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Prayer of healing and declaration

I am the son and daughter of the Most High God. Healing is my birthright.
Healing is my inheritance. Diseases and all dis-ease,and all infirmities, and
all sickness, all torment of the body, and of the mind, of the soul is not of
my Father.

I renounce any and all covenants. I sever any and all agreements made
with any and all forms of disease, infirmity, pain or trauma right now.

I command any or all afflictions to lift off of me now. And I command it to

end today.

I command my body to regenerate. I command my body to respond. I

command if necessary creative miracle into my body.

I command my body to generate T-cell if it is necessary to repair and

replace things within my organs; things within my mind; things within any
parts of body.

I command restoration. All pain be gone. All affliction be gone.

I give permission for God's healing virtue to flow to me now, in the name
of Jesus. Amen.

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