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INTRODUCTION A viral disease which may affect the spinal cord causing muscle weakness and paralysis. The words polio (grey) and myelin (marrow, indi the spinal cord) are derived from the Greek, ing Poliomyelitis is a disease of the anterior hor motor neurons of the spinal cord and brain stem caused b poliovirus. Poliomyelitis, literally meaning “grey spinal cord inflammation It is a viral infection | DEFI = TION elt is an acute viral infectious disease caused by © The word ‘myletis’ means an |, which often Greek wo © “polios’ © “Myelos” ~spinal cord © Route:- feco-oral TREATMENT Symptomatic and supportive The goal of the treatment is to control symptoms while the infection runs its course as there is no specific treatment for the viral infection. Treatment may includes : Hospitalization (may be required for those individuals who develop paralytic poliomyelitis). If the respiratory is involved, LONG-TERM VENTILATION is necessary Cont... Catheterization of distended bladder may be necessary. Antibiotic for urinary tract infection. Moist heat to reduce pain and muscle spasm Pain killer to reduce muscle pain, headache (such as acetaminophen). Physical therapy, braces or corrective shoes, or orthopedic surgery to help recover muscle strength & function Bed rest Essential during acute phase:- phys increases risk of paralytic polio ical activity and trauma Posture to be changed every 2-3hrs. Child to be placed on stomach for short period each day to prevent pneumonia Optimum position for Hip- slight flexion Knee- 5° flexion Foot- 90° support against the sole Pain relief Sister Kenny’s treatment: hot moist packs applied to the muscles to relieve pain and spasm. Analgesics Physiotherapy Method Joints and paralysed muscle: range for 10min., 2-3times/day moved passively through full Benefits Prevents deformities and contracture Promote development of muscle power in paralysed muscles. Physiotherapy Method through 10min. Benefits Prevents deformities and contracture Promote development of muscle power in paralysed muscles. Diet Nutritious, balanced and wholesome In non-paralytic polio- normal diet In paralytic polio- fed by naso-gastric tube, calories/kg body weight. In dysphasia patients nursed in prone position with foot end raised- gravity drainage of pooled secretions in pharynx. Or intermittent suction Tracheostomy Respiratory failure- assisted respiration with mechanical ventilator: Rehabilitation Physical Physical therapy is recommended for full recovery Passive stretching exercises and wedging casts can be used for mild to moderate contractures, Surgical release of tight fascia and muscle aponeuroses and lengthening of tendons may be necessary for contractures persisting longer than 6 months. Orthoses should be used until no further recovery is anticipated. Static joint instability can be controlled by Orthoses. Dynamic joint instability result in a fixed deformity that cannot be controlled by Orthoses. © Occupational therapy (OT) provides purposeful activities or interventions in order to promote function, health, and wellness and to prevent further injury or disability. © The goal is to assist survivors in achieving their maximum level of independence. © To be seen by an occupational therapist, a referral by a physician is usually required Recreational Therapy Patients may attend leisure activities to reduce stress and learn how to get involved in group activities Ee Speech Therapy © Patients with cranial nerve involvement may develop swallowing dysfunction. To protect the airway and prevent aspiration pneumonia, a speech therapist needs to be involved early to perform an evaluation of the safety of swallowing © Decisions on the appropriate consistency of oral foods and use of various strategies/techniques greatly reduce the risk of aspiration. © Periodic follow up of patient status can be performed with ial video swallow testing.

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