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Centers in Turkey
NEALS is a global network of academic medical centers dedicated to
research, treatment, and clinical trials for neurodegenerative diseases.
Turkey has several centers affiliated with NEALS that are making great
strides in improving the lives of patients.

KN by Kübra Nur Şahin

What are Neurodegenerative Diseases?
Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS, are conditions where nerve
cells in the brain and spinal cord deteriorate and eventually die. Symptoms can include memory loss,
difficulty moving, and impaired communication.

Alzheimer's Disease Parkinson's Disease Amyotrophic Lateral

Sclerosis (ALS)
The most common cause of A chronic and progressive
dementia, Alzheimer's affects movement disorder, A progressive and fatal

memory, thinking, and Parkinson's can cause disease that affects nerve
behavior. tremors, stiffness, and cells in the brain and spinal
difficulty with balance. cord, leading to muscle
weakness and difficulty with
voluntary movements.
Types of Research and Clinical Trials
The NEALS-affiliated centers in Turkey conduct a wide range of research and clinical trials to find new
treatments and therapies for neurodegenerative diseases.

Clinical Trials

Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine is

conducting clinical trials on the use of stem
cells to regenerate damaged brain cells in
Parkinson's patients.

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Preclinical Research Gene Therapy

Somerville Hospital is conducting preclinical Dokuz Eylul University is researching gene

research on how to target abnormal protein therapy techniques that may help slow or
accumulation in neurodegenerative diseases halt the progression of ALS.
like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
Current NEALS-affiliated Centers in
Turkey has several NEALS-affiliated centers that specialize in the treatment of neurodegenerative

Acibadem Maslak Hospital Akdeniz University Hospital

Specializes in ALS, with a focus on early Offers care for ALS, Huntington's, and other
diagnosis and multidisciplinary care. neurodegenerative diseases.

Marmara University Pendik Memorial Ankara Hospital

Education and Research Hospital
Specializes in Parkinson's disease, with a
Provides comprehensive care for patients focus on deep brain stimulation and
with Alzheimer's and other forms of personalized care.
Specialties and Areas of Focus
Each NEALS-affiliated center in Turkey has its own specialty, but they all share a common focus on
providing the highest quality care and the latest research for patients with neurodegenerative

Clinical Care Research Diagnostics

Centers like Istanbul Centers like Sabanci Centers like Mersin

University Faculty of University and Baskent University Hospital and
Medicine and Dokuz Eylul University are dedicated to Uludag University Hospital
University provide developing new treatments use state-of-the-art
specialized care for patients and therapies through equipment to provide
with neurodegenerative cutting-edge research. accurate and timely
diseases. diagnoses for patients.
Impact on Neurodegenerative Disease
Treatment in Turkey
The work being done at NEALS-affiliated centers in Turkey is making a real difference in the lives of
patients with neurodegenerative diseases. These centers are providing innovative treatments,
conducting groundbreaking research, and offering hope to patients and families affected by these
devastating conditions.
Collaboration and
Partnership with NEALS
NEALS is committed to working with centers around the world to find
new treatments and therapies for neurodegenerative diseases. The
centers in Turkey are valued partners in this effort, and their work is
helping to build a brighter future for patients with these conditions.

Learn More
What's Next for NEALS in Turkey?
The NEALS-affiliated centers in Turkey are continuing to expand their research, collaborate with other
centers, and provide innovative care for patients. With ongoing support and funding, these centers
have the potential to make even greater strides in the fight against neurodegenerative diseases.

Research Clinical Care Partnerships

Continuing to explore new Expanding access to Collaborating with other
treatments and therapies specialized care and clinical NEALS-affiliated and related
through cutting-edge trials for patients. centers to share knowledge
research. and resources.
Improved patient
Investigating the biological screening and early Sharing data and research
processes underlying diagnosis. findings to accelerate
neurodegenerative Providing multidisciplinary progress.
diseases. and personalized care. Forming partnerships with
Developing new drug and Expanding clinical trial pharmaceutical
gene therapies. options for patients. companies to develop
new treatments.
Using innovative imaging
techniques to track Working with
disease progression.

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