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Geometry is an important branch of mathematics that is used to study and understand

the properties of shapes and spaces. But Geometry can be challenging for some
students because it requires a lot of visualization and spatial reasoning skills. In this
study conducted among secondary school students to analyse the effect of Geogebra
in constructing quadrilaterals by Experimental single group method .A self assessment
scale was used to collect data from 12 secondary school students the same test was
administrated before and after the instruction using Geogebra .The study findings that
integration of technologies can allows the students to visualise complex concepts in
mathematics problems.


Constructions, Quadrilaterals, Geogebra


Mathematics is one of the most important subjects for students to learn in schools, so
that mathematics performance is critical in thinking and determining their specific
scientific pathways and future careers. Mathematics starts to become a little more
abstract for students in secondary schools, coming in geometry which lead to
difficulties in understanding, misconceptions and poor maths abilities.

Now a days students in secondary schools face geometry is often related to difficulty
in visualising and comprehending 3D objects. To overcome these challenges teachers
can use a variety of teaching strategies and integration of technologies that can be
help students to develop a deeper understanding of geometric concepts and


Geometry is an essential branch of Mathematics that is used in various field such as
engineering, architecture, computer graphics and in physics. It provides a framework
for understanding the properties of shapes, spatial relationships, measurements and
accuracy. Studying Geometry can enhance student’s visual spatial intelligence and

Studying Geometry is important because it is the fundamentals of engineering,

architecture, computer graphics and in physics. The students become competent in day
by day in constructing new knowledge . So it is important for students to become
creative thinker and problem solver. Integration of technologies can allows the
students to visualise complex concepts and solve problems more effectively.


• To find the effect of an instruction using Geogebra on constructing

quadrilaterals at secondary school level .
• To analyse and suggestive some measures to overcome the difficulties faced
by the secondary school students while constructing geometrical figures.


For measuring the effectiveness of Geogebra in the construction of quadrilaterals

among secondary school students, a systematic execution of experimental procedure
was used. The data collected from 12 participants. A self assessment scale was used
to collect data from 12 secondary school students the same test was administrated
before and after the instruction using Geogebra .The test was designed to secondary
school students to measure the attitude towards construction of quadrilaterals.


The data collected were analysed using the percentage analysis.The responses
obtained for each item and analysed and the obtained result .

It is evident from the percentage analysis that secondary school pupils have favourable
attitudes regarding the building of quadrilaterals after the intervention using Geogebra.

Difficulties identified and suggestive measures

In the present study, some students were seen to avoid geometrical constructing
questions while taking maths tests. Some pupils become discouraged when they have
trouble constructing quadrilaterals. They encountered problems as well when the
measurements were provided in various ways.

Quadrilateral construction has become more accurate and effective with the help of
technology. It is simpler to design precise and sophisticated geometric shapes with
tools like Geogebra. Technology also makes it possible to take measurements that are
more exact and precise, which can assist guarantee that quadrilaterals are built


The study conducted among secondary school students to find the effect of using
Geogebra on constructing quadrilaterals shows the integration of technologies help
them in various ways. Studies have shown that using Geogebra, a dynamic geometry
software can have a positive effect on student’s ability to construct quadrilaterals.
Geogebra allows students to create and manipulate geometric shapes in real-time,
which can help them get a better understanding of its measurements.

• After construction using Geogebra , only less students avoid the questions from
geometrical constructions.
• The result of this study indicates that the students can retain their interest
even when they encounters difficulties.
• Geogebra helps the students to think in multiple ways for the solution of a
given problem.
• Geogebra provide an opportunity to visualise the abstract concepts of
constructing quadrilaterals.

Using Geogebra to construct quadrilaterals can be an effective way to teach and

learn geometry. All the students participated in this study shows all were got a good
learning experience that help them for a better understanding on the construction of
quadrilaterals. The study found that integration of technologies can allow the students
to visualise complex concepts in Mathematics problems

• Kolothumthodi. (2022). Effect of virtual learning environment using GeoGebra on

problem solving ability in geometry of secondary school students. Research Centre
in Education, University of Calicut.
• Babu. (2022). Effectiveness of ICT integrated constructivist approach on the
attainment of concept in mathematics.
• Dirgha, D., & Joshy, J. (Year). A study on the use of ICT in mathematics
teaching in secondary schools of Nepal.

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