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Submission of introduction report
peer review

Map of core manufacturing regions in North America (Lokal Profile, derived from original via
Wikimedia Commons)
The geography of North America has shaped industrial development and regional
specialization. For example, the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie regions are rich in iron deposits for
steel production, giving the Pittsburgh professional soccer team its name. Textile production
developed in the south and remains a regional specialty in many areas today. Appalachian coal
fueled industrial development in the mid-Atlantic states. This regional specialization and the
fact that the Southern states remained dependent on agricultural production for some time
exacerbated the
caused people to migrate to the United States in search of work, especially from the eastern
European suburbs. Between 1865 and 1918, 27.5 million, and child labor did not disappear until
his 1930s. Asians emigrated primarily to the western United States, where they often

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