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Monitor vital signs and administer

prescribed anxiolytics
COACHING WITH ICONS (April 26, 2023)
Claiming that RN MAY 2023 one take cutie
Anxiety Disorders: Psychopharmacotherapy

100% MAC Vi Et Animo 1. Anxiolytics- potentiates GABA

“Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received Benzodiazepines- Aprazolam (Xanax)
it, and it will be yours.” – Mark 11:24
o Take on short term basis because it
Anxiety Disorders: Types and Assessment
causes dependence
1. Specific phobia o Taper the dose gradually to avoid
 fearful or anxious about or convulsion, headache tremor, vomiting,
avoidant of objects or situations cramping, and sweating
2. Social Anxiety Disorder (social phobia) o No alcohol, no caffeine
 Fearful or anxious about or
Side effects:
avoidant of social interactions
and situations that involved the o Drowsiness
possibility of being scrutinized o Hypotension
3. Panic Disorder o Confusion
 Recurrent unexpected panic o Headache
attacks and is persistently o Incontinence
concerned or worried about
o Fatigue
having more panic attacks
o Decreased coordination
 Panic Attacks- abrupt surges of
o Depression
intense fear or discomfort that
reach a peak within minutes o Double vision
accompanies by physical and/or o Urinary retention
cognitive symptoms 2. Anti-depressant
 Can be expected or unexpected o A companion of anxiety is depression
 Ataraxia- complete absence of o An anxious client eventually becomes
anxiety (alcoholic and antisocial depressed because of the incapacitating
personality disorders) effect of anxiety

Intervention: General Nursing Measures Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders

1. Recognize the anxiety 1. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

2. Establish trust o Presence of obsession, compulsion or
3. Safety both causing dysfunction
4. Do not criticize coping mechanisms 2. Body Dysmorphic Disorders
5. Do not force to go to situations that o Preoccupation with perceived defects or
provoke anxiety flaws in physical appearance that are not
6. Environmental modification by setting observable or appear only slight to
limits or limiting interactions with others and by repetitive behaviors
others (mirror checking etc) or mental acts
7. Provide creative outlets ( comparing appearance to others ) in
8. Monitor for signs of impending response to the appearance concern
destructive behavior 3. Hoarding Disorder
9. Relaxation exercises
o Persistent difficulty discarding or paring o Dissociative symptoms- rather than
with possessions, regardless of their anxiety or fear-based
actual value, as a result of a strong 1. Reactive Attachment Disorder
perceived need to save the items and to o Absent or underdeveloped attachment
distress associated with discarding them between child and the caregiver
4. Trichotillomania (hair pulling o Depressive symptoms and withdrawn
disorder) behavior
o Recurrent pulling out of one’s hair o Evident before age 5 years
resulting in hair loss and repeated o Development age of atleast 9 months
attempts to decrease or stop hair pulling 2. Disinhibited Social Engagement
5. Excoriation (skin picking) disorder o Culturally inappropriate, overly familiar
o Recurrent picking of one’s skin resulting behavior with strangers
in skin lesions and repeated attempts to o Common etiology-social neglect
decrease or stop skin picking o Developmental age atleast 9 months
Analysis: Psychopathology 3. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

