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~--Lt& 8I~ hFil iTIO N_ ANo

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JigbL :- It I s . a ftu m a£<f~1'.ua eI11J.6les_us to_s e_e.__ o 6Ju. ~ -

,.bo m _1,,vfuc.h Jt i.L · Fa~ e.:r.a.mple _)-t.he.__s_u11 ffVlS.. 6W_liJ.hL
.~ lJie ie.Eo~e._____cCYI____See----5LLn, . ~ . --
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r ~The_o;rg a6ouL tbe 'YJatWte o{ L'Jh t: :_lkre_ aJte. -&1a_thea.(.ies__ab.J;a1._ _
na..f~«-f.. ~ ~Af- __ -----
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·u -~h,hve.__1ne.o_lJ- a..t-4Jht __ _ _
.)U -/ruiue
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Tlte.MJ-4---1i<ft._____ _ ___

_ __ _ ..i.ALco~ J-"'lo wave-1.beoig -_li3nt_corisists et'-------""'-'U-1oLL.J---"'"<L~' --'I

,__ -- _ _-- ~ not rezwre__o. ma teK; a1_ ~.ilu::n _lox_ l.h..e~~pa 8ation. 7he wa uelei,J-ih
~ _____ ~ 4 EJ6--Jhs.liue___1Jb' waue_s_ j~~ 5maLLL.6eiJ1 -i i -1"'
Speed ~ 4f t -1.s.--116auL 20< wt w Ls i }'\ vocvu.J .I.J.C.. ----------1

lo PaiUcle lhea'IIJ- iiglit is C.0»1~~--1~ ~.,,,,,_._J.__J ~L.>...L.JL__ __ _---1

.lint aJ vei<J ~h 5f,te.d . ·]he ele1JJ. . . . . . . . u . , ~ ~.............- - - --f

n {),tt,'J al liJbt Cailtd

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5 o.5. Sb()l,Jn in f~urz.. _i,.Jhe11 o beam of 'ijfl/ Ao {a}Jj 01? _
II a '>11it,nr al l'oin t o O ,t sent balk 6;J H,,z min-o<Y &i iJ-J • _ •
~Point e aholhe~ di,eelion oB' fl.r,cl WI' can sag u,a111
t •ino~ ho.5 refle~l~ Hie_ b~a~ . ~ y~t fa llinJ ,, iC

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_' ~f~c ic~ 'l Rag ____ _
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ed.t,d is sent baL~~m:._EMJW-1.L_ _ _ _ ,
£i~sl law or Rt{leclion_ :- 1k_ t8.'f.J&:.'Nc-A (\((OKclit'J lo /he ( i&!J l lt1lv '1;
~e{lecfior, O{ uJht.) 7he incide~r. rail-> ~e( .,~ J am;I /ht nou1,aJ

ifaL #,e point 1 incicJenti oil lies in /Jie 5amt plol1 l•

-1~c.a.nd law of Reflec.lio~ ~- Acco!dinJ to -H,e second Law cJt 'lfC(lc(tio t-1

- -- ~JAf.._;__ .lJie_ it,~"~ ~°ff 1 ~®d~d ~ ai81e ~ i nc,dera. is a/.J.u'¥/J
lo _iM_ a,,e ~ iefieclio• . -

~ bjec..t o.lld -1.rnag? :- A'f!Jlfu"'J 1,..J/u(}I 8ives oui JjJhl IIo/js e(!Jiu ,'~ 01vn
1...------t1l-"').x__Je(te_d.£.d ~ 6-g il i.s calted ObJt:et· (g~ a rondle. J a 6ufb

1--- --
- tt==~~~ '. It i_s_ an opl./c.aJ o.j,J,ea¥@u jJ~od..LJced. wJte~ lrJh' Ko//.5
1-------1+--,_,_,_,_._·~ fKow 111'.'.I o6Je.d evte_ 4efJetted frarn a mi~ror o ~ 'l!e.flt!c ted

~ ~_ a._j.ms_ .

e._al Tmage__a__')-Jd_l/_~luaJ wa8§ - The image hJAid , ( Q >1 6e

o ®- _a_saee2:L. is_ _called. o ~eaJ ,~e . e.J #i e. i>n~tl.
o rieJ11LL bil.J.1 at,_ 5Gteu, Ls ;reCJ.J ;rn~e . t,..;heuas;1
1---------1-µ.LU--'·c...u .u.~dl Co."tl'ni:Yl be Cll)t.a,j_tJR.d on a _scree 11 i.5 c. ailed
1----------H--""----'£.""-U4.'-.\,,I_JmaJe, _A _llifftlU:iL ~ . e _ ca ri be EetYJ ont;J 6!/
----1-~~LJJ#-___._. .1..Jl___f:Jie. . .mi?~OL.__ _ ~- --~ .

__."-"''-he"' an ohJ ed ,· ~ plated i.n Front 'f-4

1 - - - ---H£...................~LLJ<.>,<><_u.~.......

.~ # J . ~ ~ ~ Dltjta afJperut JD.______ _

1 - - - -U--,!lli.lLl!!J:.....-Ul.ic;___u:..L.L .-...,,,;;;uu.c;___.i"ff----.l~'--'-U.«.- --J.......allJ~ di- .sitJt_.~_am
. ____
'I i ,..

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e i~e fo_r,ntd in p1ane mi~.ra.r is uitiuo.1 · 91 co11»d 6e.

- iece1·ved. o~ a 3urean-
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imaJe~n piaYte. v,inoi i_s utd· !':H i5 &tmie
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up ~bjet.b · ____ -- - - -
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.... make ti,em /(t)k . Ir,
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see. the veN11,s {./) o



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