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The pursuit of happiness is not devoid of the pursuit of money. Let’s begin by accepting
an honest fact - money is an exigency. Yes! Money is a necessity - some even go so far
as to call it a necessary evil. There are those who get it easy (or so we think), and there
are those who are blessed with lavish measures of fortune that are got by way of
inheritance. There are those who work hard - day in and day out, month after month,
year after year - just to make a meager sum of money, and there are those who make
liberal amounts of money in that same time or even less. No matter how much money
one makes and whichever way one sees it, it seems that the main aim in life is to make
money. Most people go out of their homes almost everyday to earn their living and
make money to support themselves and their families. There are some others who earn
their bread from home. Nobody gives their time and energy for free unless they are
getting something for it - and that ‘something’ is most often MONEY.

There are those who are happy and content with the money they earn - no matter how
little it is. These people believe that at the end of the day it is love, good relationships
and leading an honest life that counts. Money does not matter. It is just a commodity
that should be used to buy the basic necessities of life.

Nature intended for us to live happy and fulfilling lives. Money is an important part of our
lives. It keeps us happy, and all of us have a right to this happiness that it brings us.
Therefore, we can come to the conclusion that all of us have a right to be rich. The
Law of Attraction has been used by millions to enhance their monetary status. People
all over the world have made anywhere from a couple of thousands to millions just by
using the Law of Attraction.

If you are not happy with the amount of money you make; if you are in need of more
money; if you have piling debts to clear - you can make it all happen now!

You have a right to be rich. You have the ability to attract lavish loads of money. You
have the power to transform your money status to ‘rich’ starting from today!

Be aware of this fact of life - You have a right to riches and wealth. You have a right to
monetary freedom. You have what it takes to live a rich, debt-free life, and it all starts
with you!


If you have ever wondered why you are not rich, this is a good sign. It signifies that you
have not resigned to the fact that you are not rich because you cannot be rich.

The only thing that keeps you away from the money you desire is, yourself. Does
this sound contradictory - you want the money, and yet it is YOU who is preventing the
flow of money? Yes! As strange as it sounds, this is the truth.

It is your money beliefs that blocks the flow of money into your life.


Mammonism - the greedy pursuit of money. A word that does not make any sense when
it comes to the Law of Attraction.

Money is a commodity - a part of life, and we all want it. It can buy us almost anything
and everything that we need. We need money for our own personal needs, to support a
family and to lead the life we have always wanted. But for most of us, what we have is
not enough. We are in constant need of money. How much is enough? Is there a fine
line between need and greed?

According to the Law of Attraction, there is no limit to the amount of money we can
make - if we believe. When we use the Law of Attraction, we do not need to restrict
ourselves to believing in obtaining only a certain amount of money.


Does destiny play a role in the amount of money we make? A common belief is that we
can make only that much money that we are destined to make. This belief opposes the
Law of Attraction that states that we can make as much money as we want. This
negative belief can be likened to a wall that acts as a thick, unbreakable barrier standing
like a towering barricade between us on one side and unlimited and unrestricted flowing
sums of money, riches and wealth on the other side.

Your subconscious mind is filled with several such false beliefs. These NEGATIVE
beliefs are the prime cause for limited, scrimpy and insufficient funds of money that
trickle their way to you.

You can change this. You can transform this trickling of money into a lush stream of
wealth and riches gushing your way!

The Subconscious mind must be reprogrammed. If you are to make the kind of money
you dream and picture yourself owning, you must erase all negative beliefs.

Replace these negative beliefs with positive beliefs.


Belief and faith go hand in hand. When you believe, you will automatically have faith. If
you have faith, it signifies belief on your part. This is the perfect blend. This is how it
must be for the Law of Attraction to work in your favour. When you truly believe that all
the money that you wish for can be yours, you will send out corresponding vibrations
into the Universe. Eventually, it will be given to you.

When you are using the Law of Attraction to attract money, this belief and faith must not
waiver. This belief should not diminish or falter even if it takes weeks or months for your
monetary need to be fulfilled.


The Law of Attraction is one of the most misinterpreted laws. For most, the law of
attraction means that a deep desire to get what one needs is enough; that the law will
do the rest and send to you what is desired. But that is not how the Law Works.

Yes, it is important to have a very deep desire for the need; I is also very important to
harbour no negative feelings; It is also very critical to think positive thoughts and
reaffirm positive thinking as long as it takes for the need to be fulfilled. But this is just
half the story.

When all the above conditions are fulfilled, the Universe will send your way situations to
make sure your money need is fulfilled. Now, this is the most important part of it all: You
must be sensitive enough to recognize these situations that the Universe sends
your way. When one of these situations crops up, you must waste no time in grabbing
hold of the opportunity and acting on it.

Money doesn't grow on trees. We have been told this so many times. This is true - it
does not physically grow on trees - not even on the "money plant". You have to act on
the opportunities and the situations that the Universe sends your way. The Universe is
NOT going to deliver pot loads of money to your doorstep. You have to work for it. But
wait. When I say that you have to work for the money, I do not mean that you have to
slog your life away to obtain that money. The work that you have to do; the work that I
refer to is this: ACT on the situations that the Universe sends your way. GRAB the
opportunities she provides you with.


