 0.65 0.53 0.47 0.41
Region 3 1.0 0.81 0.76 0.62 0.51 0.42

In order to estimate the areal distribution of PMP, areal

reduction factors were calculated from the most severe
rain storms in each of the three homogeneous areas of the PMP value reaches 120 cm, and similar values are
India. This implies that the highest rainfall for a given obtained in eastern India which includes some of the
area could occur at the same time as the highest depth wettest known areas of the world. Over peninsular
at a different area during the same storm. This assump- India the value of 1D500 km2 is about 55 cm, an area
tion was made only once because the highest rain noted for its relatively low 24-hour maximum persist-
depths in all areas were produced during a single storm ing dewpoints (Rakhecha et al 1990). Towards the east
event, a fact which applied to durations of one, two and coast the values increase, though not as rapidly as at the
three days. west coast, to over 110 cm in Andhra Pradesh. In the
eastern region of India, the combined effect of relief
The envelope rainfall depths and areal reduction factors and closer proximity to the coast gives values in excess
for region 3 are given in Table 3. These are the recorded of 120 cm.
values, with no maximisation or transposition. From
these data the ratio of point rainfall (taken as represent- In region 3 the PMP for 1000 km2 (Figure 5) over the
ing an area of 10 km2) to rainfall of a given area can be Western Ghats in Maharashtra and Karnataka states is
calculated. The areal reduction factors for all three covered by the 120 cm isoline but its areal extent is
regions are given in Table 4. When applied to point reduced in size, while the values for peninsular India
PMP rainfall in each region for different durations, fall by 5 cm. Meanwhile, over northern and eastern
areal average PMP rainfall can be obtained. Figures India the PMP value is reduced by the same amount.
4–15 show the distribution of one-, two- and three-day
PMP over 500, 1000, 5000, and 10,000 km2. There are further reductions of PMP for an area of 5000
km2 (1D5000 km2). In the Western Ghats the value
The areal PMP maps were produced at a resolution of declines to 85 cm while for peninsular India the value is
160 km × 160 km, giving a grid of 1º longitude and 1º 40 cm (Figure 6). There is an even greater relative
10′ latitude in central India. Where the areal reduction decline in PMP for northern India. For example, in
factors change at the boundary of regions 1 and 3, some parts of Uttar Pradesh 1D5000 km2 PMP is only 10 cm
smoothing of the isolines was necessary. less than that for 1D1000 km2. In eastern India the rel-
ative decline in PMP is less, which is a reflection of the
lower latitude and its position relative to the Bay of
3. Distribution of areal PMP Bengal. The distribution of the one-day PMP over an
area of 10,000 km2 (1D104 km2) (Figure 7) shows the
3.1 One-day PMP same pattern as for the smaller areas. Further reduc-
tions in the areal average rainfall are apparent.
The distribution of one-day PMP for an area of 500 km2 However, in the Western Ghats the values reach 80 cm,
(1D500 km2) is shown in Figure 4. In the Western Ghats which is 40 cm less than the 1D500 km2 value.

Areal PMP distribution in India

3.2 Two-day PMP moist air from the Arabian Sea moving to the NE.
Although Central Rajasthan has a value of 85 cm, fur-
Typically monsoonal rainfall lasts for several days, and ther west the estimates of PMP are much less reliable
unlike temperate latitude rainfall there is not such a and its return period may also be considerably higher
pronounced reduction in rainfall intensity. Therefore than for locations in both the south and east.
in the Western Ghats and peninsular India, two-day
PMP over 500 km2 (2D500 km2) is 25 cm greater than The distribution of 2D1000 km2 shows only a slight
1D500 km2 (Figure 8). In eastern India the increase in reduction in values when compared with 2D500 km2
depth ranges from 70 to 85 cm. This variation in the (Figure 9). The most rapid changes in PMP are in the
increase of two-day PMP over one-day PMP is largely west where the effect of relief is most apparent and
influenced by the storm dataset and subsequently max- towards the east where the diminution of the moisture
imised rainfall, where the 1968 storm event was marked supply is the dominant factor. Elsewhere PMP values
by a slow decline in rainfall depth from one to two change relatively slowly. The decline of areal rainfall
days. Rainfall over northern India ranges from 70 to between 1000 and 5000 km2 is more marked than that
100 cm, although the values for Kashmir are less certain between 500 and 1000 km2. Values for 2D5000 km2
because of its distance from both the 1955 and 1880 (Figure 10) range from 110 cm over the Western Ghats
storms. Over southern Rajasthan 2D500 km2 is almost to 50 cm in peninsular India and Kashmir. The domi-
as high as that for the Western Ghats. This is because of nant tracks of monsoonal depressions over Orissa tend
the influence on the disturbances of the extra supply of to produce higher values along the coast than in more

Figure 4. Areal distribution of one-day PMP (cm) for an area Figure 5. Areal distribution of one-day PMP (cm) for an area
of 500 km2. of 1000 km2.

