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1. " She saw young face austerely beautiful . " Explain in paragraph .

A. Introduction : " Upagupta " is a philosophical poem . A multifaceted man and master
craftsman created this thought provoking poem . It narrates two contrasting incidents . They
symbolically show the difference between materialism and spiritualism . Upagupta and the
dancing girl represent those two opposing view points .

Main Answer : Upagupta was a faithful follower of Buddha . He was leading the life of an
ascetic . Spiritual pursuit was his motto . Universal love was a way to attain his goal . He had
no interest in material possessions or physical comforts . His simple life ignited inner beauty .
Hence the dancing girl found blissful beauty on his face , that sprang from within !

2. "When the time is ripe I will come to you" said upagupta What does he mean by it?

Main Answer : Upagupta was an ascetic . He shunned all physical comforts . He slept in
dust on streets . Seeing that , the dancing girl invited him to come to her home . Then ,
Upagupta said he would come when time was ripe. Upagupta was interested in giving . He
never liked to take , particularly comforts . He would go to places where his service was
needed . That was for him the ripe time to go .

3. " A year has not yet passed . " Yet , the dancing girl's life turned upside down.

Main Answer : We see the dancing girl first in August . She was then young and beautiful .
She wore a lot of jewellery. She was proud of her beauty , youth , skills and wealth . She was
in a position to invite Upagupta to her home . By next April , in less than a year , her world
turned topsy - turvy . She lost her youth , beauty , respect , etc. She suffered from small - pox
. People sent her out of their town . She lay in dust with dried lips and sores all over . It was
Upagupta who comforted her .

4. " Who are you , merciful one ? " Who said to whom and tolice why ?

Main Answer : Upagupta saw the dancing girl lying in the shadow of the mango - grove .
She was in a pathetic state . She suffered from small - pox . So people sent her out of their
town . Upagupta was moved by her tragic state . He took her head on to his knees . He made
her dried up lips wet with water . He applied sandal balm all over her sores . She was touched
by his comforting deeds . So , she asked him who that compassionate soul was !

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