1. Biologic Bases Criteria A: Exposure- to actual or threatened

o Genetic transmission death, serious injury or sexual violence
o Serotonin dysregulation Criteria B: Intrusion symptoms beginning after
2. Psychodynamic Bases the traumatic event
o Anal phase- anal habit training- rigid
o Undoing- defense mechanism a) Intrusive- distressing memories of the
traumatic event are expressed
II. Obsessive Compulsive and Related b) Recurrent distressing dreams
Disorders c) Dissociative reactions (ex: flashbacks)
d) Intense or prolonged psychological
NANDA Nursing Diagnosis:
o Anxiety
Criteria C: Persistent Avoidance- stimuli
o Fear
associated with traumatic event
o Ineffective Coping
Criteria D: Negative Alteration in cognition
Key Nursing Interventions and mood associated with the traumatic event
1. Ensure that basic needs of food, rest, like inability to remember an important aspect of
and grooming are met the traumatic event
2. Provide time to perform rituals 4. Acute Stress Reaction
3. Explain expectations, routines and
changes Criteria:
4. Empathy
a) Intrusion symptoms
III. Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders b) Negative mood
c) Dissociative symptoms
o Individuals exposure to a traumatic or d) Avoidance symptoms
stressful event leads to psychological e) Arousal symptoms
distress like:
o Anhedonia and dysphoric symptoms Duration: 3 days to 1 month with dysfunctions
o Angry and aggressive symptoms 5. Adjustment Disorder
o Development of emotional or behavioral o Disruption of and/or discontinuity in the
symptoms in response to an identifiable normal integration of consciousness,
stressor occurring withing 3 months of memory, identity, emotion, perception,
onset of stressor body presentation, motor control and
o Presence of PTSD criteria A only behavior
(exposure) o Etiology: Frequently found in the
aftermath of trauma
Analysis: psychopathology
Analysis: Psychopathology
1. Biological Bases- genetic transmission
o Increased noradrenergic and o Pyschodynamic bases= repression =
dopaminergic system activity and dissociation (walling or splitting of
decreased serotonergic activity some areas of personality or extreme
2. Psychodynamic bases stress)
o Exposure to a traumatic event 1. Depersonalization/derealization
o Temperamental= dissociation disorder
o Clinically significant persistent or
NANDA Nursing Diagnosis: recurrent depersonalization and/or
o Ineffective Coping derealization with intact reality testing
o Selective (specific aspect of an event)
Key Nursing Interventions: o Generalized (identity and life history)
1. Be nonjudgmental and honest, empathy, 2. Dissociative amnesia
support, acknowledge any unfairness or o Inability to recall autobiographical
injustices related to trauma information that is inconsistent with
2. Help patients to recognize the normal forgetting
connections between trauma experience 3. Dissociative Identity Disorder
and their current feelings, behaviors and o Presence of two or more distinct
problems personalities states or an experience of
3. Encourage safe verbalization of feelings possession and recurrent episodes of
especially anger amnesia
4. Encourage adaptive coping strategies, NANDA Nursing Diagnoses:
5. Faciliatte progressive review of the o Sensory Perceptual Disturbances
trauma and its consequences o Sleep Pattern Disturbance
6. Encourage patient to establish or re- o Social Interaction Impaired
establish relationships o Social Isolation
Psychotherapeutic Strategy: o Altered Thought Process
o Violence potential for self-directed or
o Covert rehearsal directed to others
Psychopharmacotherapy: Key Nursing Interventions
o Anti-depressant 1. Trust and support
2. Rule out organic cause
3. Gather data regarding feelings, conflicts
IV. Dissociative Disorders or situations experienced prior to
amnesia or fugue
4. Safety
5. Treatment goal: Ultimately integrate the o Stressful life events, developmental-
personalities or memories, if possible so learning personality and socio-cultural
they can survive or coexist in the factors
original personality
Defense Mechanisms:
Psychopharmacotherapy: Prozac
o Repression
V. Somatic Symptom and related Disorders o Denial
Common Feature: the prominence of a somatic o Displacement
symptoms associated with significant distress or o Somatization
impairment NANDA Nursing Diagnosis
1. Somatic Symptoms Disorder o Pain, chronic
(somatization Disorder)
o Post-trauma response
o Excessive thoughts, feelings or behavior
o Powerlessness
related to the multiple, recurrent,
o Role performance altered
distressing somatic symptoms (usually
o Interrupted family process
pain) causing dysfunctions for more
than 6 months Key Nursing Interventions
o Doctors’ shopper
o Suicide risk o Matter-of-fact, caring approach for
2. Illness Anxiety Disorder physical symptoms
(Hypochondriasis) o Allow verbalization of feelings and ask
o Preoccupation with having or acquiring to describe feelings
a serious illness for at least 6 months o Assist with developing more appropriate
o Extensive worries about health no or ways to verbalize feelings and needs
minimal somatic symptoms o Positive reinforcement to increase non-
3. Conversion Disorder (functional complaining behavior. Set limits by
Neurological Symptoms Disorder) withdrawing attention from patients
o Altered voluntary motor or sensory when they focus on physical complaints
functions causing clinically significant V. Feeding and eating Disorders
o With disability to comparable medical o Persistent disturbance or eating related
disease behavior that results in the altered
4. Factitious Disorder consumption or absorption of food
o Falsification of physical or causing dysfunctions
psychological signs and symptoms or 1. Pica
induction of injury or disease associated o Eating of nonnutritive, non-food
with identified deception substance for more 1 month
2. Rumination Disorder
o Repeated regurgitation of food atleast 1
Analysis: Psychopathology month
3. Avoidant/restrictive food intake
1. Biological Basis= Genetic o Persistent failure to meet appropriate
2. Psychodynamic bases nutritional and/or energy needs
4. Anorexia Nervosa
o Persistent energy intake restrictions, 3. Low or high in appetite, weight loss,
intense fear of gaining weight or sexual libido
becoming fat or persistent behavior that 4. Hypersomnia or insomnia
interfered with weight gain and a
disturbance in self-perceived weight or
5. Bulimia Nervosa
o Recurrent episodes of binge eating and
inappropriate compensatory behaviors to
prevent weight gain
o Self-evaluation that is unduly influenced
by body shape and weight
o Bing eating and purge cycle at least
once a week for 3 months
o Common at night

Analysis: Pyschopathology
1. Biological: increased serotonin activity,
may lead to food restrictions
2. Sociocultural factors
3. Family Factors
4. Cognitive and Behavioral factors
5. Psychodynamics
o Regression to a prepubertal state,
attempt to reduce the control of an
overcontrolling maternal figure
Key Nursing Interventions
1. Monitor intake, output and activity
2. Weigh daily
3. Observe signs of purging
4. Plan for dietitian to meet with patients to
discuss information nutrition and
healthy diet
5. Monitor electrolyte status
6. Empathy

VI. Depressive Disorders

1. Major Depressive Disorder
1. Depressed Mood most of the day
2. Marked diminished interest or pleasure

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