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Was Were - Test 28

1. I felt now that I _______ a different man.

2. When he spoke it _______ about another matter.

3. We felt that we _______ going to succeed.

4. They did not seem to know what they _______ doing.

5. No particular name _______ then found for it.

6. It _______ very good of you to think of it.

7. Three entire weeks _______ passed in this manner.

8. It _______ a strange thing for him to do.

9. It _______ indeed for him that they _______ there.

10. But life and death _______ in that glance.

11. He did not know what this thought _______.

12. We _______ going to stay with his family.

13. We _______ glad to have you with us.

14. At last the poor child _______ at his door.

15. He knew that you _______ engaged to me.

16. It was not original, but it _______ good.

17. I _______ sure that it would be thus.

18. They _______ far past the land of youth and love.

19. He _______ alone only for a few minutes.

20. You said you _______ afraid of no man.

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