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Sure, here is a short story about something random:

Once upon a time, there was a cat named Mittens who lived in a small apartment with
her owner, a young woman named Sarah. Mittens was a very curious cat, and she loved
to explore. One day, Sarah was cleaning the apartment when she accidentally knocked
over a vase. The vase shattered, and a large shard of glass fell onto the floor.

Mittens saw the shard of glass and was immediately curious. She had never seen
anything like it before. She crept closer to the glass, her whiskers twitching. She
reached out a paw to touch it, but just as she did, Sarah swooped in and picked her

"No, Mittens," Sarah said. "That's dangerous."

Mittens meowed in protest. She wanted to investigate the glass! But Sarah was firm.
She put Mittens down on the couch and picked up the shard of glass. She carefully
put it in the trash can, then turned to Mittens.

"See," she said. "That's why you can't play with glass. It's sharp and it can hurt

Mittens looked at the trash can, then back at Sarah. She seemed to understand what
Sarah was saying. She meowed again, but this time it was a more subdued meow.

"Good girl," Sarah said. "Now, why don't you go find something else to play with?"

Mittens turned and walked away, her tail flicking in the air. She found a ball of
yarn and started to bat it around the apartment. She was still curious about the
glass, but she knew that Sarah was right. It was dangerous.

Mittens played with the ball of yarn for a while, then she curled up on the couch
and took a nap. She dreamed of all the interesting things she would explore one
day, but she knew that she would always be careful. She didn't want to get hurt.

The end.

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