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1. The Road - Cormac Mccarthy (e-version) 2. The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls 3.

Unberable lightness of being - Milan Kundera (own) 4. My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Piccoult (e-Version) 5. The Gathering - Anne Enright(own) 6. The secret life of bees- sue monk kidd 7. Lovely Bones - Alice Seabold (Read) 8. The thirteenth tale - Diane Setterfield 9. Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen 10. A thousand splendid suns - Khaled Hosseni (e-Version) 11. Time Traveller's wife - Audrey Niffeneggar (e-Version) 12. The Book Thief - Markus Zusak 13. The colour purple - alice Walker (e-version) 14. A fine balance - Rohintan Mistry 15. Hungry tide - amitav ghosh 16. Shantaram - Gregory Roberts David (own) 17. The memory keeper's daughter - Kim Edwards (e-Version) 18. Conference of birds - Attar (Read) 19. God's little soldier - Kiran Nagarkar 20. Love in the time of cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez (e-version) 21. Immortality - Milan Kundera (e-version) 22. Kafka on the shore - Murakami 23. Wind-up Bird Chronicle - Murakami (e-Version) 24. Dance, Dance, Dance - Murakami (e-version) 25. Elephant vanishes - Murakami 26. The Catcher in the Rye - J D Salinger (e-version) 27. Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury (e-version) 28. Tender is the night - Fitzerald (e-version) 29. God delusion - Dawkins (e-version) 30. Things fall apart - Chinua Achebe (own) 31. Never Let me go - Kazuo Ishiguro (e-version) 32. The remains of the day - Kazuo Ishiguro (e-version) 34. The fifth Child - Doris Lessing 35. The Golden Notebook - Doris Lessing 36. Lolita - Nabokov (e-version) 37. Mind's I (own) 38. A Lotus grows in the mud - Goldie hawn 39. Its not about the bike - Lance Armstrong 40. Reading Lolita in Tehran - Azar Nafisi (e-version) 41. The Tin drum - Gunter Grass 42. Inscrutable Americans - anurag Mathur 43. Eats, shoots and Leaves 44. Lucifer Effect - Philip Zimbardo (e-version) 45. Gilead - Marilynne Robinson 46. Housekeeping - Marilynne Robinson 47. Possesion - A S Byatt 48. The Sound and the fury - Faulkner (e-version) 49 As I lay dying - Faulkner (e-version) 50. Absalom ! Absalom - Faulkner 51. Their eyes were watching God - Zora Neale Hurston 52. Beloved - Toni Morrison (e-version) 53. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley (e-version) 54. Naked Song Lalla 55. At the mountains of madness - Lovecraft 56. The little match girl - Hans Christian Anderson 57. The Hummingbird's daughter - Luis Alberto Urrea 58. The Anatomy of Memory: An Anthology - James McConkey(own) 59. A natural History of senses - Diane Eckerman(own)

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