I sometimes wonder why people have such a negative attitude toward money. We all
benefit from money - it pays for everything! And yet, there are negative beliefs that have
been doing the rounds since time immemorable.

● Money is the root of all evil

● If you crave for money, you are greedy
● Be happy with the money you have - don’t crave for more
● If you crave for more money, you will lose what you have
● You have to work hard to become rich
● Save as much as you can for a rainy day
● Live within your means
● Only the rich and the famous can afford that lifestyle
● Don't waste your money on frivolous materialistic pleasures

These are only some of the negative money beliefs that have been imbibed in us since
we are children.


● There is no limit to the amount of money you can make

● You are in control of the amount of money you make
● You do not have to work extremely hard to make the kind of money you want
● The amount of money you make is not directly proportional to the amount of work
you put into it
● Once you understand the Law of Attraction, you can attract large sums of money
● Poverty and Riches are both brought about by OUR thoughts

It all starts with a desire - not a wish and not a hope, but a deep burning desire to
become rich. One must be obsessed with the idea for it to actually materialize.
For men (and women) who have made their fortune and riches, it all first started out as
a dream. A dream which transformed into a wish and then a hope. This eventually
turned into a DESIRE so well thought of and planned that it finally came about.

A desire so strong that you can actually see the money and imagine that it is already in
your possession. If you cannot see it in your mind, you will not see in in your bank. This
desire should never diminish. History is full of great men who made it big because they
pursued their desires.

Desire lots of money and believe that it is already yours - this is the first step to making
money by using the law of attraction.


Although our negative money beliefs date back to our childhood, it is not impossible to
get rid of them. However, getting rid of negative beliefs is not always easy and may take
several weeks or months for many people.

If your negative beliefs have been engraved very deep into your subconscious mind or if
these negative beliefs are the result of a great deal of pain, then it may take a much
longer time to get rid of these negative beliefs.


Negative beliefs and negative thinking must be removed. But when they are removed,
they must be replaced with something. This "something" is positive thinking and positive
beliefs. Erasing negative beliefs and replacing them with positive beliefs is serious work.
You must go about it diligently and with conviction. Keep at it every day, repeating the
positive thoughts several times a day. It is said that it takes approximately 40 days for a
negative thought to be replaced with a positive one. So patients is of utmost importance.

Do not Expect Immediate Results. You must understand that this entire process does
take time. Depending on where you come from and how you are programmed, it could
be weeks before you start seeing results. It takes at least 40 days to reprogram your
subconscious mind. If you set your expectations too high and you do not get the results
that you want, you will be setting yourself up for disappoint, disillusionment and despair.

So be fully aware of the fact that this will take time, and be patient.


Each step of this process is important in it's own way; And it is all these steps together
that make up the whole picture; and this is what brings money to you.
Miss a step, and you will surely miss the magic of attracting unlimited wealth to
yourself. Desire; faith; positive thinking; Repetitive affirmations; expectation and


The immense importance and the power of positive thinking cannot be stressed on
enough. When you think of thoughts that go like this: I believe in the Law of attraction,
but I do not see anything happening - you are sending out negative vibrations into the
universe. Instead say to yourself, the Law is working even as i am speaking just now, to
make me rich. The Law is working for me at this very moment.

Do not kill positivity with even an atom of negativity.


Now that you are aware of why you have not made money this far, the barriers you face
and of how you can overcome these barriers, it is time to take the next important step.
The money chalisa is a booklet that has been compiled with a lot of care by renowned
Mind Power Trainer, Mr. Arun Saraf. This booklet is based on loads of research done
on the main negative beliefs that surround money. Each of the negative beliefs is turned
into a positive thought in this booklet. It brings together 40 positive affirmations that will
get rid of all your negative beliefs.

This booklet promises you more money in your bank account after 40 days, than when
you started out. In fact, on the last page of the booklet, you can make a note of how
much money you have in your account. After 40 days you will have much more!

Forty days of positive affirmations that are repeated at least thrice a day. It takes no
more than ten minutes each time. Give yourself some time away from your other duties.
Ten minutes in the morning, afternoon and evening - that is just 30 minutes of time to
yourself, to concentrate and direct all your energy and focus on positive money

Begin your journey today. Start writing a new story of riches and unlimited wealth that
you have attracted your way with the money chalisa booklet and CD.
Real Life Experience
I am Sneha Tilak, a working professional and a home maker. I was facing a huge challenge of
paying installments on a flat I had booked. The installments were huge considering the fact that
I had not paid them for last 2years and the compounding rate of interest was very high making
the amount due seem like a big monster. With no hope of any source of income which could
help me pay the huge due amount I thought of selling away the flat. At this juncture I came
across MONEY CHALISA about 5 months back. I started reciting Money Chalisa diligently
twice a day - I would visualize each and every affirmation as if it was a reality. In about 15 days
of having started the exercise I received payment which I had considered to be a bad debt .
Further I got an assurance from the debtor that he would pay me the complete amount in the
next 3 months. I continued to recite MC with greater conviction and diligence. Over a period of
next 3months I received the complete amount which helped me pay the total due against my
flat. I am totally convinced in the power of MC to help us write a completely new financial
chapter of my life. I am continuing to do the MC twice day and have kept fresh , bigger financial
goals for myself.

Buy money Chalisa booklet and CD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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