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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokaatuh

Good mornings everyone

Introduce my name...

Zaza is in grade 8 at Public Junior High School 2 Kandangan

This time, Zaza will present a fable story entitled Crow and Squirrel.

Listen to the story, OK?

Lingsir wengi

Sepi durung bisa nendra

Kagodha mring wewayang

Ngerindhu ati

"Hoi! don't make noise! Shut up! Shut up! I don't like hearing that song! Shouted the
crow when squirrel sang Lingsir Wengi.

Lol! What's wrong with that song to make you angry?

Unsociable you are!

Just hearing a beautiful song is disturbing, hehehe...

Yes, you know, that's all you can say

Want to eat, want to drink and even want to pee can only say

Said the squirrel mockingly.

It turned out that the crow was not angry, he tried to be silent and thought of a way to
repay the squirrel's taunts.

Suddenly the crow flew and he was planning something.

I wonder what the crow will do, my friends.

Good grief! the crow turned out to go to the squirrel friends' house.

He ransacked the squirrel's house without caring if there were very young squirrel
children. The little squirrel fell and died because of it.

Crow was confused, it turns out that what he did made a big mess.

"Crow! what are you doing!"

"My son! hu hu hu.."

"Forgive your mother, my son!"

the squirrel sobbed.

"Crow it turns out you hold a grudge against me, forgive me crow! why did you put all
this on my children"

Lingsir wengi

gusti paring pitulungan

Lingsir wengi

gusti paling pitulungan


ora ono sing kuoso saliyane gusti kang mur sing gemati

Well guys!

What can we learn from this story?

That's right guys!

We can't hold grudges against anyone.

Forgiveness is the best way to be able to remain a good child by God's side.

Thank you for your attention and if Zaza has any wrong words, please forgive me ya

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

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