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Assignment: JDBC in Java

Instructions: Answer the following questions related to JDBC (Java Database

Connectivity) in Java. Provide concise and clear answers to each question.

What is JDBC and why is it important in Java?

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is an API (Application Programming Interface)
that provides a standard way to connect Java programs with relational databases. It
allows Java applications to interact with databases by providing a set of classes
and interfaces for database operations. JDBC is important in Java because it
enables developers to easily write database-driven applications, perform data
manipulation, and retrieve data from databases. It provides a platform-independent
way to interact with databases, making it a crucial component for Java developers.

What are the key components of JDBC?

The key components of JDBC are as follows:

a. DriverManager: It is responsible for managing the JDBC drivers. It can establish

a connection to a database by loading the appropriate driver.

b. Driver: It is the implementation of the JDBC API for a specific database. Each
database vendor provides its own JDBC driver.

c. Connection: It represents a connection to a specific database. It is used to

create statements and perform database transactions.

d. Statement: It is used to execute SQL statements and retrieve results from the
database. There are two types of statements: Statement and PreparedStatement.

e. ResultSet: It represents the result of a database query. It provides methods to

retrieve and manipulate data returned from a query.

How do you establish a connection to a database using JDBC?

To establish a connection to a database using JDBC, you need to follow these steps:
a. Load the JDBC driver using the Class.forName() method or the
DriverManager.registerDriver() method.

b. Create a connection URL string that specifies the database, hostname, port, and
other necessary parameters.

c. Use the DriverManager.getConnection() method to establish a connection by

passing the connection URL, username, and password as parameters.

d. Once the connection is established, you can use it to create statements and
perform database operations.

What is the difference between Statement and PreparedStatement in JDBC?

The main differences between Statement and PreparedStatement in JDBC are as

Statement is used to execute static SQL statements.

SQL queries are directly embedded in the Java code.
It is prone to SQL injection attacks.
Each time the SQL statement is executed, it needs to be compiled by the database
server, which may impact performance.

PreparedStatement is used to execute parameterized SQL statements.

SQL queries are precompiled and stored as a prepared statement.
It provides better security by automatically escaping parameters.
It can be reused with different parameter values, improving performance.
How do you handle exceptions in JDBC?
In JDBC, exceptions are handled using try-catch blocks. When working with JDBC, the
following exception classes are commonly used:
a. SQLException: It is the base class for all JDBC-related exceptions. It
represents an error that occurred during database operations.

b. ClassNotFoundException: It is thrown when the JDBC driver class is not found.

To handle exceptions in JDBC, you should enclose the database-related code within a
try block and catch the appropriate exceptions. It is important to release
resources (such as connections, statements, and result sets) in the finally block
to ensure proper cleanup, even if an exception occurs.

Note: In addition to the above questions, you can add coding exercises or practical
examples to further enhance the assignment.

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