Figure 6. Areal distribution of one-day PMP (cm) for an area Figure 7. Areal distribution of one-day PMP (cm) for an area
of 5000 km2. of 10,000 km2.

C Clark and P R Rakhecha
southern latitudes, an observation which runs contrary 3.3 Three-day PMP
to the global trend of decreasing PMP with increasing
latitude. Clark (1997) Whether this result is solely an The long duration of monsoonal storm rains is
effect of the distribution of the storms considered here reflected in the distribution and magnitude of three-
is unclear, but it does reflect the distribution of maxi- day PMP. There are large increases in PMP over those
mum persisting dewpoints which are based upon a bet- of two-day duration in the Western Ghats for all areas
ter dataset than the historic storms which are fewer in (Figures 12–15). Furthermore, a value of 225 cm is
number because of their rarity. exceeded over the coasts of Andhya Pradesh and
Orissa, which is a reflection of the fact that heavy rain-
The distribution of 2D104 km2 (Figure 11) shows the fall lasts for two to three days. Further inland the deep
same pattern though with only a small drop in absolute penetration of three-day events into northern India is
values as compared with 2D5000 km2. The largest dif- hardly noticed, which suggests that this process is only
ferences between one- and two-day PMP for 10,000 short-lived, though important nevertheless.
km2 are in the east where, once again, the influence of
the historic storms becomes apparent. Elsewhere there For three-day PMP over an area of 1000 km2 (3D1000
are only minor increases in PMP. km2) values over the Western Ghats are about the same
as those on the east coast, although they do not match
the very high values in Assam and adjoining areas.

Figure 8. Areal distribution of two-day PMP (cm) for an area Figure 9. Areal distribution of two-day PMP (cm) for an area
of 500 km2. of 1000 km2.

Figure 10. Areal distribution of two-day PMP (cm) for an Figure 11. Areal distribution of two-day PMP (cm) for an
area of 5000 km2. area of 10,000 km2.

Areal PMP distribution in India
Relatively minor increases are found over northern 1977; the Gibson Dam in the United States on 8 June
India for reasons already given. 1964; and the Machhu Dam in India on 11 August 1979.
The design flood of the Machhu Dam had been revised
The distribution of three-day PMP over 5000 km2 and upwards twice before its completion but even that was
10,000 km2 appears to follow the previous patterns. The not enough to avoid catastrophic dam failure.
dominance of values in the east coast over those of the
west coast is apparent. There are only modest reduc- In view of the widespread occurrence of dam failures
tions in the areal average rainfall over northern India. and the imprecise nature of PMP estimates, uncertainty
will always surround new estimates – can they ever
produce a completely safe design in relation to the
4. Implications for dam safety PMF or are their values simply too high or even too
low? There are several reasons for believing that they
Estimation of PMP is of considerable importance to are safer than the existing estimates. These include the
hydrologists and design engineers when estimating the more liberal transposition of storm events from their
probable maximum flood for dam spillways. There have actual location; the use of envelope curves for areal esti-
been dam failures in many parts of the world as a result mation of rainfall; and an allowance for the spacing of
of the underestimation of the design flood. Examples raingauges via depth area analyses. However, to be
include the Briseis Dam in Australia on 4 April 1929; even more certain that these estimates of PMP can pro-
the Euclides da Cunha Dam in Brazil on 19 January vide a safe design, more work should be carried out on

Figure 12. Areal distribution of three-day PMP (cm) for an Figure 13. Areal distribution of three-day PMP (cm) for an
area of 500 km2. area of 1000 km2.

Figure 14. Areal distribution of three-day PMP (cm) for an Figure 15. Areal distribution of three-day PMP (cm) for an
area of 5000 km2. area of 10,000 km2.

