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Automated Yoga Instructor

Submitted By:
Name Roll No Branch

Aditya Pandey R110219004 CSE+CCVT

Ananya Kumari Dayanand R110219012 CSE+CCVT

Anupam Kumari R110219022 CSE+CCVT

Yakshu Makkar R110219163 CSE+CCVT

Under the guidance of

Mr. Sandeep Pratap Singh
Assistant Professor

Department of Systemics

School of Computer Science


B. Tech CCVT, 7th Sem, Batch: 2019-23

Approved By

Mr. Sandeep Pratap Singh (Dr. Neelu J. Ahuja)

Project Guide Cluster Head

School of Computer Science
University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun

Synopsis Report (2021-22)

INDEX Topic Page no.

1 Project Title 3

2 Abstract 3

3 Introduction 3

4 Literature Review 3

5 Problem Statement 4

6 Objectives 4

7 Methodology 4

8 Flow Chart 5

9 Use-Case Diagram 6

10 Algorithms 6

11 Pert Chart 7

12 References 7

1. Project Title
Automated Yoga Instructor
2. Abstract
In today’s time when the whole world is under lockdown, many aspects of life have been affected, health
being one of them. Our project aims at providing people a one-stop for all their health needs in the comfort
of their homes. Web-development and Machine Learning have touched various aspects of the tech world.
Developers want to develop highly reliable and efficient projects in order to provide solutions to various
problems prevalent in today’s world. Our project is an automated yoga instructor that provides a game like
interface to the user. Anyone who wants to avoid going out can perform Yoga in the comfort of their homes
with our project. All they need is a laptop with a webcam. Along with the game like interface, it also
provides highly accurate guidance as well as classification which helps the user to identify whether or not
he/she is in the correct posture while performing the asana.

Keywords: Web-development, Machine Learning, Highly Efficient, Health aspect use Case, Accurate.

3. Introduction
With our project, you can learn about this wonderful practice called Yoga which will help you relax,
exercise and improve your health without having to go out! Web-development and Machine Learning have
touched various aspects of the tech-world. Developers want to develop highly reliable and efficient
projects in order to provide solutions to various problems prevalent in today’s world. Our project is called
is an automated yoga instructor that provides game like interface to the user. Anyone who wants to avoid
going out can perform Yoga in the comfort of their homes with our project. All they need is a laptop with a
webcam. Along with the game like interface, it also provides highly accurate guidance as well as
classification which helps the user to identify whether or not he/she is in the correct posture while
performing the asana.

4. Literature Review
• Past Work
In the past Pose Estimation has found value in several use cases. For example:
o Touch Type
An interactive type projection that utilizes simple body tracking from Pose net and the
Reynolds Flocking algorithm, use your hands to distort the type. Walk away from the
camera and watch the type disappear.
o Body, Movement, Language
AI Sketches With Bill T. Jones: Explore the intersections of art, technology, identity and the
body with this suite of Pose Net and voice experiments developed by Google Creative Lab
and pioneering choreographer, Tony Award winner and MacArthur Fellow, Bill T. Jones.
POEM PORTRAITS is an experimental, collective artwork, woven at the intersection of AI
and human creativity - combining poetry, design and machine learning - conceived by artist

and designer Es Devlin in collaboration with Google Arts Culture Lab and creative
technologist Ross Goodwin.

5. Problem Statement
You want to live a healthy life, but you don’t have much time for gym?
Today, many of us are busy in our lives and not much of us are really focusing on our mental
and physical health. Although it's something that should not follow with a second thought
but still some people complain that they do not get enough time to go to yoga classes or gym
and do not have access to good trainers. So, our project introduces them to a virtual trainer
or basically a model that will instruct them whether the pose is correct or not by real time
pose detection.

6. Objectives
● To provide the user all his/her Yoga needs at home without the need of any trainer/equipment.
● To provide an accurate result for the correctness of Yoga asanas based on the posenet model by
real-time human pose estimation.
● Sleek and ingenious UI that doesn’t intimidate the user, rather helps them to focus more.
● Completely hosted on the browser and requiring just your webcam.
● To make it highly available and fault tolerant, we will be hosting it on cloud.

7. Methodology

8. Flowchart.

9. Use-Case Diagram

10. Algorithms
• Algorithm 1 : Google OAuth 2.0
The Google OAuth 2.0 endpoint supports web server applications that use languages and
frameworks such as PHP, Java, Python, Ruby, and ASP.NET. The authorization sequence begins
when your application redirects a browser to a Google URL; the URL includes query parameters
that indicate the type of access being requested. Google handles the user authentication, session
selection, and user consent. The result is an authorization code, which the application can exchange
for an access token and a refresh token. The application should store the refresh token for future
use and use the access token to access a Google API. Once the access token expires, the application
uses the refresh token to obtain a new one.
• Algorithm 2 : Posenet model
We use the posenet model provided by the tensorflow.js library in order to perform pose
estimation by providing the input in the form of video processed by the web-cam. The posenet
model will be pre-trained on Yoga asanas and will accurately classify the pose made by the user if
he/she is in the correct posture along with a confidence score to indicate how close or far he/she
is from the actual pose. The posenet model is used for pose estimation and it provides the key
points of the subject in the form of an array consisting of x, y coordinates which are normalized and
fed to the ml5.js neural network in order to train it and take up the work of classification.

11. Pert Chart

12. References
[1] Posenet: Pose estimation model from tensorflow.js

[2] ml5.js is an open source, friendly high level interface to TensorFlow.js, a library for handling GPU-
accelerated mathematical operations and memory management for machine learning algorithms.

Github Link:

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