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Name: Ayu Putri Handayani

NPM : 2121013

MK : Language Culture and Society

1. Language is the expression of ideas by means of speech-sounds combined into words.

Words are combined into sentences, this combination answering to that of ideas into

Identity is a characteristic in the form of culture that distinguishes a nation or group of people
from other groups.

Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing

language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.

2. A. Languages form social interactions and social interactions to form social languages are
studies on relationships between language and society and the way people use languages in
different social situations.
B. Before so many languages were present on our planet, there were several main primary
languages spoken by large groups of people. With time the people evolved as well as their
cultures and the language they spoke. This is usually attributed to the fact that they felt they
needed to adapt to new circumstances and assimilate.

3. Structure in a culture is social organization. This organization is a group where members of a

culture turn to things about the meaning of life. There are many cultural groups that help with the
adaptation process and provide guidance on how to behave in a particular culture. The surviving
and influential social organizations in society that concern issues in the structure are

1. Culture

2. Family

4. Difference

1. From the government system

America is a country in the form of a federal system while Indonesia is in the form of a republic

2. Ethics, in America, socializing is very free, while in Indonesia, ethics and morals are prioritized.

3. Food, both foods are very different. In Indonesia they prefer to eat rice while in America they eat
bread or potatoes.

4. Another difference is that when children turn 18 years old, in America, children are taught to be
independent, such as being released from their parents’ home, while in Indonesia, children are
allowed to leave their parents’ home after marriage.


1. Presidential system. The difference is the number of parties in Indonesia is more than in America.

2. America and Indonesia are both democratic countries that uphold the values of tolerance and
5. Language is one of the results of human culture, while human culture is also influenced by
language. Human culture cannot occur without language because language is a factor that allows
the formation of culture. So, language is a reflection of the culture of a society. For example
Regional languages and traditional houses.

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