C Clark and P R Rakhecha
the estimation of historical flood events, the effects of Chattopadhyay, N. & Hulme, M. (1997). Evaporation
future land use changes, a better estimation of the per- and potential evapotranspiration in India under con-
centage runoff from storm events, and the use of the ditions of recent and future climate change. Agric.
most severe storm profiles in the calculation of the For. Meteorol. 87: 55–73.
PMF. Because of the uncertainty of both future meteo- Clark, C., 1997: Flood prediction and control: cause for
rological and other environmental conditions, the stan- concern? Internat. Water Power & Dam Constr. 49:
dards of PMP as laid down in this paper should be 34–37.
regarded as a minimum. The well-known adage ‘discre- Dhar, O. N. & Nandargi, S. S. (1993). Sequential max-
tion is the better part of valour’ should be heeded when imisation of rainstorms for PMP estimation of design
the design flood is being estimated. storm. In Unusual Storm Events and their Relevance
to Dam safety and Snow Hydrology, CBIP publ. no.
234, New Delhi, pp. 301–304.
5. Discussion Forland, E. & Kristoffersen, D. (1989). Estimation of
extreme precipitation in Norway. Nordic Hydrol. 20
Dams will continue to play a vital part in India’s econ- (4/5): 257–276.
omy. With a rapidly growing population, coupled with IITM (1989). Probable maximum precipitation Atlas.
its monsoonal climate, the need for regional water man- Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune.
agement will increase. Although much has been written IPCC (1990) Climate Change. Intergovernmental
about the climate of India, the sample of storms and Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge, UK.
length of records is tiny in comparison with the return Rakhecha, P. R & Clark, C. (1999a). Revised estimates
period of PMP. As the number of people who are at of probable maximum precipitation (PMP) for India.
risk from the consequences of dam failure grows, the Meteorol. Appl. 6: 343–350.
standard of safety at dam sites must be improved. At Rakhecha, P. R. & Clark, C. (1999b). India: Atlas of
present overdesign is not a feature of dams in India: Probable Maximum Precipitation. Charldon
there is a reluctance to accept that, over time, a greater Publications, Bruton, UK, 32 pp.
fraction of climate variability will be sampled which Rakhecha, P. R. & Clark, C. (2000). Point and areal
will lead to an increase in the estimate of PMP. PMP estimates for two- and three-day duration in
India. Meteorol. Appl. 7: 19–26.
The results presented in this paper are a step towards Rakhecha, P. R. & Clark, C. (2002). The probable maxi-
assessing the design spillway of future dams for the mum flood at the Ukai and Lakhwar dam sites in India.
whole of India and for a reassessment of those already In The Extreme of the Extremes: A Symposium on
in existence. The results presented here are broadly Extraordinary Floods, Reykjavik, 2000. International
similar to those presented for NW India (Rakhecha & Association of Hydiological Science publ. no. 272,
Mandal 1993), but are higher than estimates derived by pp. 283–288.
statistical methods. The WMO manual (1986) is quite Rakhecha, P.R. & Kennedy, M.R. (1985). A generalised
clear about the use of statistical methods, namely that technique for the estimation of probable maximum
they are not considered to be as reliable as those precipitation in India. J. Hydrol. 78: 345–359.
obtained by meteorological procedures and that the Rakhecha, P. R. & Mandal, B.N. (1993). Probable max-
results should only be used in a supportive role. The imum precipitation in northwest India: a generalised
people of India will need a greater supply of water for approach. In Unusual Storm Events and their
both irrigation and power in the future. The dams Relevance to Dam Safety and Snow Hydrology,
should be fully protected from the possibility of being CBIP publ. no. 234, New Delhi, pp. 89–96.
overtopped in a major flood. All too often design stan- Rakhecha, P. R. & Pisharoty, P.R. (1996). Heavy rain-
dards seem to lag behind knowledge of the events that fall during monsoon season: point and spatial distri-
engineers are trying to predict. It is the authors’ hope bution. Current Sci. 71: 179–186.
that this work will produce greater environmental Rakhecha, P. R., Deshpande, N. & Nandargi, S. S.
security for the growing population of India. (1990). Maximum persisting dew points during the
southwest monsoon season over India. Mausam 41
(1): 140–142.
Acknowledgements Rakhecha, P. R., Mandal, B. N., Kulkarni, A. K. &
The authors would like to thank the referees who Deshpande, N. R. (1995). Estimation of probable
enabled them to improve an earlier draft of the paper. maximum precipitation for catchments in Eastern
India by a generalised method. Theor. Appl.
Climatol. 51: 67–74.
References WMO (1986). Manual for Estimation of Probable
Maximum Precipitation. Operational Hydrology
Central Board of Irrigation and Power (1993). Unusual Report no 1, WMO no 232, 2nd edn, 269 pp.
Storm Events and their Relevance to Dam Safety and
Snow Hydrology, CBIP publ. no. 234, New Delhi,
385 pp.


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