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What is a lottery affiliate?

If you don’t know anything about affiliate programs or

lottery games I will explain what they are to you in a
few lines.
So basically, there are lottery websites online where
you can play huge Jackpot lotteries like EuroJackpot,
Powerball, etc.

These sites are becoming so popular and billions of

people are playing online tickets every month. Lottery
sites are making trillions of dollars
and there are tons of lottery sites online, and they are
always trying to get more and more customers so they
are offering us their affiliate program. Every site will
accept you as their affiliate and you can start
promoting their site right away. So when you send
visitors to their site and when your visitor play some
lottery, you get commission from money they spend on
their lottery tickets.

How much money can you make with this

It’s not really hard to get people play lottery, so you
can make tons of money. Lottery affiliate sites are
mostly offering you some promo tools
for your visitors, so everyone who sign-up through your
link will get first free ticket, and if they play with
more than $10 next time, they will get 50% off and
stuff like that, so you can attract them really easily.
Most of these sites will give you 10-20% lifetime
commission for your referrals and 10-30$ bonus for
every new player. So if you have 100 referrals and 70
of them are playing with $10 every week, that’s $150
in commission for you, every week, and plus you will
get $100-300 for these players (most sites will pay you
$10-30 per new players + commission from their plays)
and I will show you how to make this money 100%
passively. You can also promote casino and other
gambling games too.

How to Start Promoting Lottery

When I started promoting lottery affiliate I tried tons
of methods and it was really hard to reach potential
players because I promoted lottery links with Facebook
and Reddit, and people will never believe to some
dude who ask them to click here and play lottery for
free, that’s just too suspicious, and affiliate link
looked like this:
11923/17047/game1 That’s just ugly, suspicious and no
one ever will click on that link. So few months ago I
created lottery affiliate website for my country, and it
was literally a ‘jackpot’. I created a website on my
language (non-English) about how to play lottery online
and I created simple tutorials with video presentations
on how to play world biggest lotteries. I started some
Facebook ad campaigns and I got like 50 players in 2
weeks, and all of them came through my referral link
from my website, and 100% of them used their first
free ticket.
Not mine but this is just an example of how it should
look like:
Be sure to target male and female population from
United states or middle east from 18-40 years old, who
have liked nice car picutres,
yachts, travel and stuff like that. People who like
luxury will play lottery in order to get some of that. I
got more than 130 players in 20+ days using Facebook
ads only, and 82% of visitors used their free ticket
through my referral link, and most important thing is
that 20% of them came back again and they used their
50% off coupon too. Now, these players who used their
50% coupon already spent their money on lottery and
60% of them will play again on this site and you will get
commission from every ticket they pay. Those players
who play more than 2 times will probably play forever
and you will have 10-30$ per month from each of
them, every month. Now, let’s say you can get 100
players in 50 days, they would earn you 600-1200$ per
month, and that’s only 100 of them, imagine having
1000+ players, and it’s easy to archive.

Ways to promote your website?

I promote my site using 2 different ways more, online
and offline. Online promotion on Facebook, Reddit,
Twitter and Instagram, and I spend around $50 per day
on these ads. I’m creating new campaigns every day so
I can get better conversion results on my site. I’m
promoting my site offline too, I print flyers with my
site logo and ‘Play free lottery ticket’ text, and I share
these flyers all around my country. I also print t-shirts
with my site logo and text ‘Play lottery online, first
ticket is free!’ and I share them for free. You can order
cheap T-Shirt prints on fiverr, some examples of good
sellers: Few days ago I started working with flyers so I
print flyers and I pay kids to share them under parked
cars wipers and other places around town, and I got
some great results from offline promotions too. You
can rent people for cheap on Fiverr to print and
distribute flyers in almost any country. Some UK
examples: I get some great SEO results too, I’m ranked
for some great lottery keywords on my language and
more lottery based keywords and I get 200- 400 visitors
per day from SEO too. I used good tips about local SEO
from articles:
local-seo-strategies-smbs/19430/ and http://
dominateloc al-search-268412

Can you start promoting lottery too?

You can start promoting lotteries too, if you live in
some country other than US or Canada there are
probably no sites like this online on your language, so
you can start one and make tons of money. First, you
should apply to some lottery affiliate programs, some
of the best are Lottoland and Multilotto. You can copy
my site design, I used Alyeska theme on my site. Once
you have your website you can start promoting it and
you can start making money.

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